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All healed up and ready to play!! xoxo

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Guest M****ella's C****s (retire

Good morning you bunch of creamy elephant cookies!!


Well I'm back after being a clutz and injuring myself haha. So here's the reason why I was mia. First I had to pay my monthly lady bill, that was one week. Then when that was finished I was coming down stairs with laundry, lost my footing, twisted my ankle, sprained it, then proceeded to fall down a few stairs...Ouch!! haha well if you're gonna do something do it right! So needless to say I had to recoup, rest, heal the ankle and wait for the back pain to go away. Along with the bruising. >.< So that was my adventure, sounds like fun right! WOoohoooo. haha


As you can see I might have bruised my bottom, but not my spirit. I'm all healed up and ready to play. I was almost going threw cabin fever having to rest and keep up my foot and blah blah blah. I don't love sitting still and doing nothing all day for days on end. Don't get me wrong, love doing it on my days or or when I'm away on vacation. However, being forced to due to injury makes me want to move and do things I shouldn't....hehe guess I like to be defiant...maybe I need a spanking...a gentile one :p


Anyhoo, I'm back now :) YAY!! I'm going to keep it short and sweet today, booo I know I'm lame. I'll try to write something sexy tomorrow. ;)

I'm all your today till 6pm, Friday 10am-6pm, to book please text 613-240-0917


earlier or latter calls can be requested, but must be pre-booked. 1st am spot must be pre-booked as well.


Massage donation:


30 minutes 120


45 minutes 150


1 hour 180


tips, gifts or gift cards are always greatly appreciated if you feel like spoiling me ;) few places that are useful are lush, bath and body works, davids tea, target, walmart, seperoa, aretisia, winners, chapters, starbucks and others I can't think of. Anyhow, just some suggestions. If cash works best then by all mean go with what works best. Being spoiled always feels awesome regardless of how or what it is ^_^



Can't wait to caress you all over!!


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