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Olympic Achievement and Perspective

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I have been watching a LOT of Olympic coverage in the last few weeks as many of us have been doing to varying degrees. Of course I am pretty excited when I see a Canadian on the podium and even when it is a non-Canadian and I see the enthusiasm and the excitement, it can often bring a tear to the eye.


However, I have seen a few athletes from Canada who after finishing in 4th place or even 2nd place apologize to Canadians for that performance.


I find that distressing.


Every single athlete that is at those games has met a standard of excellence that most of us could not even dream of achieving. Few of us would really appreciate the time, effort and dedication that these athletes have put forth over the least few years in order to even get there.



Few athletes would get to the level that they are at without an overwhelming personal desire to win and stand on top of that podium with a gold medal around their neck. To not achieve that would be a personal disappointment and I understand that. What it should not be is a national disappointment.


Many of the athletes are able to do what they do in part because of financial help from government, both federal and provincial. Others are able to access financial support from business. This support gives many of them full time access to time - time required to train and to be able to compete at that level. What may come with that support is a feeling of responsibility to "produce," to be on that podium.


I guess what I wonder is, do we as the general public want to continue to provide financial support through government to these athletes? Do we have a right to criticize if these athletes are not in a medal position?


From my perspective I do like to see that Canadian flag being raised, however I continue to remind myself that these athletes have achieved incredible personal success regardless of their final position in their event.


Every one of them should be proud of their success and none need apologize for not winning a gold medal. For a multitude of reasons, many of them being intangible reasons, I believe that we should continue to provide financial support.


And by the way, I am seriously hoping for another Olympic gold hockey medal!

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We celebrate mediocrity at the expense of celebrating the outstanding.


At schools we have athletic contests where everyone gets a medal, everyone is a winner. Kids now expect applause for "good enough" or "trying". They are shielded from failure.


Until the Vancouver games, Canadians (as a group, especially the CBC) were almost embarrased or ashamed if our athletes were too competitive. The phrase "Own The Podium" was controversial, people said we should not be too greedy for wanting to win.


Bollocks to all that. Real life is all about competition! I work in a VERY competitive industry, my competitors are courting my customers constantly, if I screw up or my employees screw up my customers will walk away. Good enough is NOT good enough. We have to be better than the other guys in price, service, efficiency. That is real life. Canadian companies compete in a worldwide marketplace.


I think events like the Olympics and Olympic success are desperately needed to get Canadians out of their comfort zone. If you are going to school, don't just pass, excel. If you work, don't just do what you can get away with, do your best. Even SPs are in constant competition, I am not paying for mediocrity when I can get excellence.


If you are a fat slob lying on the sofa, don't wonder why your spouse is looking at other guys/girls. Get off the sofa and hit the gym. Excel in everything you do. Achievement is it's own reward. You get out of life what you put into it. If you don't want to put any effort into it you cannot complain when you don't get much out of it.


Go Canada Go!

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Guest *l**e

my opinion only, but the ones I saw apologizing, seemed to be apologizing for not having their best performance, not so much for not winning gold.


All high level athletes train to peak at the Olympics (or world's, or whatever). If they don't get a personal best or close to, they feel as if they failed.


Also, they sometimes seem to be apologizing, to coaches, family, etc who have supported them, sacrificed for them, etc.


Although I'm sure at least a part of the apology might be to the fans, etc, it might be much more than that.

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And we apologize for winning too....


Here's the actual conversation from Marie Phillipe Poulin just after she won the game for Canada....



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