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Please Do Something!

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With all indications pointing towards the government planning to implement a version of the Nordic model in Canada, I'd like to urge everyone to fill out the government questionnaire on prostitution if they have not already done so, and write letters to Peter Mackay and/or your local MP to let them know how you feel. I'm also hoping sexworker organizations will mobilize and organize protests / contact the media etc. I feel we all need to do our part to prevent a tragic step backwards in the fight for decriminalization, as it affects all of us.


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Better to contact your Member of Parliament directly.


I did the survey but suspect it is a sham that will be disregarded by the Tory Taliban.

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In that case, what good is a Supreme Court ruling if the government of the day can override it without so much as a second thought?

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Hey guys, we get it, you don't like the Tories. I hate to burst your bubble but they are not the only one's pushing this model.


Once again, horse is dead, quick flogging it.


Running around crying the sky is falling, and starting new threads that add nothing new to the argument other than unreasoned, partisan, hyperbole is not going to help the issue.

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Call me a little paranoid here, and for the record am totally against the so called "Nordic" model, but I'm somewhat uncomfortable giving my opinion on line. This government doesn't have the best record in privacy and are know for their dirty tricks. I will go on record during the 2015 ballot.

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Call me a little paranoid here, and for the record am totally against the so called "Nordic" model, but I'm somewhat uncomfortable giving my opinion on line. This government doesn't have the best record in privacy and are know for their dirty tricks. I will go on record during the 2015 ballot.


Contact the Conservatives and tell them you will be voting Liberal if they choose to pass draconian legislation as it pertains to prostitution. Hit them where it hurts... that should get their attention!

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