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'Anybody who has met Cleo or has read her many recommendations knows she's incredibly sexy and playful and has considerable talents in the bedroom. This recommendation is about a different kind of experience. I've met Cleo several times in the last year(and always had a fantastic time)and we've kept in touch in between encounters through email, pm's, twitter, etc. I always enjoy interacting with her and look forward to the next meeting so when Cleo emailed me a few weeks ago to let me know she was returning to Kingston, I instantly set up an early morning appointment. Unfortunately the night before our date, there was an emergency in my family. At midnight I had to send Cleo an email explaining that I wasn't going to be able to make our scheduled date, but if things went well overnight then I would hopefully have some time to meet up with her briefly just to drop off the donation for our 2-hour encounter. Luckily things went better than expected and mid-morning, after our scheduled start time, I sent Cleo a text to see if she was still in town and I was happy to hear that she was. I arrived at her hotel with the coffee I had previously promised to bring and was met with a nice warm hug and kiss. We sat on the sofa and after a few minutes Cleo asked if I wanted to get a little more comfortable. I declined as it was my intention to just drop off the donation, have a quick little chat and be on my way. But one thing about Cleo, she makes it so damned hard to leave! Next thing I know it's an hour later and we're still talking! The time absolutely flew by!! The conversation alternated between the serious and the humorous and there was never a lull. Cleo has an amazing ability to make you feel safe and comfortable, and as a result we touched on some very personal topics. There are many adjectives you could use to describe this wonderful lady...warm, intelligent, engaging, caring, attentive, funny, real, compassionate just to name a few. In short she is simply AWESOME!!! This was my fourth meeting with CLEO, the first in which we didn't get naked, and it just might have been the best yet!!

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I've seen Cleo once, and I totally get the sentiment of this post. However our naked time was sooo hot, that it is highly unlikely you will see me posting a review of a fully clothed session!! Lol. This girl really has it all, sweet, smart, pretty, and incredibly sexy.

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