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The Olympic Experience

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As we approach the last few days prior to the commencement of the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia I think back over the years to previous Olympic experiences.


Yes I am old enough that I recall the 1976 Montreal Summer Olympic games. For those of my generation names such as Nadia Comaneci, Bruce Jenner and Greg Joy may ring a bell. I was fortunate enough to get tickets for a number of events and to be in Montreal for a good part of those two weeks. The experience was one such as I had never had before and have not had since. Totally unexpectedly I found myself immersed in a city that had a palpable buzz of excitement, a feeling of peace and goodwill, with a connection between people that was very special and so difficult to define in words. That `feeling, is ever so deeply etched into my consciousness.


Then, as now, the games were supposedly above politics and were to be all about individual athletic achievement. The word ``supposedly`` is intentionally because then and as still continues to be the case, politics played its role. The best example that I recall from 1976 was the gold medal game between Russia and Poland in Men's Volleyball that was played in the old Montreal Forum. 1976 was the time at which Lech Walesa and the Solidarity Movement were bringing Poland out from under control of their Russian masters. In the volleyball match Russia was an undefeated and supreme favorite while Poland was the underdog that was not supposed to even be in the medal round. I found myself in the Montreal Forum with it seems like 14 998 Polish people along with my wife. Poland defeated Russia 3 games to 2 and there are no words to express the emotion in that building that evening. Politics were there.


We had such an amazing experience that we booked tickets to the 1980 Olympic games held in Moscow. As the time for the games approached many countries choose to boycott the games, Canada included, to protest the Russian involvement in of all places, Afghanistan. We cancelled our reservations and did not attend. We then booked tickets for the 1984 Olympics to be held in Los Angeles. As the games approached, the Soviet block of countries pulled out and we ended up cancelling our trip. I have not been back to an Olympics since then.


As much as many wish it were otherwise, the Olympic games is a political statement by nation states. My head tells me how nice it might be to provide this showcase for the athletes for the pure pursuit of individual athletic achievement, but my heart tells me I would feel something missing without seeing that Canadian Maple Leaf on the back of our athletes.


I truly hope that all of the news that we are hearing about potential terrorist attacks is unfounded and that the games go smoothly and without incidents of that nature.


In a few days I will indeed be settling in to watch as much coverage of the games as I can, and know that I will be cheering for and proud of the Canadians that are there representing our country.


Does anyone else have other Olympic memories? Should we pretend to forget the political overtones, or is that even a wise thing to try to do?

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