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Meaghan on CL (New Brunswick)

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Guest ba**a*****00

Hello, standard CL question: Anyone have any info on Meaghan on Craig's List? she's located in SJ.

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  curler1954 said:


Met her a couple of times - very good service - not a runway model but top notch service. Price is right and I may do it again tomorrow.


Thanks Bill - we always have a great time don't we? See you soon. Again, thanks for the vote.



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I had to change id's and now am listed as meaghanmcleod.


I'm back in business and looking forward to seeing my friends and meeting new ones.


Thanks everyone!




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Thanks for the grand time friday evening Meaghan...

with the end-of-the-world coming and all I just needed a

lively thing to hold onto. Meaghan, you are very good at plying your

craft and I must have you ply me again soon.


Your annual "Victoria's (secret) Day Weekend" special is certainly appreciated

by us guys in the working class. In/on/under or between the sheets you really rock it. Again, thanks for friendly yet lava-hot service.




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Just a quick friendly observation ......

the above may have been more appropriate and more effective in the recommendation section :)



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  Loki318 said:


Just a quick friendly observation ......

the above may have been more appropriate and more effective in the recommendation section :)




True but if memory serves a member needs to have a minimum of 5 posts in order to post a reco. I believe this particular post was Splashs fifth.

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Guest W***ledi*Time
  stevecurious said:
True but if memory serves a member needs to have a minimum of 5 posts in order to post a reco. I believe this particular post was Splashs fifth.


It's true that you need to have made at least 5 posts before you're allowed to create a new reco thread. But if it's the same Meaghan-in-Saint-John, she already has a reco thread. Anyone can post on an already-existing reco thread - there's no minimum-post requirement for that.


Meaghan's reco thread:



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