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He did not Cum.....

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Question for all you wonderful CERB ladies.....


What do you think when you have a session with a client and he does not Cum.


I am asking this because while I partake fairly often in this hobby and have met a number of wonderful CERB ladies who have provided me with excellent Service and I have enjoyed every minute of every session.... i don't always Cum. I have a few medical issues that I take medication for and I have always attributed the less than stellar finish to be a side effect.


For me personally it has never really been an issue... like I said I have enjoyed every minute of my time with the ladies and always leave feeling happy. What I want to know is what do the ladies think....


Just looking for your opinion....

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It happens. There are lots of meds that cause this unfortunate side effect. You can find a list on the Internet.


It is important to focus on the cuddles and the giggles and the body rubs. Skin to skin contact is always great.


The lady needs to be an effort to get results and the gentleman needs to have a sense of humor.


As the population ages and more and more people take all sorts of meds, we are going to have to focus on more different ways to have sexy fun.


Thanks for posting this item for discussion. It needs to be discussed.



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It can happen, especially when you over exert yourself! (hint, hint). :; Case in point - True story: Many years ago, I booked a trip to Toronto for a week and just went all out seeing ladies. Then when I got back, I had a new GF waiting for me. Only problem was, I was so worn out from my trip that I couldn't cum with her. A bit embarrassing yes, but oh well!

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there can be a difference between orgasm and ejaculation. It is quite possible to still have an orgasm (or orgasmic experience) without actually ejaculating.


At the end of the day, as long as everyone is enjoying themselves, there really isn't anything to be concerned about. Lots of different ways to experience pleasure.



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To my recollection it hasn't happened but a couple of times and admittedly I felt bad and inadequate. I thought it was because of me or something I didn't do. One man was older and forewarned me that he may not and the other was a 20 something guy who had more stamina than anyone I've yet to meet, he needed 3 girls, lol. It's always important to me that I leave the gentleman satisfied and even though I know that doesn't necessarily mean he has to cum to be so, It always makes me feel better if he does. After all in most cases the reason a man calls is to have a great orgasm:)

Edited by cr**tyc***es
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It has happened to me a few times.


Most recently it was during an incredible encounter. I was sure I was done and the lady worked hard to get me up again. While I did orgasm there was nothing left to ejaculate. Happy memories.

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For me, there are a couple different angles to this question. First, there are circumstances that can impact erections and ejaculation. This is more of a norm now than an anomaly. Unfortunately, it depends on the gentleman in question. For me, a session can be about far more than whether you get off or not. Again, this can depend on the gentleman. Some are here to have a great time and get off, some are in it for the connection, snuggles, kisses and the whole gamut of pleasures.


If the gentleman is not comfortable with whatever issue might be happening whether medical, age, lack of sleep, stress etc. and make it about cumming, then if it is not achieved, it does make me feel less than stellar. Especially when I know they are disappointed whether it is stated or not. If the gentleman goes with the flow and is comfortable with it and it becomes about more than an orgasm, then as long as he leaves with a smile, I feel good.


There are also those who know and/or push their own limits. IE: just one more. If this happens, great but again, if it becomes a case of trying too hard and not achieving then I do feel badly because they are not leaving with a smile.


The bottom line is leaving and feeling good. If someone allows an orgasm to impact this then there is a chance they are not leaving happy.


I am not going to delude myself that many times, the lady is blamed for that. I know there are ladies who feel they are instruments of pleasure and there to facilitate but not to be responsible for, yet in the situation, it is difficult not to be impacted by normal human emotions.


Personally, if someone is comfortable in their own body and the good and bad that comes with that, whether you can or can't has no impact on my view of them. People and sex are about more than an orgasm.

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For me, I will put my answer very simply... Life is about the journey, not the destination. I feel the same way about sex and intimacy. :)

Edited by Miss S. Lane
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To my recollection it hasn't happened but a couple of times and admittedly I felt bad and inadequate. I thought it was because of me or something I didn't do. One man was older and forewarned me that he may not and the other was a 20 something guy who had more stamina than anyone I've yet to meet, he needed 3 girls, lol. It's always important to me that I leave the gentleman satisfied and even though I know that doesn't necessarily mean he has to cum to be so, It always makes me feel better if he does. After all in most cases the reason a man calls is to have a great orgasm:)


Just to be Clear


In my experience when this is the situation with me it is never ever anything to do with the inadequacy of the wonderful ladies I have been with... the sex is always great.... my reason for starting this thread was twofold...


  1. To say Cumming is not the whole experience
  2. To ensure that ladies don't put it on themselves.

Just my opinion.

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For me, I will put my answer very simply... Life is about the journey, not the designation. I feel the same way about sex and intimacy. :)


Thank you for that Savannah. I personally find encounters with ladies are much more than about getting a "happy ending" For me the happy ending begins with the lady entering my hotel room and finishes when we both get dressed and hug and kiss good night. One of the most pleasant memorable encounters I had, we ended up in bed, kissing, caressing and snuggling. But nothing to lead to orgasm. But that's just how the evening naturally and pleasantly unfolded that night. And it was a pleasant memorable encounter for me

Anyhow, it was one of many pleasant journeys I have had, and the destination, well it may not always have been what I expected, but there are other wonderful destinations too...if that makes sense

A pleasant recollection and rambling



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The first time this happened to me when I was debutante I did wonder if maybe I did something wrong, but with time you come to realize that there are a plethora of reasons why a man might not ejaculate, but it does not mean the experience shared was not amazing :)


Also I learned that putting any type of pressure on a man to cum, or even simply feeling inadequate for not making him cum, may be seen as trying to rush someone, and may actually make it harder to cum...


As much as I love love love making my partner climax, it is the whole experience that matters :)

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