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Sinday win day specials! Let's play xo

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Guest M****ella's C****s (retire

Good afternoon you bunch of sweet panda cookies!!


I hope you all had a great Saturday, I did. Skating was good, but the canal was in rough shape. But the weather was beautiful! :) I hope you all managed to get out to enjoy it. I'm happy to announce that I didn't fall, but I did get some wicked blisters on my heels :( Booo but other than that I did pretty good despite looking like a total dork hunched over catching my balance half the time...Oh and squealing like a little girl when I thought I was going to fall, which was often. hehe My family had a good laugh at me, but it was still fun :)


Well no story today just a quick hello and reminder about the special today. So here we go

Sunday's Special donation:


30 minutes 100


45 minutes 120


1 hour 150


I'll be working till 10pm to book please text 613-240-0917.


The first am call of the day should be pre-booked or I'll take my sweet time getting ready. earlier or latter appointments can be made, but must be pre-booked.




Can't wait to caress you all over!!

Edited by M****ella's C****s (retire

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