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Sayings and Cliche Game

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Some people have a saying for every situation.


In this game, the idea is to present a situation and then see who can come up with an appropriate saying or cliche. When you do so, then present a new situation for the next player.


As simple as it gets could be this.


Someone says, "I can hardly wait until I meet that woman from Cerb on Monday night." A response might be. "Patience is a virtue."



Next Up: " I am tired of the winter and want it to end."

Edited by mrrnice2

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In keeping to the theme of this thread let me bring it to a merciful conclusion and "Put it out of it's misery," based on lack of interest!


It's obviously, "Gone over like a lead balloon," and another example of the fact that, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink."


However, "Nothing ventured nothing gained," and, "If at first you don't succeed, then try try again."


"To each his own I suppose."


We'll play this game, "When Hell freezes over." :) :) :)

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Well I needed "a penny for my thoughts" to come up with a saying but alas no pennies anymore and consequently I'm not coming up with any thoughts.



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Well I needed "a penny for my thoughts" to come up with a saying but alas no pennies anymore and consequently I'm not coming up with any thoughts.



So I guess that's your .02 cents worth on this game!

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I still have not figured out how this works???


"A penny saved is a penny earned"


"Hope for the best but plan for the worst"

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I still have not figured out how this works???




Well Jafo, "It's a dull day that you don't learn something new!"


I think we can thank that RG fella for bringing this thread back. It's nice to know that we have someone like that here to count on. This game is going in a little different direction from what was anticipated but it's all good. :)

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Well Jafo, "It's a dull day that you don't learn something new!"


Because "The moment you stop learning, you stop leading."


Tryin' boys, trying!!

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Well Jafo, "It's a dull day that you don't learn something new!"


I think we can thank that RG fella for bringing this thread back. It's nice to know that we have someone like that here to count on. This game is going in a little different direction from what was anticipated but it's all good. :)


Playing this game is good because all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.



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