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Read a thread about a fellow hobbyist who has a fuck-buddy. JEALOUS!.

Just wondering if I'm missing-out on the good life.


Does everyone here have a FWB/NSA type of thing going-on?

Am I just an ignorant slug with his head stuck up his slimy monopod?:icon_cry:


Just how the hell can I arrange one of these relationships? Is there a website or do I have to be intelligent AND attractive to find someone at Walmart?

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I highly doubt everyone on here has one, or why would we all be on here, lol!


I don't have one. I *have* had fuck buddies in the past, and the thing to keep it mind is a fuck buddy rides a very thin line into 'relationship'. They tend to start as easy sex, but then you start to sleep over... go for breakfast... text off and on... all of those things that make seeing escorts clean and simple, rather than dating. Many 'fuck buddy' relationships I've had have ended just as messy as relationships, because one, or both, of the people develop feelings toward one another.

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Guest S*rca****sid

I agree with Cleo, the FWB situation rarely lasts. It's best to keep it short and sweet or better yet, maybe find someone you want to spend time with.

I know... what a far-fetched idea.

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Guest realnicehat

I have several friends with benefits relationships. It just so happens that I pay for the benefits ;)

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Great thread topic, Jabba.


I've fantasized for years about this sort of arrangement, and in my idealized version of it, it works out perfectly for both sides. Well, it could work, but will probably be a short-lived situation that, as Cleo said so well, can end up messy in the end in a heady mix of emotions and evolving interests.


BTW, I wasn't insinuating in my comment that you were drinking, Cleo ;), but rather me being buzzed on the idea and being brought back to reality a little. Thank-you for that. Despite this, with the right partner, who knows, I would be intrigued, if it was a mutual interest and communication was open. The fantasy will not die, I guess, although lightning strikes twice in the same week are more likely.


I'll stick to my paid benefits for now and the foreseeable future.

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Guest *l**e

I've been in FWB type situations before, and I have to echo what the others have said. Almost every time someone's feelings got a little too caught up and then those feelings got hurt. Luckily, I'm a very easy going guy and tend to have at least a bit of skill handling difficult situations, so I managed to save the friendship in every case except one.


One lady just got in too deep and we were unable to continue as friends. That was really sad for me because I really did like her very much.


I think it's possible, but it is difficult and the risks are high.

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I've had a few hook ups lately that could have gone the FWB route, but I chose not to. I found after the second hook up, both times were followed up with texts that started getting too friendly. It starts out with 2 people looking for a sexual escape, but I don't think it could ever stay that way on a continuous basis. I choose not to find out what lies farther down that path.

Actually I think paying for the experience better defines things if you want something with no strings attached.

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The theory is always easier than the practice. Payment keeps things clear and simple, except when it doesn't.



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Guest webothscore

I have had and still do but it comes with truckloads of mental exhaustion. I feel quite shortchanged because even though I state my intentions with complete clarity, I don't receive the same honesty. Bottom line, sex changes things between people. Cerb is definitely a great place for periodic and specific fantasies and the elimination of game playing.

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Before I entered into this business, I would hook up with others. However, I found that they wanted more, would show up at my place without an invitation, and even jealousy if they found out I was seeing other FWB's. I didn't like it, and ended up going into the business instead. This way, I get my needs and wants met, but if I don't want to see someone, or want to do something else, I have that option.


I don't know of anyone who has managed to have a FWB or fuck buddy that remained that. Emotions evolve, and things change. I prefer this instead.

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One of those things that probably sounds like a great idea on paper, but in reality, when emotions get involved gets messy.

It sounds like one or both friends want to have on going one night stands with each other, saving them the hassle of going to a bar and picking up a stranger...which is more an anonymous encounter. But when you are friends who obviously like each other, now seeing each other intimately regularly, feelings in one or both are bound to develop

Well how I see it anyway


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I have several friends with benefits relationships. It just so happens that I pay for the benefits ;)


I have several friends with benefits relationships. It just so happens that I pay for the benefits ;)


Now Mr. Realnicehat .... you must clarify benefits....what are you paying for ?


Like fun benefits ? Like uncomplicated sex purrhaps ? Uncomplicated stress relief ....AKA orgasms for both parties hopefully...BOOM oh yeah baby ? Uncomplicated mutual spontaneous uninhibited crazy assed "let's fuck like the world is ending tomorrow" orgasmic sex ? Uncomplicated fun and laughter ? Uncomplicated cuddles ? Uncomplicated conversation......or uncomplicated dinner out and drinks ? Uncomplicated friendship perhaps ? Stuff like that ? The uncomplicated list of fun can be endless ?


Yeah Okay..... Now I understand what you are sayin :)


I joined Cerb 3 1/2 years ago. It was FREE !! Cerb wasn't free at all !!! haha But God Damn the best damn ride EVAR, friends and benefits abound, and I don't feel like I am outta the gate yet ! .............


Keep it simple. FWB doesn't work.


I suppose I could have said I just agreed with you :icon_eek: Silly me....

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Guest realnicehat
I dunno ? I was just being my usual off the wall self.


In a nutshell....Allllllll benefits are paid for at the end of the day.....Free fun FWB will work rarely....kudos to those that make it work ! been there in the past and not good....but like you I have many friends with benefits now.... from Cerb in my case....and uncomplicated fun lovin is the route of choice I HIGHLY recommend.


Sometimes my hands shouldn't type what I think as per my last entry there ;)


Ok, you caught me. I was talking about sexy times! I could never lie to you :icon_mrgreen:

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