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Environmentally Friendly Wind-Up Vibrator

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Guest W***ledi*Time

An Irish company has produced the "Earth Angel", a wind-up vibrator. They claim it is the world's first-ever "green technology sex toy". It is 20 cm long, has a "sleek white finish", and comes with a handle built into the bottom.

"You just flip out the handle, grab a hold of it there, and you just wind it," said Janice O'Connor, the co-founder with her husband Chris, of Caden Enterprises which makes the gadget.


"So for four minutes of doing that, you should generate enough power to give you 30 minutes of full-on, right-to-the top vibrations," ...


She added: "I've only used it a couple of times, and it's fantastic. It's very intense, and sometimes, at the top level, depending on the person that's using it, it can actually be too intense sometimes. "That's why we have four different levels on it."


The vibrator is made of 100 percent recyclable materials and the couple hope it will encourage sex toy fans around the globe to do their bit for the environment ....


Chris O'Connor is the brains behind the power-storing technology that he said could be applied to any small power device, such as electric toothbrushes.

Full report by Jurgen Hecker for Agence France-Presse:




Manufacturer's website:





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Novel concept...but who wants to work for 4 mins when they really need to get off ;) Might get frustrated and put that energy to plain old manual masturbation.


Makes me think of the spray on condom - it works but it takes like 2 minutes to dry. That's a lifetime for some erections...

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Guest W***ledi*Time
  buggernot said:
Novel concept...but who wants to work for 4 mins when they really need to get off ;) Might get frustrated and put that energy to plain old manual masturbation.


Makes me think of the spray on condom - it works but it takes like 2 minutes to dry. That's a lifetime for some erections...


ha ha ... good point BN ... the literature says that the vibrator stores any unused power ... so it sounds like the best idea would be to plan ahead, and wind the thing up well before one gets all hot and bothered ... just like you would generally make sure you recharge your batteries before the red-hot moment that you actually need to use them ...

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interesting....they make a waind up model...I wonder if they also make a bettery model that looks the same.................:roll:

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