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Red Cross - Fund raiser results and special thanks.

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Red Cross Hati Earthquake Relief

(CERB Banner Donation Drive)



VERY SPECIAL THANKS to the following members who contributed (or) had banners purchased for them by some generous guys ...





Rachelle Reigns










The donation was sent to the red cross a few minutes ago and I know all the people who paid for banners trusted that 100% of the money would be sent in as promised but I wanted to post the following to reassure everyone that it do go to the red cross for the Haiti relief fund and we rounded it up to the full 1000.00 too.



Dear DeSign Co. (Cerb fund raiser),


Thank you for your gift of $1,000.00 on Feb 9, 2010 4:42 PM.


Your generosity will help the Red Cross rapidly deliver aid, restore hope and invest in rebuilding Haiti s future.


Thank you again for your support.


Canadian Red Cross

Charity Registration Number: 119219814RR0001 http://www.redcross.ca


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Guest W***ledi*Time

Kenneth Jackson reports for the Toronto Sun / QMI, 17 Feb 2010:

Canadian Sex Workers Raise Money for Haiti

Sex trade workers and the men who frequent them have come together.


No, not in that way.


Well, some of them may have.


They were able to raise $1,000 for the Canadian Red Cross during a recent fundraiser to help the people of Haiti in the aftermath of the Jan. 12 earthquake that devastated the Caribbean country.


The Canadian Escort Recommendation Board
, cerb.ca, held the drive by donating 100% of the proceeds from sales of banner advertisements on the organization’s website between Jan. 31 to Feb. 8.


“Everyone has been wonderful and lots of people want to help out. Even some of the guys have bought banners for the ladies,” wrote the moderator of the website, which has a strong Ottawa presence.


The moderator thanked everyone for their help.


A few of the women and Johns were from Ottawa or have spent time in Ottawa, as some escorts travel from city-to-city.


“I was glad to contribute, plus they do awesome banners!” wrote escort Victoria Jolie.


Two other escorts took it a step further and made their fundraising a little more personal. They donated $10 per hour from a solo session with a client and $20 for every “duo” session when two escorts are hired by one client.


“I’m so proud of what we did. You know a couple hundred (dollars) may not seem like a much but in a country where the average yearly income is equivalent to $500 Canadian, $200 can help a lot,” wrote one of the ladies, who goes by the name Rachelle Reigns. She was in Ottawa last week but the fundraising happened while she was on tour in Saskatchewan.


The Red Cross was thankful for the support, based on an e-mail sent to cerb.ca.


“Your generosity will help the Red Cross rapidly deliver aid, restore hope an invest in rebuilding Haiti’s future. Thank you again for your support,” the e-mail stated.


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Wow.. that is awesome! I love seeing positive news in the media for our industry and I am so proud to be part of this. Big thanks to Kenneth and the Sun for running this.


oh, and a big thanks to WrinkledinTime for posting it too. You always have the news clips before me! ;) You must have all the right RSS feeds going.

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A very awesome display of a very caring Board and their members, "I tip my hat to all of you, and raise a glass for a toast"


Congrats all!:bowdown:

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A great idea that generated fantastic results. A tip of the hat to all who were involved, and to our mod for organizing it.


Nice to see some positive publicity too. I'm glad they avoided the usual editorial slant, and focused on the generosity of all involved.

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