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Guest realnicehat
Well having only been on here for a couple of weeks I am not familiar with you but it seem like a well rounded community and I like it. if there is one thing I do know however, Written communication is one of the worst forms of communication for the simple reason that when you read someone's post you read it with your own emotions and not those of the writer. I have seen more friendships blow up because of this fact. My Rule of thumb is never take anything personally unless its face to face.




This is excellent advice and we've all probably experienced it more than a few times. However, I think WBS's situation is different in that he is not the victim of a misunderstanding. This board, as positive as it is supposed to be, can generate a lot of negative emotions depending on ones point of view. I think any long time member will be able to recall a moment where he or she thought "holy shit, am I really this angry about a post on a chat board?". If WBS has reached the point where this place is more frustrating than fun then he is making the right decision.

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I'm going to take a different tack here.


Don't let the door hit you in the ass. This is the internet and if your skin is so thin you have to take your ball and go home after one rough thread, you should stay off of computers. Hell, that thread wasn't even that bad. Yeah, you were a bit of a prick and got called on it but damn son, someone can get flamed pretty damn hard around here when they get out of line and you got off easy.


3 encounters in 8 months means the ladies aren't really gonna miss you. You're not a major revenue source and they don't know you well enough to have a real opinion about you. You don't want to be here any more? Well then just stop posting and disappear. Don't start a pity-party thread looking for us to beg you to come back.


Either that or go out like a real man and start a massive flame war and get yourself banned. Then you can really tell people what you think. Like Neil Young said, "It's better to burn out than to fade away."


(JK Mod...not trying to incite a riot. ;-))

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Guest *Ste***cque**

That's a bit harsh, Eric. Besides, I think WBS had more than one rough thread LOL. He liked to challenge peoples perspectives. That can be helpful sometimes.

If this place isn't working for you, you should be able to leave on good terms.

All the best, WBS.

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That's a bit harsh, Eric. Besides, I think WBS had more than one rough thread LOL. He liked to challenge peoples perspectives.


Exactly my point. If you want to challenge peoples perspectives then you better be able to take a bit of heat. I posted a prickish reply here and I expect a few people aren't going to like it but I knew that when I wrote it and I accept the consequences.


The reason for my harshness is that I don't see a purpose for making a production about leaving. If there were some people he was close to then he can PM them and say bye but I question the motivation for starting such a thread in public.


What is he trying to say? "You people are mean and I'm leaving -pout-". It seems designed to elicit some sort of reaction, to manipulate opinion in some way. Is he looking for some form of affirmation or for people to beg him to stay? I don't know but it sounds more like something you'd hear from small children in a playground than something posted in a forum for adults.

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Guest *Ste***cque**

Yeah, I understand what you're saying but why bother questioning his motives? It's fruitless, just let him go... and if you can, wish him well.

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You're right. I'm just being being a grumpy cat.



Apparently I'm in a mood today. Alright then WBS, vaya con Dios. One of the things I love about this place is I'm sure you'd be welcomed back if you ever changed your mind.

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What is he trying to say? "You people are mean and I'm leaving -pout-".

I actually don't see it that way at all. I do agree that on occasion some others have posted "Goodbye, cruel world! I shall post no more!" messages that are brimming with self-pity. (And then some come back nevertheless.) WBS' post didn't strike me that way.


Instead, he expressed surprise at himself, and some regret, but most importantly a resulting change to his feeling about his relationship with the community and the board. I almost never have a problem with a genuine feeling honestly expressed. And posting "that's all, folks" is cool if the poster has something to share about the experience, or simply to inform people so they don't wonder where X has gone down the road -- provided they really are just putting a period at the end of their tenure, and not a comma, if you know what I mean.


That said: best wishes WBS. Oddly enough, it wasn't 'til I read this thread that I understood your user name to be We Both Score. For some reason I'd read it as WebO'Th'Score ("Web Of The Score") and always wondered. Geez. Time for new eyeballs, or the parts they attach to anyway...!


Take care.

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