belladonna 279 Report post Posted December 11, 2009 Hullo! I was curious to know how everyone came about to choose their nom de plume. This question is destined for both hobbyists and service providers. My alias, Belladonna, was an homage to Tolkien's The Hobbit; Belladonna Took was the mother of Bilbo Baggins. My last name, Black, comes from the Harry Potter series. Sirius Black being one of my favorite characters, as he reminds me of Tom Waits. ;P What about you? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andee 220524 Report post Posted December 11, 2009 Angela was a name I used way back when I started escorting in Calgary and I have been using it ever since. I chose the handle AngelaofOttawa to differentiate myself from the other Angelas on this board (such as Angela Aurora from Surrey). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
buggernot 588 Report post Posted December 11, 2009 Just randomly popped in my head one day as an alternate take on juggernaut, but not being a bugger. Sense that make not does. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malika Fantasy 144625 Report post Posted December 11, 2009 I have some morrocan background in my family and Malika is the arabic name for Princess and my grand father use to call me like that Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest W***ledi*Time Report post Posted December 11, 2009 My alias, Belladonna, was an homage to Tolkien's The Hobbit; Belladonna Took was the mother of Bilbo Baggins. My last name, Black, comes from the Harry Potter series. Sirius Black being one of my favorite characters, as he reminds me of Tom Waits ... ... I can see it Took Sirius thought to create your handle, Belladonna! (Sorry, feel free to slap me) (... please?) Excellent idea for a thread! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slurp 7020 Report post Posted December 11, 2009 As a lover of DATY, it was kind of natural ....... I've used this handle since the early 90s when I first got on the internet. On the old irc chat rooms, iphone (the original internet phone app, first girl I talked to was Jane from Pittsburgh who used me to get off and then hung up on me, I felt so used! LOL) and then on to several sex chat rooms, webcam chats and ultimately the local review boards. This handle has really travelled with me and seen lots of action of varied sorts. Served me well for over 15 years! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EmilyRushton 253380 Report post Posted December 11, 2009 This one was simple for me as emilyintoronto is my website, email and well handle also. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
raimes83 101 Report post Posted December 11, 2009 Raimes is a University nickname derived from my last name... 83 is my birth year. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
antlerman 17064 Report post Posted December 11, 2009 a type of horn..... man......well...I do believe I am a male..... so....horny guy....antlerman.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jabba 18389 Report post Posted December 11, 2009 I'm attracted to characters that are out of the ordinary, iconic and somewhat reprehensible. Just a reflection of my rebellious nature I guess and hopefully not of my outward appearance. :butt: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest M***ell***A Report post Posted December 11, 2009 I grew up on The Beatles and always loved the song "Michelle Ma Belle" and just always liked the name itself so when it came time to pick a stage name it was the first thing that came to mind... The MA part is for Massage Attendant so it just fit, not extremely creative but flows well... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
drlove 37204 Report post Posted December 11, 2009 Self explanatory! Lol...Ok, no... seriously - It's the name of an old KISS song from the 70's. I picked because I thought it sounded cool. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cowboy kenny 50799 Report post Posted December 11, 2009 My name is Kenny, I am a cowboy, therefore... Actually, neither statement is true and contrary to popular belief I am not a fan of motocross racing or the stunt rider of the same name. It's just a fun name to say and some might agree that I'm a fun guy (not fungi) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest f***2f*** Report post Posted December 11, 2009 My name is fun to say too!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotchJohnson 214242 Report post Posted December 11, 2009 When I was a kid I always liked to show my guns(biceps) and I called them thunder and lightning( right and left arm that is ) and I could not use that for a handle therefor the only time you can see that is during a thunderstorm and I have decided to shorten it a bit this is where my handle was created. So from now on you can hear about me often in the summer time. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ekimout 188 Report post Posted December 11, 2009 Great thread! Mine is a combination of "eke out" and "seek out" - eke/seek them out. To find all those beautiful hidden SP gems out there. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dt5494 290 Report post Posted December 11, 2009 Took the name gmail gave me for my email and voila...keeps it simple. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cowboy kenny 50799 Report post Posted December 11, 2009 My name is fun to say too!!! Every time I get one I think of you.... hang on what ? ! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
canuckhooker 19204 Report post Posted December 11, 2009 :grin:When I joined CERB, I just used a handle I had used elsewhere never anticipating that I was not going to do anything more than lurk. As Burns said, "The best-laid plans o' mice an' men; Gang aft a-gley,". I couldn't keep my damn mouth shut, started posting and now I have had to go and erase the handle from all my other online uses so as not to link to here. :P Anyway, Canuck because I am Canadian of course, and Hooker because that is the position I play in rugby. Sorry to disappoint all those chaps who don't read my profile and PM me asking what the cost is for a half-hour. And no, I don't swallow. :roll: The funny thing is a couple of my favourite SPs and MAs first contacted me thinking I was another SP. I guess I should have thought it out first, but too late now. However, in some of these cases it worked out very well.:grin: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
whatsup 11893 Report post Posted December 11, 2009 My chosen handle is based on whatsup or should I say what does comes up :-) when I meet a lovely provider. The effect the gals have one. :mrgreen: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted December 11, 2009 I love the lord of the rings. I have been meaning to read the books. As to Harry potter. I don't like it as much. When I learned the the author came from a poor background and did so well for herself. It changed my mind. Very interesting. I love fantasy stuff. My favorite game is w.o.w. you should give it a try. I love to play with friends. Or you could even play lord of the rings. It's not as good, tho. Well I picked Peachy for cerb because everyone else had a cute nick name. I kept my name Valerie from the first agency. Since I always replied I'm just Peachy. When someone would ask me how I was doing. I thought it was appropriate for cerb. I got a review with Peachy in it and it just stuck with me. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
geo007 203 Report post Posted December 11, 2009 I had to think about a handle and it didn't come easily. The first part Geo is part of my name of course. I added on 007 because the games we play on cerb and in the SP world made me think of James Bond 007 who always gets to play with the most beautiful ladies. :sm185: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rick_falcon 911 Report post Posted December 11, 2009 If I would become a famous porn star, my name would have been Rick Falcon. It just sounds so good... Plus, it could very well be my real name! :-) So I decided to stick with that name. I also use it in strip clubs when ladies ask my name. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest W***ledi*Time Report post Posted December 11, 2009 I named myself after the children's book "A Wrinkle in Time" by Madeleine L'Engle. In this novel, the fictional protagonists transport themselves through the universe by means of tessering, a phenomenon that is essentially explained as folding (or wrinkling) the fabric of space-time. This wrinkling creates a fifth-dimensional shortcut or juxtaposition, thereby allowing quick travel between two otherwise remote areas of the space-time continuum. (So, wrinkling is closely related to the science-fictional concepts of the wormhole, jump drive, hyperdrive, warping, teleportation, the Holzman Effect, etc.) Why is some fictional space-time portal relevant to this hobby? Well ... every time I am priveleged to step through a special lady's door, and into the magical world that lies within, a specific feeling comes over me. I always feel like her world is so wonderfully and impossibly remote from the usual (four-dimensional) territory of my hum-drum everyday life, that something like fifth-dimensional travel can be the only possible explanation for my being able to arrive there so easily. Surely no regular door could separate two such extraordinarily contrasting worlds! Therefore, using L'Engle's terminology, I must have Wrinkled in Time. Happily (or unhappily, as the case may be), the more matter-of-fact interpretation of my handle also works perfectly well. As conventional time passes, I find I am indeed becoming progressively wrinkled in the usual three dimensions of bodily space. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cato 160314 Report post Posted December 11, 2009 Great idea for a thread, belladonna! Cato was an austere Roman, who criticized the decadent morality of his times. I became Cato on funinaustralia. com, my first board, and the name emigrated with me. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites