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Monday, Sensual Tantric massage and Prostate Special

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Guest B**** Fo***ine

Good morning Gentleman, I am moving my tuesday massage special to Monday this week.


9am - 3pm only 1 hour


Prostate is included only if you desire it. Just need to let me know ahead of time. You may bring your own toys if you like.


Great Ambiance

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text for appointment 6137949908


here is a basic description of the massage itself


A Tantric massage is a slow paced, very pampering, extremely relaxing, massage.

We will begin the massage by having you on your stomach and then on your back. I will begin by awakening the Kundalini in the body located in the base of the spine, or base chakra. Your abdomen, thighs, feet, earlobes, chest, nipples and fingers are then gently massaged using . No part of your body will escape my attention. Your energy flow is stimulated and senses awakened as your body's sensitivity gradually increases. Your entire body will be massaged, including particularly sensitive areas and erogenous zones. You will feel relaxed, yet wide awake. You will be coached to breathe properly, as you sink into yet deeper level of relaxation. This incomparable sensation has been described by some as if they were "walking on clouds"

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