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what do you do when..?

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So, I've come down with the plague.. or maybe it's a cold - who knows? I'm not a doctor.

I've spent three days in bed with hot apple cider watching Dr Who. I had heard or the show before but being bed ridden and lazy I finally started watching it. Ive watched the first season and either the fever is getting wors eor the show is getting better, again, I'm not a doctor ;)



This has lead me to wonder - what do you do when you're sick? Are you good at being sick? I'm awful. I need cuddles and attention and chocolate constantly. lol




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Well.... i am a man so I act manly I.....

  • whine and ball like i am dying
  • I play it for all it's worth
  • I lay on the couch and watch TV
  • I don't go to the doctor
  • I make sure everyone knows I am sick
  • I wait till everyone leaves and then get up...get on computer... watch porn and troll on Cerb


But that may just be me.

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Speaking as one who left the house today for the first time since last Saturday; recovering from a nasty bug such as a common cold tends to force inactivity on oneself. I came down with a chest cold on Saturday and spent the next three days moaning my fate and hocking up lumps of key lime pie filling.


Between bouts of feeling sorry for myself, I caught up on some movies, surfed tumblr porn, masturbated and read many posts here on Cerb.

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So, I've come down with the plague.. or maybe it's a cold - who knows? I'm not a doctor.

I've spent three days in bed with hot apple cider watching Dr Who. I had heard or the show before but being bed ridden and lazy I finally started watching it. Ive watched the first season and either the fever is getting wors eor the show is getting better, again, I'm not a doctor ;)



This has lead me to wonder - what do you do when you're sick? Are you good at being sick? I'm awful. I need cuddles and attention and chocolate constantly. lol





;) Feel better Megan



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With me, I am not a big person who believes in working sick . As a wine lover and not ashamed of this I will admit I always step up to the plate and continue to enjoy all the Gods have laid out for us really and easily.


Peeps that love their wine, talk and enjoy, there is much a wine tour to experience

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I don't move from my couch, and stay wrapped up in a blanket marathoning teevee until I feel better. I've always taken care of myself, but lately I've been lucky enough to have a lovely blonde pussycat bring me cold meds and walk my dogs when I'm ill, and another lovely slim lady brought me soup when I wasn't feeling well a few months back. Damn... I should get sick again ;)

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Let me get this straight. When you get sick a lovely blonde brings you cold meds and takes care of you while another lovely slim lady brings you soup? Megan, can you give me some of your germs and Cleo can I come over after the germs take effect?


I don't move from my couch, and stay wrapped up in a blanket marathoning teevee until I feel better. I've always taken care of myself, but lately I've been lucky enough to have a lovely blonde pussycat bring me cold meds and walk my dogs when I'm ill, and another lovely slim lady brought me soup when I wasn't feeling well a few months back. Damn... I should get sick again ;)
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Lipton chicken noodle soup, drop in a couple eggs, stir...some Parmesan cheese, crackers. Ginger ale..movies.


If time to crash...double Crown Royal,an equal amount of very hot water, a lick of honey, and swallow at your leisure. Nite

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I am a total

Baby.. I cry.. I wine ... I pitch a tent on my couch ...

I make a mess with tissues..

I resort to disposable dishes to throw out anything infected

Except my xxl coffee mug.. tea and soup..


N I make someone walk my dog and bring me supplies

Of water n food..

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