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Ashley Brunette AKA (Ginger,Victoria,SweetPeach) - DYLAN'S FINEST AGENCY - UNDERAGE!!

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  eric88r said:
I think such a strong allegation could have been handled with a private message to the women themselves and not been aired public. Tuff for business!!


MOD did the correct thing here, he/they have a responsibility to protect Cerb and its clientele from ANYTHING resembling underage activities. You should ask yourself "do I want to get caught with a 17 year old high school girl?" If the answer is yes you don't belong here! If the answer is no you should retract your post. This board is not a forum for slander, gossip, excessive drama or anything illegal or illicit! We (SP's and Hobbyists) are all here for essentially the same reason to meet one another in a safe, fun and legal manner. Underage activity jeopardizes all of us! To continue to support such activities and businesses is wrong both morally and legally! If MOD were to allow such posts with the knowledge that the poster was underage Cerb could be targeted by law enforcement! Further to that MOD may very well have kept some Cerb men out of legal trouble by addressing this situation publicly. These are my thoughts and my views and I don't expect everyone to agree with me on everything, but on this topic I believe all reputable members of Cerb will agree with me!


I must also ask this question since I am in a particularly inquisitive mood. Are you associated with Dylans Finest? I am curious why a random poster would be concerned about the financial situation of a business...any business???

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  Amelia said:
Perhaps the best way to deal with this is to not bring the drama to cerb. Don't blow on the flames, so to speak. Nothing kills gossip more quickly than simply ignoring what is being said and watching the gossipers dig their own grave.


What happens on cl should stay on cl

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Thanks Steve - I just want to say something however about your comment. If someone brings to my attention that someone using the site is underage I will investigate it and ask for some ID but saying it's my responsibility to make sure everyone is of age is not true. I know you meant good with the comment I just don't want anyone getting the wrong idea here that because they are on cerb they must be 18+ years of age (I have no control over that and rely on you all to help police this).


When you guys book with a lady you need to ask her for ID if she looks young! It's not my responsibility to do this for you - it is yours! If she says no... leave and PM me and I will ask her if she is a member here. If she says no to me I will remove them from the site. If she has some lame excuse (I didn't bring it or my agent told me not to carry my ID) RUN - Don't walk! This is a sure sign she is illegal (Follow your gut too!)


We have no way to check ID's on cerb so we rely on you guys to tell us. Don't expect that because they are a member here on cerb that they are 18+ (we hope everyone here is a adult).

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good morning MOD


Just wondering if there has been any resolution to the age matter here yet?



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Yes, I admit I'm confused as well. Are Ashley (and other ladies working for Dylan's Finest) of legal age? I don't want to take any chances.

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  mod said:
Thanks Steve - I just want to say something however about your comment. If someone brings to my attention that someone using the site is underage I will investigate it and ask for some ID but saying it's my responsibility to make sure everyone is of age is not true. I know you meant good with the comment I just don't want anyone getting the wrong idea here that because they are on cerb they must be 18+ years of age (I have no control over that and rely on you all to help police this).


Point taken, I believe I must have misread one of your previous posts and assumed a level of responsibility where in fact there is none. My mistake...D'oh!

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MOD, wondering if there have been any new developments concerning the topic of this thread? Is there anything new to share with the Cerb community?



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I have no problem with MOD attaining proof of age, in fact it is appreciated by me and i'm sure others, all i suggested is that they be given the chance to do so privately before the issue is aired. You will notice it is in the post after mine where MOD clarrifies that he has indeed contacted these women privately. I am not a mind reader and had no way of knowing this. Perhaps when reading messages you could pay attention to the order they are posted and it will all make more sense to you.

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  Loki318 said:
good morning MOD


Just wondering if there has been any resolution to the age matter here yet?




Nope, nothing yet.


Just a promise that ID would be sent for all the ladies ... you would think one would want to get this cleared up as quick as possible if it was legit. I will post here as soon as I can confirm ID was sent to me with proof of age.


and of course... I do always try to check this stuff in private first. This site is based on not slandering the ladies and keeping a positive atmosphere. I usually suspended the ads (into a review state) when age is a concern and request proof of age.

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Ashley pm'd me today saying that they will now NOT be providing me with ID and that they will no longer participate on cerb. They claim I have no right to ask for this so my response is - "Your age is in question and until you can prove without a doubt that you are over the legal age of 18 you will not be welcome to participate on cerb".


They are trying to claim that I never asked them to prove they are 18 but I did previously ask the agency (Dylans) and when I had no response I pulled the Ginger and Ashley recommendations and spoke to the guys who commented on the recommendations.


Before booking with Dylans or these ladies, ask yourself ... why they would they not just verify their age and clear this matter up. I think we all know the answer.


I can not say for sure if they are over or under 18 years of age but I called her on using her older sisters ID and it seams like they no longer wish to show me ID. So my conclusion to this is that I must assume now that they Ashley (and probably Ginger) are underage. (This is just too suspicious for me - I can not allow them on cerb and they will be added to the DNR list)


I would recommend to our members to stay away from anyone who looks underage and can not show you valid proof of age when requested. Maybe someone who does visit them can ask them for ID as Ashley did say that she would show her ID to anyone who asked her in person (Be forewarned it could be her sisters ID as that is what I was told to watch for).

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I received a PM today saying that she is now working under the name "Victoria" and is working at Dylan's Finest still. (or possibly this is another underage girl at Dylan's finest) either way stay away from this agency and affiliates. If the lady looks YOUNG ask her for ID. If she refuses cut your losses and LEAVE.

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She apparently is showing people ID so maybe she turned 18 by now but if her ID puts her any older then 18 she is showing you her sister's ID!


We have a very good source that tells us that the ID she is showing still is actually her sisters ID (Who is also a SP under the name Stacey who is a few years older then her).


Guy's... Keep in mind that the RCMP is watching CL very closely right now to find underage girls! The RCMP wants CL to shut down the adult ads in Canada like they did in the USA. You can be sure that the police read these posts and investigate stuff like this!

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Are these the same girls now advertising on cl as sexy sweet swirls? If so, I guess the same "buyer beware" rules apply.


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Thanks Herbie. I removed the link as we do not want to send anyone to that site inadvertently if it is them. If someone out east can confirm that this is them for me (PM ME) I would appreciate it. Looks like this site advertises a Keisha, Kialynn and a Victoria.

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