Guest ATasteOfEve Report post Posted April 9, 2014 (edited) Sorry I even had an opinion on this one. Won't happen again. Edited April 9, 2014 by ATasteOfEve Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest g*nch***2 Report post Posted April 9, 2014 What group of girls are you talking about? Just out of curiosity of course... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nathalie L 112512 Report post Posted April 9, 2014 I think it's up to everyone to set their own rates. It's a personal decision, and one based on a lot of factors that we might not necessarily know about. "Do 'they' even know the cost of living in Canada?" I'm assuming you're talking about recent immigrants of migrant laborers? I'm sure they do know the cost of living here, but need to make a certain amount of money to make ends meet. I have no idea, we aren't walking in their shoes after all... Ultimately we can't judge. We don't know anything about their lives or what determined their rates, etc. I don't think it has anything to do with self-respect or fairplay either... it's just people trying to make a living in ways they see fit. These things have a tendency of working themselves out. I'm really sorry it's making life difficult for you, Eve. I think that the really good clients, clients who are respectful and kind, will continue to see the ladies they want, regardless of the cost. I don't think it will drive your prices down at all. People are always transitioning in and out of the industry... Those that stick around (like you) and have good reputations (like you) will be successful in the long run. We need to hold our judgment and be in solidarity with one another. It's a tough industry! Just my two cents, Nat xox 43 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PistolPete 61421 Report post Posted April 9, 2014 Nathalie has hit it right on the head. Those that have lower rates are not doing it for the purpose of undercutting at all, they are trying to make a living at it. You will always see rates, from a lower level to an upper level, and that has been part of this industry for a many years, from past to present, you can see that today from ad's here,EC,P411,BP or wherever the men seek services. 9 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cleo Catra 178383 Report post Posted April 9, 2014 I'm with Nat on this one.... the rate a lady chooses is up to her, and her only. There is no set local price. We don't know the reasons behind why someone decides on a rate to charge, and we have no right to pass judgement on them for what they decide. Charging a lower rate doesn't mean the person has no self-respect. It could mean they are comfortable providing their services at that rate. Or it could mean they need the money. Or it could mean many things. Similar things have been said about providers who choose to offer 15-minute specials, and I firmly believe none of us has the right to look down our noses at the girls who choose to do so, and I belive the same about the rate issue. What other girls charge has no effect on my business. My clients come to see ME, and I believe most of them would no matter what I charged. I am not concerned about 'losing' clients to lower-priced providers. Clients don't 'belong' to us anyway. 34 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ATasteOfEve Report post Posted April 9, 2014 Natalie, I am by no means judging anyone nor singling out any particular group other than girls that undercut everyone else. Whether this is a decision that the girls have made or their pimps, it is an issue that concerns our local business, including yours. The laws of supply and demand sweetie. Eve xx Additional Comments: I understand what you guys are saying...and you're right. I'm just frustrated when I see posts for $100/hr. Come on! This is 2014 right? They were selling it for that back in the 70s. Additional Comments: I understand what you guys are saying...and you're right. I'm just frustrated when I see posts for $100/hr. Come on! This is 2014 right? They were selling it for that back in the 70s. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CristyCurves 169033 Report post Posted April 9, 2014 Chances are they are undercutting, but as it's been said no one really knows. But undercutting is common, it's a way some draw quick business, quick cash. It's been done by services for ever. A lot of times they'll advertise a low rate to draw in clients then charge x for this x for that and by the end of the service the client has spent as much as he would have with a "normal" priced girl. In the end it's the clients that allow it to go on by frequenting the providers that offer these low prices. But since we can't control what anyone does, it's best to just concentrate on our own business, as frustrating as this issue is. Fair is a theory not a reality, so I'm learning, lol. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted April 9, 2014 I can only speak for myself. When I see a lady it is because there is something about her that interests me, that something, a connection, clicking if you will (and yes her looks too ;-) ) are what matter. If I am lucky to meet a companion that I like, even more lucky if I like that companion enough to continue to see her, and most of all fortunate enough that that companion will agree to see me, guess what, I'm not even looking at some lady offering her companionship at reduced rates From my perspective, sorry to phrase it this way considering the nature of this lifestyle, but this isn't about the most bang for your buck. For me it is about meeting and developing special connections with ladies who offer companionship. Companionship being much more than just a sex. And when those connections are made, a new less expensive companion isn't going to even draw my attention. In short, the dollar rate isn't what decides for me who to see, it is the lady herself that decides for me if I'll see her. In short a lower dollar rate won't undercut my client loyalty nor will it affect my choice in companion to see Hope that makes sense A rambling RG 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PistolPete 61421 Report post Posted April 9, 2014 I think the question was already answered by the quote "supply and demand" if there is a demand for providers that offer services at a low rate, there will be a supply of ladies or lady offering that demand, is that not correct??? 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aimtoplease1 1839 Report post Posted April 9, 2014 Right or's an argument I'm NOT willing to have. I do agree with Natalie & Cleo. I'm just thankful there's girls offering these prices. Because of my income I would never get to enjoy the pleasures of being intimate with a woman more than 3 or 4 times a year. I'm sure there's a lot of guys in the same position. I do have to say, I've never seen an ad for $100/ hr....maybe a 1/2 hr. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gabriella Laurence 301887 Report post Posted April 9, 2014 (edited) Although I agree with Nathalie and Cleo, I can certainly understand what Eve is saying too. Eve, just keep in mind that those who charge $100 for an hour in Ottawa (happens in Montreal too) are not targeting and attracting the same clientele you are therefore it will not directly affect your business... I know it hasn't affected mine ;) Cheer up :) xox Additional Comments: I understand what you guys are saying...and you're right. I'm just frustrated when I see posts for $100/hr. Come on! This is 2014 right? They were selling it for that back in the 70s. Edited April 9, 2014 by Ga*****la L****nce adding Eve's quote to my post 9 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LonelyPerv 3756 Report post Posted April 9, 2014 I'm kind of new at this but I have to agree with roamingguy. I've been browsing a lot of the providers here, and on other sites, and have never looked at a price yet. Her pictures, responses to threads, and her recommendations help me to see if there may be a connection. If I see a possibility, her price is not going to sway me either way. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GHT 798 Report post Posted April 9, 2014 Eve, I think clients know they get what they pay for. I personally would not expect great service/looks for $100/hr. That being said you never really know. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kyra.Graves 23779 Report post Posted April 9, 2014 Natalie, I am by no means judging anyone nor singling out any particular group other than girls that undercut everyone else. Whether this is a decision that the girls have made or their pimps, it is an issue that concerns our local business, including yours. The laws of supply and demand sweetie. Eve xx Additional Comments: I understand what you guys are saying...and you're right. I'm just frustrated when I see posts for $100/hr. Come on! This is 2014 right? They were selling it for that back in the 70s. It's not an issue of supply and demand, that is a mistake that far too many people make in this business. Supply and demand would apply if we were selling widgets but we are not, we are far more comparable to knowledge workers, this business is all about the individual provider, their particular skill set, 'value added services' and of course relationship selling. Almost every lady has a different business and profit model, see three different ladies and you'll discover three different areas they focus their attention as well as different plans for success. Clients select ladies based on their individual needs and interests, cost is actually a very small factor compared to value. Yes there is a limit to what any individual client will spend but you only have to look at the various business models to know that there are clients in all price ranges and certainly enough to keep any one individual in a price bracket busy. If you feel like you are being undercut then you need to evaluate your own business, see what is comparable in your particular market segment and what sets you apart and focus on that. If you compare yourself to businesses outside of your market then you will always feel like you are on the losing end simply because it's not your market and not your business model. As always I'll use myself as an example, if I compare myself to ladies with rates less than my own I often notice they have a larger client base, work more frequently and have less overhead. There are also a huge number of clients that will see them and will not see me, some because they see no value in the particular date I offer and others because my consideration is simply out of their price range. If I compared my own business to these ladies I would appear to come up lacking in several specific areas, this does not however mean that I am not successful or running an effective business. If I compare myself to the ladies that charge more than I do I find that often they are travelling more (by request) and have a smaller but more loyal client base. Depending on their individual model often their overhead is a little higher and they tend to require far more flexibility in their personal lives - something I do not have. So again on a one to one comparison of any particular area I appear come up lacking but that doesn't take the entire business model into account. What truly matters is does my model work for me? I have enough clients that I am happy, my current model integrates well with my 'outside life' and it allows me both the freedom to pursue other interests without compromising on the things that are important to me when going in to an individual date. You have to compare with other ladies that are in your market, evaluate how your business is working for you and if there are areas you need to improve on. There is always some cross-over in clientele, some people will see me, you and another lady with a consideration that is either higher or lower than ours or perhaps simply has a longer (or shorter) date minimum. That part of the market isn't nearly as big as the people that 'shop' within a particular interest or business model and it's those clients that you focus on, the others will come and go anyway and you generally won't build a loyal clientele out of them. 16 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *l**e Report post Posted April 9, 2014 I agree with Gabriella... the clientelle is different in different price ranges...and please don't kill me for the analogy,but McDonald's is not stealing business from Wolfgang Puck's restaurant. The guys going to the 100$ girl wouldn't be going to see you anyways. I totally get your point though and I'm sorry you're feeling frustrated, Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrgreen760 37785 Report post Posted April 9, 2014 Business is business and each one should approach it as they see fit, dependent on their goals. I've seen girls who wanted to pay off bills or student debt or build a next egg and this is a very temporary situation for them, not a career. So I expect they market themselves in the manner that achieves their goals in a time frame that their comfortable with. No harm no foul I say, the more the merrier. There's plenty of room in the market place for all. Peace MG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
loneskater 25635 Report post Posted April 9, 2014 I been on this board for many years and this is a subject that seems to pop up this time of year when business tends to be a little slower. I do recall a few years ago mod mentioned he did not want to see "street prices" on the board. I am sure if someone was advertising 100 an hr prices on CERB and he was made aware of it he would probably look into it. However this is something the OP would have to do as I haven't seen ads here at 100 hr. I saw one lately at 60 for 15 mins and that was BJ only. That's the lowest rate I seen on CERB for a long time. Responses on this thread have been great and I don't want to repeat what has been said. Just like to emphasized, we all have a budget we must respect however when seeing a lady, rate isn't the main consideration in most cases. Some choose to be Baskin Robin clients and want to see different girls each time they play. Their choice and surely they see ladies in different price range. Others prefer seeing a lady on a regular basis and that will be driven by connection and personal factors not by which lady is the cheapest. Finally there are those who don't care, excuse the expression but that say: "a hole is a hole", who will always bargain for a cheaper deal and will see the lady who offers the lowest price. Nothing anyone can do or say will change them. Just remember there are many of us who aren't like that!!! 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CristyCurves 169033 Report post Posted April 9, 2014 I agree with Gabriella... the clientelle is different in different price ranges...[/QUOTE] To a certain extent. Men that frequent a 3-400$ hr girl will also frequent a 100hr girl, if she is appealing to them and some men that frequent a 100hr girl will go to higher priced girls, just not as often. So I do agree that if enough girls, that are attractive and provide good service, start charging 100$hrly then the rest will eventually have to follow. We all have our fans and loyal clients but no man is so loyal that he'll stay with someone that charges more than another that he likes just as much. The number of men that seek out an engagement rather than a physical thrill I believe is the minority. Men want a hot thrill and sadly, in more cases than not an inexpensive hot thrill. If that weren't the case, those that rely on this for their day to day living, all would be retired by now or not accepting any new clients. But that's just how I see it:) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aimtoplease1 1839 Report post Posted April 9, 2014 I agree with Gabriella... the clientelle is different in different price ranges...and please don't kill me for the analogy,but McDonald's is not stealing business from Wolfgang Puck's restaurant. The guys going to the 100$ girl wouldn't be going to see you anyways. I totally get your point though and I'm sorry you're feeling frustrated, That's not true in all cases. I've experienced fine dining, going to well known museums & the theater over the years & have a appreciation for them. Just because I don't have a lot of disposable income anymore does'n mean I wouldn't appreciate these fine ladies if I had the chance. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
silverado17 12689 Report post Posted April 9, 2014 i have been on here for a long time seen all different rates for a bj or for fs to me it's the girl depending on how bad she needs money and that is what it all comes down to and also this depends on what a guy wants if he's just looking to get his rocks off.To me he'll take the cheap one or does he want to spend lots like really i can't see someone spending lot to get his rocks off no offense why would someone spend 400 when they could go see an MA and have the same thing for cheaper not like the guy will see that girl every day it would be his dream date maybe. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FunValerie 8573 Report post Posted April 9, 2014 Within reason, what we are selling is clicking and connection. It is next to impossible to put a dollar value on those two things. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted April 9, 2014 Within reason, what we are selling is clicking and connection. It is next to impossible to put a dollar value on those two things. Exactly, and some of us gentlemen are looking for that clicking and connection with a lady. Maybe I'm biased but I don't think I'll find such a connection with a lady charging low rates. And the ladies I do see, while charging a higher rate (compared to $100/hr), provide companionship. They know being a courtesan is more than being a sex provider. In fact sex is but one part of an encounter. My experience, encounters have a value far exceeding any donation they could ask for. I don't believe I could say the same if I was looking to see the lady offering the cheapest rate possible BTW this is not a put down of those seeking or offering low rates, there is something and somebody for everyone. But what I enjoy are those companions who offer much more than just sex...they provide companionship. A rambling for what it's worth RG 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fortunateone 156618 Report post Posted April 9, 2014 i hear about that 100/hr rate, but i think like others, I do not actually see anyone advertising it. I am always curious about where are all these ads lol. However my opinion has been said a few times on here, might as well repeat it: the 100/hr 'experience' is not the same as the 400/hr experience, however guys who are just looking to get off may claim. The 100/hr or even the 120/45 setup is not the same set up as a professional independent sp working alone, without a revolving door and a half dozen people in the incall, along with someone placing ads, booking appts, and to be sure, cleaning up the shower and work rooms. In order to pay for all that, and to pay for their keep and any expenses incurred to get them into the country to work illegally (if that is one of the setups the OP saw) they cannot charge 300 an hour. They need McDonalds pricing, but they also need McD's get up and go. Call at 10 to 5, arrive at 5pm, and out the door at 5:45, no exceptions. And onto the next one, due in at 6pm, they do not have the luxury of fancy surroundings, or rest time between appts, they are only taking in half of the donation, after all expenses, and need to keep up the pace. Some guys will go and repeat, that is just what they want, a preset menu with an interchangeable sp, doesn't much matter to them who showed up to open the door, whether they can even have a conversation of any kind, they come in and then off they go. Many other guys look for more, they try one of the 100/hr setups and find it inadequate, lacking, etc. They have no interest in that, and look for something and someone more. At no time is a 100/hr shop with multiple sps actual competition for an indy sp, in other words. the kind of guy who is OK with B&S and low expectations is not your clientele, if you are someone who makes an effort and it shows. If they are new to this kind of activity, usually the factory shop setup horrifies them, and they may be too scared to try again. Or they may then be that guy who asked a bunch of questions about 'is anyone else there' or 'are your pics real', etc lol Be prepared to tell the caller that you have more to offer them than a rate and a menu. And that you are looking for guys who can appreciate that. oh, and i forgot to add that sometimes a rate like that is just a rate posted in an ad. It is in no way ending up as the rate actually paid if the client wanted FS for an hour, for example, or to touch, or to actually have the sp stay lol. That is the other side of the story behind rates like that. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PistolPete 61421 Report post Posted April 9, 2014 Define low rates????? You can't without stepping on toes here, as every lady has their own way of producing their rate. See, when we state lower/higher rates then what exactly is a lower/ higher rate? I've seen some terrific ladies at 200 an hour or a little more than 200 I have seen those that are 300 or more, and in fact 400 or more an hour and have spent over 1k with lady in the USA for a 3 hour session. Regardless of the rate, that it may be, there is always a "connection"depending how one individual looks at it and that can happen at 100 an hour, I don't know I have never seen a lady in my time for an 100 an hour,unless my mind is failing me from 10-15 years ago. Companionship is defined as a "feeling of fellowship or friendship" that can be found within ladies regardless of rates. I think giving your own perspective clouds the original OP thread start. A Courtesan is a SP with wealthy or upper class clients, I've seen many Courtesan's however I do not think I'm wealthy, perhaps upper class, but why the difference between a SP/Courtesan/ VIP lady? The fact remains, if the gentleman has the coin, passes the screening methods, is it not really all the same?? The thread was about undercutting, prices will always be from one pendulum to another, it is always "companionship" sharing skin on skin contact,sharing small talk, and simply being friends for that 100 an hour time, or 200 or 300 plus an's all just the same RG,and yes there is "something" and "somebody" a lady ....a human being trying to get by. I'm just looking at this from all sides. Exactly, and some of us gentlemen are looking for that clicking and connection with a lady. Maybe I'm biased but I don't think I'll find such a connection with a lady charging low rates. And the ladies I do see, while charging a higher rate (compared to $100/hr), provide companionship. They know being a courtesan is more than being a sex provider. In fact sex is but one part of an encounter. My experience, encounters have a value far exceeding any donation they could ask for. I don't believe I could say the same if I was looking to see the lady offering the cheapest rate possibleBTW this is not a put down of those seeking or offering low rates, there is something and somebody for everyone. But what I enjoy are those companions who offer much more than just sex...they provide companionship. A rambling for what it's worth RG 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Midnite-Energies 110563 Report post Posted April 9, 2014 (edited) I am a very positive, spiritual person and I support everyone for what they want to do and I try my best not to judge anyone based on ANYthing. I charge $XXX/hr inclusive and that by no means indicates how I value myself. I am NOT a stupid woman nor am I blind to the market where I am. I am also open to my limitations with hours, looks, wardrobe etc. No one knows my situation nor do they know me or what I deal with on a daily basis. I am a quality provider who cares, who has amazing skills and I try to connect with my clients. I shun many of the industry "norms" because I don't agree with them. I give pleasure because I love it and I want to do it. To have someone comment there are no quality providers at my price point or that I am not attractive because of my price point or that I am not a serious provider or in it for the long haul, to that I say piss on you...I am amazing. I may not be for everyone but for those who see what I am and what I give.. I am NOT my price point. I get very tired of these threads. The bottom line is do what you want. Do what makes you happy. Do what makes you feel good about you and fuck everyone else. If someone does it different say "you go girl". There are enough people against us in this industry without driving it home amongst ourselves. Enough already. Everyone has a place no matter rates, menu, looks, age, sex, or any other factor involved. We are all in this together and we are all important. One year in the making...I hope I said it in a positive manner. Edited April 11, 2014 by Midnite-Energies 24 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites