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What would you do if...

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I watched eyes wide shut for the umpteenth time, and I was wondering... what would you do if an sp overdosed during an outcall?

You're not allowed to use Pulp Fiction, Boogie Nights or any other drug related movie as a reference haha.


You're not allowed to say "I'd call 911"


Most original answer wins a PRIZE!


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Personally... I don't think this is a good question or a positive thread to have on this site. :confused:


It adds fire to the very WRONG stereotype that SP's all use chemical drugs and that this is something people should think would happen on a call.


I don't really want to help reinforce a stereotype like that. I want to educate people and show them that this part of the industry is nothing like the stereotypes.


When you group all the sex workers together I bet the statistics are slightly higher in this industry but you will find people with substance abuse issues in any profession.


Also the public really only sees the streetwalkers and many as we all know do have substance abuse issues (and is often the reason they are working the streets) and that is probably where the majority of these stereotypes come from.


The SP's we all know (The escorts) especially the ones online promoting themselves and participating on sites like this are forever fighting these stereotypes. Sure some smoke pot, some enjoy wine and other beverages a little more than they should but that is no different then the general public averages and does not deserve these stereotypes!


Does anyone agree with me here? Not appropriate? Should we remove threads like this or let them go? (Yes, I am looking for your feedback - after all it's all of our community here)

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The SP's we all know (The escorts) especially the ones online promoting themselves and participating on sites like this are forever fighting these stereotypes. Sure some smoke pot, some enjoy wine and other beverages a little more than they should but that is no different then the general public averages and does not deserve these stereotypes!


Does anyone agree with me here? Not appropriate? Should we remove threads like this or let them go? (Yes, I am looking for your feedback - after all it's all of our community here)


I understand that the question was meant to be harmless post by the OP but I kinda have to side with mod here that we shouldn't encourage this stereotype that obviously portrayed by the mostpart by the media.


generally I'd say more but I think I'd just be repeating what mod said. Lets keep the stereotypes where they belong....hollywood, not cerb :-)

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After you get past the humour aspect of this question, it becomes a very serious question. Turn the question around and ask "What would you do (an SP) if a client passed out or had a heart attack on a call", very different scenarios depending if it was an incall or outcall?


I have seen a regular girl for awhile and i have a heart condition & I fool with her feigning a heart attack & she gets pissed off, we laugh, she says get serious and we move on, however,..................................


Think about it!


The question could have been asked in a different manner.

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Guest S***e

I'd assess her level of consciousness, her breathing and her heartbeat for presence and would call for immediate assistance and would administer CPR as need be until qualified medical help arrived or if breathing and her heart is strong and regular, place her in the recovey position. Hopefully, she wouldn't vomit and aspirate. I would do the same for anyone in immediate medical distress regardless of profession. She is, of course, someone's daughter after all. I've answered this question in an honest and sincere fashion. I don't know whether the question is "inappropriate" as such; it is, however, food for thought and is a situation I would not like to encounter, but I suppose it could happen. Some people take drugs and some don't. Its a simple fact of life. Personally, I do not take drugs of any sort and I prefer the company of others who are of a like mind.

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Any response I make here to the original question will get me booted off the site so I must refrain. So I sent a pm instead ;)


But what I tell all the girls that visit if I have a heart attack - just leave. Take my car if you have to. If you want to call an ambo, use my cell. Don't feel obligated to stick around though, way too much drama!

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I just like movies...

and I couldn't find any interesting threads to participate in... sorry... I guess I'll keep my film critiques to myself.


I've always been told I had a strange sense of humor, and not many people seem to understand it ;)

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Guest S***e

Glad to see that you have sense of humour be it strange or otherwise. I think I probably would have viewed this differently had we been speaking about it in person after having seen the movies in question. I'm a bit warped from time to time in my levels of humour which has more often than not landed me in the dog house.



I just like movies...

and I couldn't find any interesting threads to participate in... sorry... I guess I'll keep my film critiques to myself.


I've always been told I had a strange sense of humor, and not many people seem to understand it ;)

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Guest fl***gfi***rs

No worries Bell - I too have a strange sense of humour - so strange that I would not reply to this intriguing thread and risk being kicked off the ranch!

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Hopefully this never happens to anyone, sp or client. But it sure could cause a lot of issues. This is the last thing i think about when you want to get your freak on :-).

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Hi Belledonna:


I`d induce vomitting, not origional but it will work. I would stay with her not let her sleep and walk with her until the danger is past. Then drive her home or to the hospital as she wishes.


Hope I am the winner.


Enjoy your day,


Bogy53 XOXO

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I would not even allow myself to get involved with someone who can potentially overdose during a call. If I now meet up with someone who is intoxicated, I walk away at her loss. On separate occasions last summer I met up with two courtesans, one had smoked a little weed and the other was on serious prescriptions. At the start, they both were appeared fairly lucid and while the session did not turn out bad, it was not as enjoyable as it could have been. Do not get me wrong, I enjoy a good drink with friends. When it comes to sex, alcohol and drugs helped when I was twenty, at fifty it's now a hindrance.


My experiences last summer have simply made my selection criteria even more stringent when choosing who I meet. Life is too short and complicated to have to deal with someone who chooses to overdose.


I can appreciate Belladonna's sense of humour as I find that movies can sometimes intertwine serious situations with absurdity to make dealing with serious topics more palatable to the masses. Unfortunately it can also diminish the seriousness of the topic when it is reality.


In the end, I have said it before in another thread and I will say it again, "Don't care what anyone says, alcohol dulls the senses. Sex is about experiencing erotic pleasures of the mind and body. I for one would want to enjoy to the fullest extent every thought, word, touch, suck, nibble and lick."


When meeting courtesans, I prefer to spend my time to be and be with someone who is drug and alcohol free, but then that is who I am.

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I realize you meant the question in jest, but seriously, if someone has overdosed (for real) the only logical and humane thing to do would be of course to call 911. As someone who has been with a client who did overdose on crack, I can tell you, it was not something I would not want to repeat - so maybe the MOD is right, humour or not, perhaps not in best taste...especially when you say don't administer anything to help or call for help...like what..leave them to die? Not everyone dies from an overdose, but how do you know that when they hit the deck?


I am not so much offended by the inference to an SP doing drugs, as anyone, client or SP overdosing period which in my 40 some years I have been witness to more than once.

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"Mainstream" still sees escorts, courtesans and performers in a negative context, without trying to understand that not everyone involved in this lifestyle does not fit the stereotypical mold.


Most responsible hobbyists will not take advantage of anyone, let alone not call 911 if someone falls over, whatever the reason.


Without knowing the sense of humor of the original poster and to answer mod's question, I think this kind of topic likely would detract from the positive environment and positive culture CERB tries to achieve. On a regular basis we see threads/rants about rude clients, no shows, disrespect etc...all things which all responsible members are faced with. The last thing we need is to somehow give an impression of condoning dates under influence (applies to both client and provider).


Just my two cents based on mod's question for feedback.

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