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Nathalie Lefebvre and Savannah Lane

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Well an unplanned but amazing and funnnnn duo extraordinaire !!!!!


I had been in contact with Nat for quite some time now and decided this trip maybe we could make something work. So a dinner date became a plan. Yay ! Eat first then play nekkid ? Play nekkid and have dessert first then go eat ? or play first then order in and eat nekkid and then have desert ? haha Decisions decisions damnitt !!! But we eventually made a plan.


I have also been chit chattering with Savannah for awhile now too... I had planned on seeing her before she was off to the airport to head back home. She is from Newfoundland so we were having trouble setting up an exact time because of that 30 minute difference in NFLD ;) Anyhoooooo we came up with a plan.


Okey Dokey then. We're good then. Nope. These two shexies in the meantime got acquainted from afar. Then got acquainted. Then got acquainted nekkid.


Lee then thinks.....Holy fuck that's pretty hot...tad bit of a coincidence but anyhooo no need for too much thought here lets all play nekkid at my place then. Ok and Ok. and OK !!


Sooooo over comes Nathalie and after a little visit ....out for a very very nice dinner Nat and I go and had a wonderful time. Wine, appies, great meal, great conversation and had a blast. Truly amazing company :) Then back to my suite we go. What to do ? What to do ? DESERT !!!


Nathalie is amazing. and when the clothes came off she is also amazing Grrrr baby grrrrr.... We or me I should say was having "desert" when "knock knock...Hiiiii" and in walked a gorgeous lady ! Wowzers how lucky am I me thinks.


Savannah was promptly informed that she was one orgasm behind in the game ;) I did my best to make that all even in the end :))))) Ya right like they keep score in heaven. Savannah is beautiful, fun, bright, and sexy as hell...and has a look in her eyes that lock your eyes up and by god you focus on her eyes !!! And the look !!


What happened from there on was a very very fun, very HOT and very very interactive experience that I will never forget.


Following some very fun sexcapades we just layed in each others arms for a long period and chatted and just enjoyed the moment. Life is good !! Two amazing ladies, bright and vibrant and lovin life.


Given the opportunity guys when Savannah comes to town. Go meet these two amazing ladies :)


Thx girls !



Meet Nathalie




Meet Savannah



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