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Christmas gift dos and don'ts

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I've learned the hard way over the years what are bad Christmas gift ideas for girlfriend (or SO):


  • $100 as a gift card is ok, $100 in cash is bad
  • any appliance or kitchen implement - even if she specifically asked for it
  • any cleaning item - even if she specifically asked for it
  • clothes - you will never get the size right, even if you buy something identical to what she already has in another colour and bring that item to the store to have a female sales associate confirm the size correct -- the one she has is too big or too small.
  • Diet or fitness products - 'nuff said
  • Tickets to sporting events
  • Perfume - see "clothes" above
  • Anything that resembles something her mother has
  • Cosmetics (especially wrinkle cream)
  • A gift you've already given - we men have horrible memories, I keep a "gift book" and write down what I've given for birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, etc.
  • A bowling ball with "Homer" on it:homer_bowling_ball.png

Any thoughts on good gift ideas or other things to be avoided?

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A Christmas do-give yourself a gift of a visit to a sexy sp, your penis will thank you;)

A Christmas don't-gift cards-I think these are for the lazy and lack imagination. There are many things one can give or make. A nice homemade gift shows care and thought or a donation to a charity is always nice and benefits more than just the receiver.

I think it's said a gift is something you give that the receiver wants and a present is something you want the receiver to have. Whatever it is put some thought into and it'll be appreciated:) Happy shopping.

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I love gifts. Tools (yes tools), clothing, spa gift certificates, Jewlery, things I wouldn't buy for myself. I always include the receipt with the gift, so if they don't want it, they can always return it and get something they want. Most stores will give a non-price receipt if you ask. I love getting gift certificates to stores I love - that way I can hit the boxing day sales too.


I'm a believer of asking what they want. This way, they can at least let you know. Anyone who gives grief over a gift is in my opinion not cool.


I once got a hot wax machine that you put your hands into. The idea of putting my hands into hot wax - um, no. However, the giver was really proud she had found this for me, so even though the gift was not something I would use, her happiness was what made the gift something I appreciated.

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my partner is strongly hinting about a kitchen appliance she wants. I think i smell a trap!!!



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my partner is strongly hinting about a kitchen appliance she wants. I think i smell a trap!!!




If its a household improvement item, get it as the Christmas special, but that is still not "her gift".

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Most stores will give a non-price receipt if you ask


Great thoughts so far everyone!


I have a few problems with the non-price receipts:

-When the gift is exchanged, the recipient doesn't know how much credit they have and may substantially under or over-spend.

- Some stores unfortunately will do an even-trade on an exchange for a replacement item of lesser value -- a loss for you and the recipient, a gain for the store.

-Some stores are sneaky and will only credit the current after-Christmas sale price when a gift receipt is used.


But, gift receipts are better than having something tossed in a dark closet never to see the light of day again.

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Christmas gift do...Do give a Christmas gift

Christmas gift don't...don't forget

Certain items are obvious don'ts...scale, vacuum cleaner, and so on

Some kitchen appliance might be ok...for instance I know a few women at work wanting a Keurig coffee maker and were happy when their husbands bought them one for Christmas.

Cosmetics are personal, but ladies (at least in my experience in this lifestyle) like gift cards to Sephoria.

But if you and your partner are close and communicate you should have an idea of what she will like as a gift

Most of all, as cliché as it sounds, when you receive a gift, it's the thought that counts...the flip side, when you are gift giving to your SO, put a little thought into the gift.

A rambling


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I tend to get off the wall gifts. Things I know the recipient would love but never justify buying it for themselves.


For example, years ago my mom mentioned, in a short conversation, that she loved stained glass. I bought her a kit to make her own creations. Eight years later, she is an accomplished master of this art.


Taking note of minute details in seemingly meaningless conversations can often uncover wonderful and thoughtful gift ideas!

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In my experience gifts need to be personal... they have to say that you understand her... that you heard what she likes and you know what makes her tick. Earlier post have hinted at staying away from clothes and cosmetics... force personally I love picking out clothes for people I care about... if you can get it right... it will be very appreciated.


Jewelry is seldom wrong but it too needs to match the person...


I enjoy giving gifts...and am pretty good at getting it right I think

Edited by Ice4fun
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Two things I know:


As a kid, one of the worst presents you could get me was a pair of thick cozy socks.


As an adult, one of the best presents you could get me is a pair of thick cozy socks.

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