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Google Chrome Incognito Hack

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Google Chrome incognito mode for browsing is a very convenient feature that automatically clears your browsing data, thus when you close the browser there will be no trail of your online activities


This easy to do hack will start up Google Chrome in the incognito mode for you.



To create this feature in Windows


1- I created a Google Chrome shortcut in quick launch toolbar, My preference, but you could have a desktop SC.


2- Right click on the shortcut and select ?Properties?.


3- On the ?Target? field add ?incognito to the end of program path and press Apply. (Note: Make sure there is a space between the last apostrophe and the dash)




4- Your incognito browser is now ready for launch.



I have no knowledge of Mac but the same feature can be created by following these steps.


1.Set google.com as your home page


2.Open Apple Script Editor and copy paste the script:


tell application "Google Chrome"


end tell


tell application "System Events"

tell process "Google Chrome"

tell menu bar 1

tell menu bar item "File"

tell menu "File"

click menu item "New Incognito Window"

end tell

end tell


tell menu bar item "Window"

tell menu "Window"

click menu item "Google"

end tell

end tell


tell menu bar item "File"

tell menu "File"

click menu item "Close Window"

end tell

end tell


end tell

end tell

end tell


3. Compile and Save, You?re done.


I would be interested in hearing how it worked for the Mac users.

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I'm running Vista - for me there are no quotation marks in the target field, and I need to have two dashes for this to work. So like this:


...\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe --incognito


" --incognito" (note the space before the first dash) after ".exe"

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