c***y 181 Report post Posted January 7, 2010 I never thought a Lady called you unless asked? As for a hobby phone i went gangbusters at first but now i am slowing down. I may have i date every three or four weeks now. Not much sense in a phone for that. I think most of the Ladies on CERB would be of the same opinion of the Ladies that have commented so far. I am so far back in the stone ages i don't even text ! People look at me like i have three heads when i tell them that...... lol Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *o****ea****t Report post Posted January 7, 2010 maybe i'm a bit slow on the uptake steve & i'm not entirely certain what you mean but the pattern i see is that most of the ladies on cerb are professional in the way they conduct their business. i have not been a great contributor to the posting world but have read many & this is the impression that i get. it has also been true in the few experiences i have had with sps. i have also done the same thing as todosj even though i am in the same situation as bucky. don't really know why but i guess just in case things changed for me personally. i think discretion is a huge part of the sp/client relationship both ways. before i ostracize the sp in question i'd first want to know if she makes a habit of this sort of thing or if it was an error in judgement, moment of weakness sorta thing. its happened to us all & we've had regrets afterwards. unfortunately this could have had very damaging effects in many ways. maybe she thought she was contacting someone else & it was a case of mistaken identity (hit the wrong steve contact) or thought your personal situation was different. maybe her situation dictated "desperate times call for desperate measures" and i'm not condoning the text but shit happens. i don't know i'm just sayin. i don't really agree with calling her stupid. she did a stupid thing but that doesn't necessarily make her stupid just unprofessional imo. i guess in the hobbying world we are all taking risks on some level. i think as individuals we have to assess any potential fallout from these risks and take the precautions that we feel are necessary to prevent them. tigers situation is a perfect example of how bad things can go & how ugly it is going to get. and kih hit the nail on the head by saying you can't control the discretion (actions) of others. if it is a habit with this sp consider it a lesson learned, change phones, never contact her again, be more selective when choosing a sp & let them know up front what your situation is & that you don't want to be stored in their contact list. a hobby phone is a great alternative even though it shouldn't be necessary. better safe than sorry. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hunknhot 1067 Report post Posted January 7, 2010 Hobby phones can also be an issue. Would be best if the professional lines are followed. We also need to be more 'discreet' by taking on more cautious behaviours such as turing off text alert sounds, and ringer etc. Either way, always a risk but the SP should have been more discreet. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PistolPete 61421 Report post Posted January 7, 2010 Think of this for a moment, prior to the days of the cell phone, where did the call from when calling a service provider....... oh ya:rolleyes: slide the dime or quarter (pending on what age group you are in) into the pay phone, because you were not using your home land line. Now today with great technology we can screen calls,have blocked ID, text messaging,hands free. My point is you would not call back the guy at the pay phone because he is not fucking there, so why call him on his cell, unless he said it was cool to do so.:cool: 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *o****ea****t Report post Posted January 7, 2010 Think of this for a moment, prior to the days of the cell phone, where did the call from when calling a service provider.......oh ya:rolleyes: slide the dime or quarter (pending on what age group you are in) into the pay phone, because you were not using your home land line. Now today with great technology we can screen calls,have blocked ID, text messaging,hands free. My point is you would not call back the guy at the pay phone because he is not fucking there, so why call him on his cell, unless he said it was cool to do so.:cool: oh the good ol days eh PP. the times they are a changin and as technology evolves we have to adapt & evolve with it. i hear what you're saying but privacy is not what it once was. true its not cool so protect yourself cause you can't control or predict the actions of others. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest S***e Report post Posted January 7, 2010 Hell, I remember calling an SP from an old style rotary dial phone from my office to arrange a nooner about 25 years ago...man am I old! I wasn't concerned about call display because the technology didn't exist. Then again there was the good old simple face to face approach which was the catalyst for our current laws. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *o****ea****t Report post Posted January 7, 2010 Hell, I remember calling an SP from an old style rotary dial phone from my office to arrange a nooner about 25 years ago...man am I old! I wasn't concerned about call display because the technology didn't exist. Then again there was the good old simple face to face approach which was the catalyst for our current laws. lol i'm glad you never had to use a telegraph......or did you?? that would've been awkward :lol: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Loki318 1631 Report post Posted January 8, 2010 I have a company Cell phone that hardly ever rings LOL Only one SP/Friend has that # I have a personal/company Blackberry that almost never stops ringing.... Evenings and weekends the BB is almost always on silent mode, unless I forget ... There is only one SP/Friend that has my pvt #'s and she knows that if I answer and start talking about Hyd Cylinders that I will call back the next day :) Have had a couple of close "calls" before going to silent mode at home ...silent BB is working good for me right now. Loki318 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Seymour 3970 Report post Posted January 8, 2010 The provider should not have called/txted unless the client indicated it was ok to be contacted via phone period. kih and etasman2000 nailed it with their recommendation - get a hobby phone, get a hobby email, and if I may add, use a web browser which will remove traces of your web surfing history and cookies, and yeah - you probably should not be accessing adult content sites from your workplace without expecting your employer to question what the hell you are doing. Responsible hobbying, it starts with the hobbyist! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stevecurious 42059 Report post Posted January 8, 2010 As far as the browser and seperate e - mail accounts go that was done a long time ago. This after all is not my first rodeo! Secondly wasn't ever expecting a lady to be calling me...basically soliciting ME! Therefore never thought of a need for a "hobby phone." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sexnonstop724 1727 Report post Posted January 8, 2010 How do you explain the hobby phone if it was found/exposed? Currently, I always leave my phone on vibrate. I do get the occational txt from long term regular SPs saying Hi. But not to ask for appointment. I even saved the contacts, but give it a guy's name so it shows up ok even if the wife sees it or checks the bill. SNS724 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
buggernot 588 Report post Posted January 8, 2010 Pffft...hobby phone is for rookies. Gotta go hardcore and just get a divorce. Life is way easier that way ;) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kih 458 Report post Posted January 8, 2010 How do you explain the hobby phone if it was found/exposed? Currently, I always leave my phone on vibrate. I do get the occational txt from long term regular SPs saying Hi. But not to ask for appointment. I even saved the contacts, but give it a guy's name so it shows up ok even if the wife sees it or checks the bill. SNS724 Simple - "You found it." Swapping names in the contact list is a great idea as well. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Annessa 22743 Report post Posted January 8, 2010 I used to be in sales at one point...what this SP is doing is what a dirty salesman would do....cold-call at the most inappropriate time possible. not only should she have not cold-called in the first place at a time when you would obviously be home with family, but I've said it time and time again that cold calling previous clients for business is much like "bulldozing intimacy" sending an email that you will be working for said week or in town or hosting incalls is ok...but calling a client and asking them to schedule an appointment???? huge faux pas and if I was the client in question I would definitley see the move as more than tacky. I only save regulars numbers if they say its ok or I send them under a number or a letter that only I will recognize....not their full name. that being said however I dont send them anything on the phone...especially if they aren't single...even if they are, they may have started dating someone, you never know! email is the way to go Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Newton 714 Report post Posted January 8, 2010 What about those sexy cute email addresses? I keep some on my phone contact list but not sure if it's a good idea. So always keep the phone to myself Posted via Mobile Device Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emma Alexandra 123368 Report post Posted January 8, 2010 I'm just guessing here .. I'm thinking this lady must have been young and maybe new to the biz. Or just desperate. If she was going to be in your area why not email you before she left? If she has your number she has your email I'm sure. Email is a wonderful thing. I have my favs that i email a week or so before i am touring...this gives them first choice to set up a date if they want...then i have the gentlemen that have contacted me asking me to let me know when I'm in town...never would i call...never. I hate calling even an hour after someone has left a message unless they leave a time to call...i just figure if they want to see me they will call back. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotchJohnson 214237 Report post Posted January 8, 2010 And I know I can trust her with it, she is under a guy's name in my phone and when she text me she is talking business and if I reply with a positive answer the coast is clear and if it's a negative answer it means I'm busy or with my SO. This as saved my @$$ a few times already. Keep in mind she will not text me at 11 pm, she knows my working hours and respects it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
etasman2000 15994 Report post Posted January 8, 2010 Gotta go hardcore and just get a divorce. Life is way easier that way ;) Like downhill skiing that means going uphill first...... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GHT 798 Report post Posted January 8, 2010 Early on I had called a relatively new SP, there was no answer and I hung up. Later I was out shopping and got a text back "Hey Baby, Sorry I missed your call" or something to that effect. No harm done. However if my SO had seen it, I'd be in real shit. That was enough right there to make me get a hobby phone. I got a phone and a $100 pay as you go card at the drug store which should be enough for the year. I receive no bills and I don't have to worry about clearing the call logs. Conveniently the SP phone numbers are saved. For security, the phone is set to lock every time its turned off which is most of the time. I never bring it into the house, however if someone did find it, I would simply claim it was someone elses. That is pretty much as safe as I can play it. GHT Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
teddybear 240 Report post Posted January 11, 2010 Had this issue a couple of years back. The first few calls worked out OK for nooners, then had a call on Christmas eve... had to leave my phone turned off for a month! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stevecurious 42059 Report post Posted January 11, 2010 It's amazing how many people on Cerb know who I am talking about. I have had countless PM's and e mails saying "you must be talking about ********?" Didn't realize this many people had the same concern! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fortunateone 156618 Report post Posted January 11, 2010 It's amazing how many people on Cerb know who I am talking about. I have had countless PM's and e mails saying "you must be talking about ********?" Didn't realize this many people had the same concern! Wow, so obviously she is oblivious, because by this time someone somewhere sometime has had to have told her directly that what she is doing is very uncool. This is the sort of thing that will lose biz and clients faster than anything else, imo. I would also highly recommend that any clients seeing new to the biz sps should let them know right up front that texting or calling out of the blue like this is very very bad. Sometimes for some people it is okay, but the sp doesn't know enough at that point to realize that it is unprofessional, etc. Also, this technology of texting gives people the illusion of privacy like emails, when the opposite is true. Too many send out these texts without thinking. If you hadn't said the above comment, I would have suggested she might have texted you accidentally, thinking she was contacting someone who had requested a late night date and she was told to text when she was available. However, that does not sound like that happened. :shock: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rick_falcon 911 Report post Posted January 12, 2010 Ah! The joy of being single... There is a stripper I meet regularly and she has my phone number. But she is not discrete. She could text me in the afternoon, evening or even when she finishes at 3AM! Honestly I find it funny, even if it wakes me up. Often, it's to ask me if I am busy and if I want to go see her (I have to travel for that...) Some other times, she's just bored and want to pass time. And since I like her very much, I tell her politely when she needs to leave me alone for a while as I have things to do or think. Usually OK with her. She may get into a mini-fit but, she's like my SO and I guess it's normal! :-) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stevecurious 42059 Report post Posted January 19, 2010 I feel for you...being single and having a stripper looking for you at all hours. Must be tough...God I wish I was still single! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mikeyboy 27134 Report post Posted January 19, 2010 ....I tell her politely when she needs to leave me alone for a while as I have things to do or think. Usually OK with her.She may get into a mini-fit but...... Wow talk about a true GFE! ;) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites