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Dreams, Desires, Passions, Happiness and, of course, Love

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Guest c**io**m7

This is not a thread about hobbying...it is not a thread about providing...this is a thread about love as love can be quite tricky and comes in so many flavors...friend love, lover love, family love and, just straight up, true love.


Can dreams come true? Are all desires meant to be fulfilled? How passionate are we about wanting to make our dreams and desires come true? What is true happiness and, finally, is there a love out there that blows away what each of us has believed about love in the past, or in the present?


I know, it ain't cool for us guys to talk about some of this shit but, what the hell...as a passionate and sentimental guy, I truly don't care...I got nothing to hide about my personality.


First of all, what do we dream of? I don't care if male or female, deep inside, almost every single one of us dreams of this:


We have a deep passion to love and be loved. We dream of a love that is unlike no other. We desire a happiness that can overcome all sadness.


To really get into dreams, passion, desire and happiness, we first must look at love. WTF is it really? One of the questions I have always hated is "why do you love me?". What has really bugged me about this question is, that for my whole life, I have always been able to answer that question. (more on that later). Passion, what is it? How does it truly relate to the dream of wanting real love. We have all had passionate encounters with bed partners, lovers, significant others but, for how many of us does this passion extend past the bedroom and into our every day thoughts of the one we love?

What is true happiness? Is it money? Is it career? Or, is it real love? What is desire and do we desire the right things?


Back to love: I have always answered the "why do you love me" question with things like...you are caring, you are thoughtful, you are loving...bs...bs...bs...

I have come to believe that, if you can qualify it, it may be love but, it might not be the right kind of love. There are so many variations but, the love that is meant to be that "one" love, it can't be qualified, it just is.


Love is an emotion and real love cannot be explained.


Okay, so, you wonder...wtf is the point of this post? I am getting there...


For me, I have always passionately dreamt of a love that satisfies all desires and gives a happiness that cannot be explained. I have loved, I have lost and I have lived.


Several months ago I met someone. After a short time, and by short I mean minutes, I just knew inside that the lady standing before me was very special. I avoided her for several weeks following and, eventually gave in and phoned her again. I was surprised that she was not upset that I hadn't called her and was happy that she wished to see me again.


As mentioned, we all dream of love, in some shape or form. I have hit a crossroads, an epiphany of sorts. I wanted to believe in that dream but, it was lost to me...until now.


Her smile makes my heart skip a beat, her voice makes my heart race, her kiss gives me butterflies still and, when she says 'I love you', my heart stops for a brief moment. Why? I can't answer that. I don't have a reason, I can't tell you why I love her. I can't tell you why thoughts of her and time spent with her gives me a feeling of happiness that drowns all troubles. My phone beeps and I know it's a text...everything stops to take a brief look and read the "xo" or "good morning" that flashes across the screen. I won't discuss our sex life here but, I will say this...44 years of life, 27 since virginity lost; a very busy teenage and early 20s and, well, cerb only sees my recos...a very busy last couple years...I would trade all of it for only a couple hours of romantic intimacy with this beautiful lady.


In brief, I had lost faith and, when I least expected it, THE dream came true. Dream, desire, passion, happiness all collided to create that love emotion. There are obstacles, challenges and difficulties ahead but, I have never been more sure of anything in my life. Dreams can, and do, come true and I will ride that roller coaster of obstacles, challenges and difficulties until it comes to a rest in the station, our arms around each other.


My lady, I love you and I thank you for your patience, your love and your heart.



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