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Hey y'all:)

Just putting this out there so no one get's scammed. My aunt's FB was hacked, started a week ago...I got a friend request, then a message saying

"hey, did you get the good news yet? " I said no??? then nothing..

then next day " so...you get any good news yet?"

"no????" I said, "what is it Pearl?"

" Facebook is giving away Easter Lottery, I won 85,000 just got it delivered few days ago, paid my bills and have some in the bank for savings!"

She continues to say " I seen your name and pic on the list too! txt this number I got from an agent and tell them you would like details. "


I did txt it. CONGRADULATION!! I WON hahahhaha, we will send email form to fill out, ohh and please pay for the delivery and case file.


I knew then that it was a scam as you never should have to pay out to get your prize. I asked in the chat box to my "aunt Pearl" what is my mothers name, of course "she" knew it hahhaa, can you call me? "she" says "no my cell broken and not at home" I said funny cause I am talking to you right now on the phone, you are a hacker...lol


I am telling you all this, cause it can be tricky when someone has the right info, so it is hard to ask trick questions. They have gone through my mother, sisters and me now ...


Question: where does one report this kind of scam?

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