Victoria Banks 21899 Report post Posted February 4, 2010 What are your biggest turn offs during a date? Other than bad breath and the obvious lol ?? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
capitalman 3861 Report post Posted February 4, 2010 Cell phones ringing and even worse, being answered. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Royalfun 55449 Report post Posted February 4, 2010 that the sp is late. btw your pics are super, very professional, and super sexy. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jazzitup 5652 Report post Posted February 4, 2010 Imagine this ... you have groped, fondled, licked, kissed, sucked, nibbled, fingered, and stroked (did I leave anything out?) and it is big finish time. The protective gear is on, the position has been decided and you get down to busines and then 2 minutes into it she says "are you almost done yet". This has happened to me twice with different SPs. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roger dodger 2160 Report post Posted February 4, 2010 Imagine this ... you have groped, fondled, licked, kissed, sucked, nibbled, fingered, and stroked (did I leave anything out?) and it is big finish time. The protective gear is on, the position has been decided and you get down to busines and then 2 minutes into it she says "are you almost done yet". This has happened to me twice with different SPs. That sucks when that happens. Happened once to me also on a first visit. Obviously the last visit also. But i guess it's better than her asking, "done already". lol:jackoff: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
E.D. man 691 Report post Posted February 4, 2010 1. Saying your a small package when your a BBW 2 Nose ring 3 Too many facial picerings, from eyebrow to a lebret under the chin (ewe what a turn off), cheek , lip , earing above lips piercings! 4 Booking for 2 hours and saying you only get one shot 5 Saying bad things about other people clients or fellow SP's Thats a few to start:sm185::cooter::jackoff: 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jazzitup 5652 Report post Posted February 4, 2010 You are right that was the first and the last time with that SP. And let me just take the opportunity to praise Sin Cindy's physical attributes. Her photos always stop me dead in my tracks. She is incredibly hot and sexy! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roger dodger 2160 Report post Posted February 4, 2010 Maybe not so much a turn off as a dissapointment, but ladies that don't update their pictures if they no longer look the same. Some don't change at all, but i saw an sp a little while back that was quite a bit, lets say, heavier than her pictures. It's one thing to not have pictures, but when u see someone on a picture, u expect them to look like that. Also true, ladies, please shut off cell phones when with a client. Also be honest about ur restrictions. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PistolPete 61421 Report post Posted February 4, 2010 Turn-offs during a date- 1) Mood- always ensure that you are really into it (the appointment)I would appreciate if the appointment was canceled rather the lady not being into it. Fully understand if you are tired, having a bad day. Body language and communication really shows when a lady is simply not into it. 2) Communication- ensure that you are in the mood to also carry a conversation, it gets both parties interactive. I even like dirty talk if we can't talk about the weather:-D If there is no communication than it is a turn off for me. I treat my appointments as real dates. 3) Listening Devices- Shut them off .I enjoy listening more to music than a T.V. with "Come on Down(Pistol Pete )you're the new contestant on the Price is Right" It just does not sound right if you are going down:shock: Yes shut off your cell phone, very annoying. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jabba 18389 Report post Posted February 4, 2010 These are biggies with me... 1. The lady's hygiene is less than desirable 2. Phone is left on and ringing throughout the session 3. Rushing (are ya done yet?) 4. Smokey place (weed or otherwise) 5. Messy/dirty place (clothes & other crap left lying around) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ou**or**n Report post Posted February 4, 2010 To me there are two kinds of big turnoffs. The first kind are the obvious - the interrupting types of things such as cells being answered (#1 and a definite never repeat) and the tv being used instead of music. The other one is being with a lady that really isn't enjoying what she is doing. Being asked 'are you done yet' is a sure sign. There are also different versions - the strong verbal urgings to f* me harder, ooo yeah when you know all she is really doing is trying to get you to finish faster. You can also call this 'mechanical' service. It can also stem from ladies who do like what they do but have gone a bit overboard that day and have seen too many guys. If I was in Germany where brothels are legal I doubt I would go and be the 8th of 12 client a lady might see in a day. The goddesses of my world are those wonderful ladies that see one or two clients a day or so. They do what they do for the money (hey 10 clients a week at 250 a meeting is still pretty good money) and yet can give the true GFE service that at its heart is never about any physical service but instead a state of mind. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
brinston2004 100 Report post Posted February 4, 2010 As have been already mentioned, the biggest turnoff for me is having a phone ring during an appointment but even worse having it answered. I had an experience where the phone rang and was answered 4 times. Needless to say I don't repeat. Attitude is also important. A poor attitude often equates to poor experience which equates to non-repeat. As was mentioned I too would rather have an appointment cancelled than having a SP just go through the motions. I would also prefer music than having the TV on. TV can be a distraction and affect the overall experience. Cheers Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotchJohnson 214220 Report post Posted February 4, 2010 Imagine this ... you have groped, fondled, licked, kissed, sucked, nibbled, fingered, and stroked (did I leave anything out?) and it is big finish time. The protective gear is on, the position has been decided and you get down to busines and then 2 minutes into it she says "are you almost done yet". This has happened to me twice with different SPs. You are about to give your release and she says "by the way you only have 2,3,4 or 5 minutes left" and lose all concentration. When that happens to me I just get up get dress and leave and never come back. BTW no reco of the lady either. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
estrie boy 422 Report post Posted February 4, 2010 After a great fuck fest, the lady tell you she didn't test for STD since several month. No thank you, I wont repeat with this lady. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest s******ecan**** Report post Posted February 4, 2010 Let me add my vote to the whole TV thing. It seems quite common and I have found myself having to ask that it be turned off and asking for music. It seems odd to me that so many SP's seem to have the TV on at all when a client arrives. I have so far only met with one who didn't, and she is without a doubt one of the classiest ladies here on CERB. I once booked with an SP early in the morning wanting to be the first client of the day. Apparently I was too early as she had not shampooed her hair. That she had showered was obvious but her hair was not fresh (she had been at a nightclub the night before and is a smoker). It was a distraction for sure. She was one of the top SP's here and I was paying premium $$$ to be with her for 2hrs and had booked well in advance so I felt I deserved better. Minor I agree but still if you hold yourself out as an exceptional experience in your advertising you should be fussy about all the details. I once had an SP show me recent photos she had taken of her stay in town, just snapshots of her at some of the city's outdoor locations. However this guy appeared in two or three of them. It turned me off. was it her SO? Her BF or worse a client who was spending some off the clock time with her? It just undermined my whole confidence in her discretion. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Newton 714 Report post Posted February 4, 2010 I haven't had phone or tv problems but had three not-so good experiences: - have you done yet? It was the first n last time I saw the sp. - a roommate in the other room. No repeat for sure. - rushed to leave with 20 minutes on the clock. Byebye. . . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cowboy kenny 50799 Report post Posted February 4, 2010 Clogged toilets ;) (insdie joke) Posted via Mobile Device Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
APower20 400 Report post Posted February 4, 2010 -Hopping off 40 minutes into a 60 minute session, showering alone, and leaving me in an unsatisfactory position. :lol: -Bad/sarcastic comments about the tip I leave. -Talking about her ridiculous S-Shaped vibrating, spinning, deforming dildo...right in the middle of our time together (okay, that was funny). -"You only have 5 minutes left, but keep going." -"What's wrong?" -"Are you okay?" Those last two are the worst, I'm never trying to be vocal during sex ever again :-D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Isabella Gia (Banned) 53881 Report post Posted February 4, 2010 Hello all, I'm not a big fan of replying threads but this time I felt I had to. Yes, all the things mentioned above are right, you as clients deserve all the respect & attention from the sp you see. I cannot imagine (and don't think there's many here) sp's who do not do their best to make a client happy and show him she cares about making him feel comfortable. Anyway, on the other hand although I agree with jazzitup about how tasteless is to rush a client, if we are talking about ten minutes or 15 tops then you are right but there is also the type of men who take advantage of being with a classy sp who does not rush them, take their time (a lot more than 10 minutes) and when they are finally ready to go, they don't even try to compensate the sp for that extra time. Again, a classy sp will never ask for it but then I consider this unfair as in the end, she worked that extra time. My point here is, is hard for us sp's to know how to act in a situation like that without being tasteless so, as clients I hope you understand that part and help to make it easier either not exceeding more than 15 minutes or, being fair and compensating the sp for that extra time and especially for the great attitude of not making the big mistake of saying 'time is over' and show you the way to the door :smile: 7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jabba 18389 Report post Posted February 4, 2010 Hello all,I'm not a big fan of replying threads but this time I felt I had to. Yes, all the things mentioned above are right, you as clients deserve all the respect & attention from the sp you see. I cannot imagine (and don't think there's many here) sp's who do not do their best to make a client happy and show him she cares about making him feel comfortable. Anyway, on the other hand although I agree with jazzitup about how tasteless is to rush a client, if we are talking about ten minutes or 15 tops then you are right but there is also the type of men who take advantage of being with a classy sp who does not rush them, take their time (a lot more than 10 minutes) and when they are finally ready to go, they don't even try to compensate the sp for that extra time. Again, a classy sp will never ask for it but then I consider this unfair as in the end, she worked that extra time. My point here is, is hard for us sp's to know how to act in a situation like that without being tasteless so, as clients I hope you understand that part and help to make it easier either not exceeding more than 15 minutes or, being fair and compensating the sp for that extra time and especially for the great attitude of not making the big mistake of saying 'time is over' and show you the way to the door :smile: Good point to bring up Isabella. I've spoken about the extra time issue with a few MAs/SPs. Without a doubt, it's very frustrating when some customers deliberately take up extra time. It's inconsiderate and arrogant to assume they have a right to take up some else's time. They could be taking over another client's scheduled timeslot too. I've been reminded about the time on a few occasions. While it's mildly annoying, I accept that I've paid for a certain period and that I need to get down to it during that time. My $0.02?...I would risk a polite reminder. If the client gets huffy - he's probably not worth keeping as a repeat client. On the other hand, is there a reasonable middleground, say 5min. more or less? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
etasman2000 15994 Report post Posted February 4, 2010 On the other hand, is there a reasonable middleground, say 5min. more or less? Too good a setup to pass..... Ooooooh, I don`t want I don`t need I can`t stand no 5 minute man I don`t want no 5 minute man Ooooooh, here`s your chance be a man take my hand understand I don`t want no 5 minute man With apologies to my better half Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emma Alexandra 123368 Report post Posted February 4, 2010 Hello all,I'm not a big fan of replying threads but this time I felt I had to. Yes, all the things mentioned above are right, you as clients deserve all the respect & attention from the sp you see. I cannot imagine (and don't think there's many here) sp's who do not do their best to make a client happy and show him she cares about making him feel comfortable. Anyway, on the other hand although I agree with jazzitup about how tasteless is to rush a client, if we are talking about ten minutes or 15 tops then you are right but there is also the type of men who take advantage of being with a classy sp who does not rush them, take their time (a lot more than 10 minutes) and when they are finally ready to go, they don't even try to compensate the sp for that extra time. Again, a classy sp will never ask for it but then I consider this unfair as in the end, she worked that extra time. My point here is, is hard for us sp's to know how to act in a situation like that without being tasteless so, as clients I hope you understand that part and help to make it easier either not exceeding more than 15 minutes or, being fair and compensating the sp for that extra time and especially for the great attitude of not making the big mistake of saying 'time is over' and show you the way to the door :smile: I once had someone stay 2 extra hours and i didn't even get a "thank you for the extra time"...?????? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Isabella Gia (Banned) 53881 Report post Posted February 4, 2010 Yes Jabba As I mention in my original post, 10, even 15 minutes are good since in my point of view would be considered 'an investment' since if the client is a good guy he'll appreciate this and not only go back to you but possibly recommend you to other members ;) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Isabella Gia (Banned) 53881 Report post Posted February 4, 2010 I once had someone stay 2 extra hours and i didn't even get a "thank you for the extra time"...?????? That's exactly what I was talking about, that was completely unfair however, is hard for us to know what to do because then clients like that one certainly have no manners and I bet if you would have mentioned something this guy would only tell others you rushed him without mentioning the part where he stayed 2 extra hours so, where does that leave us? Not being able to complain or even suggest because then we get bad reputation? Is hard to decide but certainly a client like that is not worth keeping and if he was a member from here you should mention that in the sp section for others to know about it. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dexterS3 134 Report post Posted February 4, 2010 That's exactly what I was talking about, that was completely unfair however, is hard for us to know what to do because then clients like that one certainly have no manners and I bet if you would have mentioned something this guy would only tell others you rushed him without mentioning the part where he stayed 2 extra hours so, where does that leave us? Not being able to complain or even suggest because then we get bad reputation? Is hard to decide but certainly a client like that is not worth keeping and if he was a member from here you should mention that in the sp section for others to know about it. Isabellaw your on a roll i wouldn't want to be on your bad side lol, but very valid points and def deserve the high recommend for this.8-) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites