Gentleman11 10508 Report post Posted March 13, 2014 This is meant to be as fun thread, no malicious posts please. For years my brother and I have had fun at each other's expense. It started when we we quite young as a lot of boys in particular like to do. Over the years we've still kept it up from time to time in more creative ways - notice I didn't say mature, mother still asks us what we want to be when we grow up. One of the better ones took place a couple of years ago when I got even with him for a winning lottery prank he did to me. The first day in the New Year I placed a noticeable ad in the local paper for a few days to the effect that - "Wanted to buy used Christmas trees, free pick up and his cell number" His phone rang like you won't believe. Have you been the receipient or perpetrator of an interesting prank(s)? 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marriedbutnotdead 3844 Report post Posted March 13, 2014 I have once had delivered to a buddy house all this religious material then had them do a follow up in person to see what he thought of it all. it took him about a week to finally ask me if I had anything to do with it. This guy is far from religious and he works in the bush and his first language is fowl. I just wish I could have seen the peoples faces when he opened the door for them Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotchJohnson 214218 Report post Posted March 13, 2014 Someone is behind this I'm sure. I am getting letters of promotion, sales and advertizing about penis enlargement at work. No big pictures or print on the envelope about it but when I open it there are pictures of before and after. I found it funny at first but now I get a letter every 3-4 months. PS: I don't need my penis to be enlarged it's big enough as it is. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CristyCurves 169033 Report post Posted March 13, 2014 I've always been a prankster, love it:) As long as they're innocent that is. One I've heard of and have yet to do is at Christmas take a new car for a test drive, put a big bow on it drive to the targets house beep and have them come out, letting them think that's their Xmas gift, then leave laughing. I think it would be funny!! I'm rather immature perhaps as I always get a laugh from fart noise makers. At a family get together I hid a remote controled fart maker under my cousins seat and every time it got quiet I'd hit the remote, lol, I thought it was funny!! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
antlerman 17064 Report post Posted March 14, 2014 buddies and I used to go to the NHL games in town and around....and we would fill out the credit card information for free stuff.....the best thing was we used a friends old ID for proof....... He could never figure out why he kept getting credit cards from different companies....... 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redskin44 3588 Report post Posted March 14, 2014 put clear gelatin in the toilet bowl , a little water on top to sell it and wait for " it " to hit the fan . 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JWright1993 144 Report post Posted March 14, 2014 Provided you don't mind giving your target a light scare, change their desktop picture to something they're afraid of (though not deathly afraid/phobia level fear). My sister is afraid of the grudge for example. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrgreen760 37785 Report post Posted March 14, 2014 Put a of For Sale sign at a friends house place the day before they returned from vacation. I got a fun phone call once they realized no one could sell their house but them. Peace MG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Johnny Canuck 5348 Report post Posted March 14, 2014 On April Fool's Day last year, my management team decided it would be funny to fill the drop safe with I.O.U's and chocolate loonies. They all got a kick out of it, but I do have an ace up my sleeve for them this year, even though I no longer work in that store. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meaghan McLeod 179664 Report post Posted March 14, 2014 Called a lady who was selling her cemetery lot - the name of the cemetery was "Ocean View" - I was asking her all types of questions about what type of view the lot had and could I see the Ocean from the lot and silly questions like that. Of course, for those that live here, it is now where near an ocean - so no matter what lot you get, you won't get a view of the Ocean. She finally said "the cemetery is not near the ocean so you can't get a view of the ocean. BTW - if you are dead, what do you care the view is"? Another time, I called my neighbours child - told her she had won a prize from the radio station - a Newfoundland Puppy. She was so excited and of course her mom was freaking out "what kind of radio station gives away dogs as a prize". She's trying to tell her daughter she can't have a dog - especially a Newfy dog. However, I knew they were getting their own dog the next day, so the kid wasn't too disappointed. Once she realized it was me, she always had this silly grin on her face when she saw me. Always been a prankster - always will be. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JoyfulC 132299 Report post Posted March 14, 2014 I used to jump with an Ottawa cop who, no offense to most cops, was the biggest dumbass you'd ever want to meet. He'd pretty much worn out his welcome around the DZ (which is damned hard to do on DZs, since they're filled with hard-headed egotistical assholes anyway), and was reduced to jumping on his own. Since I'm female and had much more experience than he would ever have, I was singled out for a great deal of his prickery. I had no love for him (although his wife and I are still friends). So one day, just after he'd gotten a new canopy, I was walking back from the bowl just as he was opening overhead. Someone said something to me, and I got an idea. Watch this! I said. When Big Dumb Cop landed and walked by, I said, Geez, you must have balls of stainless steel! He said, what...? I said, That opening! I mean, you sorted it out, but I would have cut it away. I've never seen anything like that before. Weren't you scared?? Now, he'd actually had a perfectly normal opening. But I was counting on him to be clueless, and he was. He proceeded to explain to us all how he handled that poor opening and sorted it out. The other guys jumped right in, asking him questions, stoking his craving for hero worship. By the end of the day, every time he went up, a crowd would gather in front of the hangar to watch his openings. And to ask questions and offer comments on what could possibly be wrong with his new canopy. I kinda lost interest and thought nothing more of it. Until a couple weeks later when I was accosted by our DZO, who told me that a certain parachute manufacturer was none too impressed with me, having now like-for-liked two perfectly good canopies for that guy. Some people's kids! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jafo105 39057 Report post Posted March 14, 2014 I was usually the but of the pranks and jokes in school. I remember a time in grade 5 (mid 70's) the school bullies started a rumor that I had head lice. This rumor got around and eventually to the other student's parents. The parents demanded that the Principal do something about ME. The Principal ordered that ALL students had to be inspected for head lice. So the School Nurse and local Health Department Nurse were called in. After a week long inspection it was determined that I did not have lice. I just had a really bad case of dandruff. The ONLY students found to have head lice were the two school bullies who started the nasty rumor. They were suspended from school for two weeks while they received treatment for the head lice. When they returned to school the Principal made them publicly apologize to me at the next general assembly. Safe to say they never picked on me again. Note: It was also determined that the bullies parent's and sibling's ALL had a bad case of head lice. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dirkgently 1778 Report post Posted March 15, 2014 Two that I remember from years ago: First had a friend spend 8 hours one saturday raking leaves, he had a huge yard. He lived in the country so he burned them off. little did he know, I and a couple other friends were also raking leaves and piling them in the back of my truck. At two o'clock in the morning, we very quietly spread them around his lawn. His wife said he stared at the lawn for 15 minutes before swearing for 30. Same friend, next winter. He also has a very long driveway and uses a tractor to plow out. After one particularly big snow, he plowed out in the morning then cursed because the road plow filled in the end of his driveway causing him to walk in, get the tractor, drive out, clear the way, walk back out for his car. Same friends took turns filling in the end of his driveway next four days causing him to repeat every day that week. to this day he still has no idea it was us. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotchJohnson 214218 Report post Posted March 15, 2014 Going back about 12 years now when I was at the fire hall, a coworker just bought a new volkswagen diesel and he was bragging on how good his new car was on fuel. We had a fuel container at the station that we kept full in case of emergency so while he was inside one of us would go and fill up is car with fuel. After 2 weeks of him owning his new car he was amazed at how good it was on fuel, he had done 700+ km and the needle never moved. He got mad one day after taking his family to Toronto and back and he had to fill up his car with fuel twice for the trip. We finally confess to him about the prank because he was going to complain to Volkswagen about it. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CristyCurves 169033 Report post Posted March 15, 2014 I was usually the but of the pranks and jokes in school. I remember a time in grade 5 (mid 70's) the school bullies started a rumor that I had head lice. This rumor got around and eventually to the other student's parents. The parents demanded that the Principal do something about ME. The Principal ordered that ALL students had to be inspected for head lice. So the School Nurse and local Health Department Nurse were called in. After a week long inspection it was determined that I did not have lice. I just had a really bad case of dandruff. The ONLY students found to have head lice were the two school bullies who started the nasty rumor. They were suspended from school for two weeks while they received treatment for the head lice. When they returned to school the Principal made them publicly apologize to me at the next general assembly. Safe to say they never picked on me again. Note: It was also determined that the bullies parent's and sibling's ALL had a bad case of head lice. Karma my dear, definitely Karma! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
defensedave 1158 Report post Posted March 15, 2014 A friend and I put another buddy's 1963 mint Corvette in the auto trader and online as being for sale, $1500 OBO. We did this on his birthday and left his number. He started getting calls at 4:00am and people showing up at his door that knew the car. He said he must have got 500 calls on the first day. The phone traffic was so bad Bell called him to see what was up. We ended up telling him a few weeks later when things died down. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dirkgently 1778 Report post Posted March 15, 2014 A friend and I put another buddy's 1963 mint Corvette in the auto trader and online as being for sale, $1500 OBO. We did this on his birthday and left his number. He started getting calls at 4:00am and people showing up at his door that knew the car. He said he must have got 500 calls on the first day. The phone traffic was so bad Bell called him to see what was up. We ended up telling him a few weeks later when things died down. mess with a man's wife, but never mess with his car. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gentleman11 10508 Report post Posted March 15, 2014 (edited) In college we devised a little payback for the in our residence who was a bit of a "legend in his own mind" who used to make verbal fun (we call it bullying now I think) out of some who were not as capable of defending themselves. We started phoning him at various times of the day (he had a phone in his room which was rare) at first asking "Ah ya, is Fred there?" in various disguised voices and then would hang up when he said no. We expanded it a bit to call at night until he got really frustrated and would vent publicly about the " $#@*& Fred guys callers". He got so visably po'd about the whole thing after several days that we phoned him from the floor pay phone and said "Ya hi this is Fred, I've been out of town for a few days, has there been any calls for me" and then he heard us laughing our asses off in the hall. He was somewhat contrite for the remainder of the term as I recall. Edited March 16, 2014 by Gentleman11 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
antlerman 17064 Report post Posted March 16, 2014 saw this on the web I did it to my friend... Purchase from the dollar store 200 beer cups..plastic red ones or similar go to the victims house and with some water start filling the cups placing them 2" apart all the way from the bath room to the front door...leaving enough room for the door to open... So what you have is a floor covered in cups filled to the top...covering the entire floor all the way in to the bathroom.... then I picked up my friend from the airport after his vacation....proceeded to say we needed to meet some friends for a quick beer on the way home as they wanted to hear about his vacation...... keep feeding him beer.... then dropped him off at home after taking a few wrong turns on the wqay there..... long flight....beers....long drive home.... = full bladder... when he oppebed the door to rush in to go to the obstacle of a floor cover in full water cups was before his eyes..... Took me many beers to pay him back for the wet floor...hahahahaha 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites