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Police keeping tabs on sex workers

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Guest S*rca****sid



It's not like police are ignoring the sale of sex in Ottawa.

Actually, there's nothing illegal about doling out a few bucks for some action -- well, under certain conditions.

Police are watching, waiting and wondering about an issue that's become a bit more clouded with a recent Supreme Court of Canada ruling saying laws against brothels, living on the avails of prostitution and communicating for the purposes of prostitution are unconstitutional.

"The Supreme Court ruling threw us for a bit of a spin," says Ottawa Police Insp. Chris Rheaume. "It's all about defining street level, what a bawdy house is, what is living off the avails of prostitution, what is a security guard, what is a pimp?"

What especially concerns police is that some of the prostitutes or escorts may be forced into the business against their will.

"We deal with prostitutes on all levels," says Rheaume. "If they're running girls, if they're trafficking girls, we go after them. Violence against women, or girls who are doing this against their will or are underage -- that's our concern."

Rheaume said there are more issues with the street girls than the escorts.

"Street-level prostitutes are a lot different than girls in a bawdy house," he says. "It's totally different with girls on the road who are marginalized. Most of them have issues. Maybe they're doing drugs or alcohol, maybe they've been beaten or are doing it against their will. Just like we don't catch every thief, we can't catch every one of these girls."

Rheaume says police did 10 john sweeps last year, which bagged a guy with a loaded gun, another with a taser and another with the date rape drug.

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