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Consultation is key on prostitution

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I wonder why he never even bothered to acknowledge receipt of my email on the issue.

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Opening up an online 'consultation' questionnaire is hardly the same thing as sitting down with sp organizations from across the country. It isn't like they are hard to find, i am sure they have all been contacting his and other mps offices for a long time now. He's taken the time to mention he is willing to meet with other specific organizations, LE, but not sex workers who would be affected by any sort of legislation?


And wants to justify that by saying, oh, well they can always submit a questionnaire, we did our part to open up discussiion with them, uh huh.

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Guest S****r

I wonder why he never even bothered to acknowledge receipt of my email on the issue.


In response to a further email from myself to Peter Mackay asking why his office had not even acknowledged receipt of my letter on the matter, I received a form letter from his office in which he states: We are committed to ensuring that the criminal law continues to address the significant harms that flow from prostitution to communities and to those engaged in prostitution, as well as other vulnerable persons.

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Guest Miss Jane TG

"I can assure you that our legislative response to prostitution will take into account the views heard in our consultation process, and that the new laws we present will truly reflect Canadian values. I encourage all Canadians to participate in our online consultation found at justice.gc.ca, which remains open until Monday, March 17."


Bingo, "new" laws are coming!

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Guest Ou**or**n

The consultation is most likely a sham as the lack of a multiple-choice section prevents them from actually having to release a numeric result that shows x % to be in favour of decriminalization vs. y % in favour of the nordic model.


You have to remember this is the government that:


  • Tried to pass a law retroactively changing the requirements for appoints of judges from Quebec that was promptly struck down as unconstitutional
  • Has passed minimum sentencing laws despite strong criticism from a wide variety of groups including several from the US where it has been described as a huge failure. Additionally most expect these laws to head to a showdown in the supreme court.
  • Has dismissed or muzzled scientists all across the Federal public service as they have no desire to hear 'facts' that conflict with their ideology.
  • Is pushing through the Electoral reform act despite widespread criticism from all parties including many of the 'reform' elements within the party itself.


In short this is a government that rules by ideology, does not listen to either scientific evidence or other opinions and has proven to pass laws that it knows will not will not pass constitutional challenge to SCC.


I sincerely doubt prostitution which isn't even as hot button topic as their hard on crime agenda or electoral reform is going to be any different. They will pass the nordic model and when it gets struck down by the SCC they will just rail again how the courts are thwarting the will of the elected government.

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Summer, I don't know if this ethical but, have someone you know who's in favour of The Nordic Model email Peter Mackay tellung him that they endorse it and hope the government passes it as quickly as possible. If they get a personal response (other than a canned one) then you'll know there is a bias.


I was going to suggest someone - anyone - send that email but it really should be a Nordic supporter so that the government can't say we're playing games with them

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Guest S****r

Good idea, but frankly, I don't know anyone who is in favour of that model whom I could ask to do so.



Summer, I don't know if this ethical but, have someone you know who's in favour of The Nordic Model email Peter Mackay tellung him that they endorse it and hope the government passes it as quickly as possible. If they get a personal response (other than a canned one) then you'll know there is a bias.


I was going to suggest someone - anyone - send that email but it really should be a Nordic supporter so that the government can't say we're playing games with them

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