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Practical Jokes

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Guest c**io**m7

In school, I was the class clown, hell, someone had to make it fun. As I have gotten older, I have mellowed and, once in a while, I am known to pull the odd practical joke on good friends. Well...Karma kicked in...yesterday, I became a victim of a friend's revenge...lol


My household is kind of "chilly" at best right now and yesterday's joke made it into a freezer.


As supper was cooking, I logged into my regular, non-C7, email...and right there in front of my face were 3 emails of my daily matches from Match.com and the subject line included a username that I use for almost everything personal. Before I could blurt out "WTF", I realized my SO was looking over my shoulder. She beat me to the "WTF" exclamation and, needless to say, the moments that followed were not pretty.


As much as I can see the humor, thank God we are already going our separate ways...if we were still happily married, I would be pretty pissed today...lol


And, suddenly I was very happy I had plans outside of the house.


Now...the quest is on to find out who signed me up...revenge will be sweet.

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