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Are Post Recognition Threads Valuable?  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. Are Post Recognition Threads Valuable?

    • Yes, recognition threads are valuable to creating a great community
    • No, these threads are not valuable and clog the discussions
    • Yes, they are valuable however a different approach would be better (please explain)

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I know there have been pros and cons on both sides of this issue. Some think it clutters up the threads and is another obligation. Some believe it's nice to recognize the contributions of those who are trying to make this a great place on the web for those involved in the industry.


With a recent post, it had me thinking about the value of continuing to do this. Do you think it's a positive thing you would like to see continue or is it a waste of energy and not needed?

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I think it's important to recognise outstanding contributions here. You do that so well, Midnite-Massage. Please continue!

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My vote is continue, why boobhoo a positive thing? Anyway most if not all of what you do Tracie is a bonus for this board so I say take the reigns and do as you do:)

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Guest c**io**m7

I think the recognition threads are part of what makes this board such a warm community. I am sure most members enjoy seeing their own names in a title, whether it be a post milestone, a Happy Birthday or an anniversary milestone...we're all cyber friends here and with all the bad news in the world, recognition is a blessing.


Just my two cents.

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I've never understood the "thread clutter" argument.


I mean, I don't personally get anything out of abc game-type threads, but it takes me half a second to skip over them to the ones I'm more interested in, so what's the harm, especially if there's others who get a good time out of them?


I'd think the same would apply to recognition threads. If for some people it builds a sense of a community and makes someone feel better for even a short time, then isn't it worth it?


My own vote is to continue as things are, but I suppose if a compromise was needed someone could always make a single recognition thread for all of them. All milestones for all members could be recognized in the one thread, easily followed by those that wish to and likewise easily ignored by any put off by them. As I say, I truly don't see the harm in them as they are, but that's the only alternative approach I can imagine.

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Guest A*ro**n

I don't think there's anyone out there who would say no to being made to feel a little special. Whether it be from a thanked post, nominated post or one of your dedicated contribution thread, MM.


It definitely adds to the board; doesn't detract in my opinion. Thank you for being thoughtful and taking the time to bring us together.

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And the recognition threads add to the positive atmosphere of CERB

It makes us less a collection of anonymous board handles and more a community of like minded people, if that makes sense

We recognize one another through the various recognition threads, giving thanks, rep points/comments and nominations. It's what makes CERB just a cut above the other boards IMHO

The recognition threads, just reinforce CERB's positivity. We have had in the past some heated discussions over some topics, but recognition threads are positive, and don't we all need some positivity now and then? Besides if they truly cluttered up the board, I think Mod would step in and say something.

A rambling



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I kinda like the recognition posts.... I have to think they serve some purpose because lots if people participate in them.


Just my opinion

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Guest *l**e

not to dissent too much; I actually like the recognition threads.


I do have one problem with them though; I find that a lot of people only look at the first page of the general section, then skip on to other things. With there being a whole bunch of sticky threads, then sometime as many as 5 or six recognition threads in a day, sometimes really good posts get pushed down, then to the 2nd page, and maybe even the 3rd page so quickly that they may not even be seen by anyone.


so...in closing, I'm wishy washy...lol

I like the recognition threads, but I don't like that new threads can get drowned so quickly.


my opinion (or seemingly lack thereof) only.

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If you click on 'Quick Links' at the top of the page, then on 'Today's posts', you get to see all the new threads and postings in a single list. That's one way to avoid the problem that Il Re brings up.

Thanks for explaining your position, Il Re. I couldn't really understand before reading your post why anyone would object. I still don't think it's a real problem, and the positive value of recognizing people far outweighs any minor inconvenience, in my opinion.

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I'm fine with them.


And like others, I fail to see how scrolling a bit or clicking through to page 2 (or 3, or...) is an unbearable hardship.

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I agree with the majority that they are useful and important as a tool to recognize the valuable contributions members make ... I just know that I can never respond to them all, so I just don't participate in them.


So here's my happy birthday wish to you all this year and every year.... and my congratulations go to all the members here, for all your posts, forever :)

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i always click New Posts when i come to cerb, it shows me new topics and topics with new posts, should i be interested in the topic.


i am the single vote on the 3rd option, lol. I like the recognition of rep points total threads first, then maybe the # of posts if it is a really high # like 500 or 1000 maybe, and not a huge (no offense to anyoen of course) is the birthday ones. I find that choosing one or two out of the 3 most common reasons to do a recog thread, maybe narrow it down to one or two of the 3.


On another site we have a Milestones thread, where big milestones are posted as they come up rather then a new thread for everyone. This covers both the high post count milestone and rep points milestones, and there is a Like/thanks feature on that site like cerb has, so it allows people to comment/click thanks as a way to acknowledge and congratulate.


Just if you bring up this as a topic, you might like some alternative ideas if you feel you are getting feedback?


fwiw, i used to be the one starting all the similar topics like birthday and 1000 reps and posts lol, but i don't do that anymore. It usually comes down to one person doing it :)

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Another observation on this stuff.


I'm not quite sure what prompted this thread in the first place - complaints about clutter in the General forum, if I may speculate? :) However... this same criticism has been leveled at the games threads, and the pics threads (both the silly ones and the T&A ones), and I'm pretty sure at many others too. The point is that while there's probably an awful lot of us who think that the general forum is cluttered, we probably have a lot of diversity of opinion on exactly which threads are useless clutter and which ones are good and interesting and relevant and deserve to be here.


All this really reflects is the simple fact that we're a community whose members have a diversity of interests, but for me that's part of the attraction. It saddens me that there seem to be some who would prefer to silence those whose interests and priorities are different from their own. Down that road I see nothing but sterility and boredom.

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Remember boards like these thrive on traffic. Reduce the board to just ladies advertising and men posting recommendations CERB would quickly fold because of little or no traffic...people just wouldn't come back.

I suppose for those that don't like the recognition threads, seeing them as serving no purpose they must also feel that giving nominations, rep points/comments and thanks is also a waste of time...even though they too, are just another way to acknowledge a member...be it through a milestone or a post.

CERB has many venues to attract a diverse community of people sharing a common interest

Tracie, keep up the good work, it is noticed and appreciated

And now I'm going back to the music thread ;-)


Edited by r__m__g_uy
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I'm a positive type of guy and agree with keeping the recognition thread going, on a plus side many of those threads don't stay on for more then a few days, a week at the most if you are a big participant on Cerb.

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Recognition threads are a great example of what makes cerb special. The founding idea of speaking only the nice thoughts and keeping the negative ones to your self. Like the internet itself, cerb is an eclectic collection of ideas and thoughts that vary so drastically that there is something for everyone. And also like the internet itself, you must learn to pick and choose the things that interest you, and skip over the rest. Sometimes I enjoy reading these threads, and sometimes I skip over them, depending on my mood. I do however appreciate that there are those out there who take the time to recognize others. A big kudos of recognition to the recognizers out there. Keep up the great work.

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I really don't care about the clutter. I always just view through the most recent posts anyway.


A concern is that I've seen recommendation threads on other forums before, and a good number of times it has some side effects. I understand the intention is completely genuine, but I've seen cliques forming. In the more controversial threads, I've already seen people use other people's support to prove their point of view is right, rather then discussing the merits of the argument. I feel that recognition threads might turn into popularity contests.


Reddit is a great website with a lot of great content shared, but even there, many users are after 'karma' which is the point system to see how many people liked your posts/threads. It has literally no value, but I guess it's some sort of internet cred.


Anyway, I don't oppose recognition threads for the sake of 'cluttering the forum', but with the ability to thank someone on a thoughtful post, I wonder if there is any reason to look for more ways to provide said recognition.

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In trying to find a balance for all, I have started a post recognition thread. This way, all recognitions can be found in one place preventing clutter of the board. It also allows us to continue to thank those contributing.


Perhaps we might also want to do the same for birthdays?


Thanks to everyone who commented and voted. Hopefully this will find that balance.

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I come to CERB for the opportunity to interact with lots and lots and lots of super hot intelligent ladies, and a good group of guys.


The recognition threads are just part of that interaction - and besides, who doesn't like to receive a "Happy Birthday" or "Good boy" comment in our everyday lives?


CERB is also a great place for me to waste time that would otherwise be unwasteable and be spent working or god forbid doing the dishes - the recognition treads are just another way of wasting that time for me and I don't want to have to do work or dishes instead.


...I just heard a crash ... never mind, it was my pile of dirty dishes falling over.

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