Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted May 24, 2015 Hobbyist suicide and a good way to have an escort NEVER see or trust you again! DO NOT EVER, EVER, EVER show up to a lady's location unannounced because a client lost their number or happened to be in the area! What is wrong with people and not understanding discretion?!! Are they just expecting us to be sitting there looking pretty and invite them in because we happen to be doing nothing? What if she works with another lady? what if she had a roommate? what if she was entertaining another client at the time and the door bell rings out of the blue? How will that client feel? What if she entertained from her own private residence and she happened to have a boyfriend/friends/family that she lived with answer the door? What would they say then? So many different circumstances in the lives of escorts that are not all the same and so many "what ifs". I just cannot wrap my head around the way some people think. Definitely a good way to never get that escort to see them again. Thankfully this rarely happens to ladies if at all but wtf? Seriously?!!! It's definitely a feeling of being violated in some way because there is a golden rule in this business and that is discretion for both parties. It's not just one sided. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Exotic Touch Danielle 31751 Report post Posted May 24, 2015 Omg so i woke up to read a text sent last night around 3am from a guy by the name of Tevor said he found my number in his phone but doesnt remember me......RED flag in my books(probaably girlfriend/wife) i texted back and said i do not know this number If you are involved or married please do not keep my number in your phone i do not want nor need the drama Put my number away in a safe place 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emma Alexandra 123368 Report post Posted May 27, 2015 Guys who think we don't have a real life and we just sit waiting for an appointment. Gentlemen We are real people with real lives.wink 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted May 28, 2015 Shoes off when a person enters! Were some people born in a barn?! Posted via Mobile Device 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andee 220524 Report post Posted May 31, 2015 Please don't ask me if I'm single and hint that if we get along maybe I'd consider a relationship with you. Especially when you haven't even met me yet! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amber Rose 19012 Report post Posted May 31, 2015 Offering me cake and juice as compensation for my time. I mean, I'm all for drinks and snacks, but I'm a little offended you think that's what I'm worth ;P Also, when I reject your offer, don't get upset and tell me I'm the reason this industry is dying and because there's so much competition I can't afford to be picky. Posted via Mobile Device 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amanda-Lee 11094 Report post Posted May 31, 2015 I'm all for texting and getting to know others, but if I don't respond don't assume I don't want to talk to you. I have a life outside of my work. I could be relaxing, not working or not really interested to talk at that given time or day. Don't get upset if I don't respond right away. Also, if you so want to say, "sorry you didn't respond fast enough I need to pass," when only 20 minutes pass you really need to be patient. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eva Laperle 7898 Report post Posted June 1, 2015 I recently got a no show (and we confirmed the rendezvous a couple hours before the date) So imagine, you prepare yourself with care for your date, get everything ready (including the specific requests) and then.... Nothing lol. For those who are reading, know that it's really annoying to get stood up like that. Especially when you're traveling and you arrange your precious time to see a gent. Ladies you understand me, right ? I think it's a matter of respect and being considerate. For me, it's a huge turn off and I will not see that person again. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted June 1, 2015 Most of my dates are booked in advance, are multiple hour social dates that include overnighters and extended overnight dates. Being busy with my regulars is a big reason why I don't have my number online. I feel like people just don't understand this. Like I'm doing this to be a nasty person and they have been treating me like this too. It's very upsetting!!! I do and have successfully booked last minute dates, but I just can't guarantee that I will be around every time a client calls, or emails. That's another reason why I only have regular clients calling me for last minute dates because they should/are aware of this. The only way to 100% secure a date is to book in advance. Also, when I take bookings from emails, I only ask for the basics to book a date. The day a client wants, the time a client wants, and their phone number. Surely guys when you go to book a date with a lovely lady you know what day and time you are interested in. Surely you guys know that many if not all escorts don't give their address out by email, or text and at some time you will have to talk to your lady of choice on the phone. Your phone number is like your I.D. This ensures that I pick up the phone to you and not another Frank, it ensures that I don't double book and it ensures that you get your date. I do not have any intention of keeping clients numbers, unless they tell me I can. No, I'm not going to hold hand when this information is clearly stated on my ads, website, etc. My auto-reply is not there to attack clients, it's there to help and is it not better to have some kind of response, instead of me flat out ignoring you? I feel so badly for escorts who ask for references because just getting this information is hard enough. I make decisions for my business that makes me feel comfortable. However, I feel like some people think it's okay to try to bully, push their limits and treat you like garbage to try to make you do what they want. This is a gentle reminder that this kind of behavior is not fair, and will result in you not getting a date. I know that this stuff has been said over and over again. Maybe I just need to vent, or I just feel like it needs to be said. I'm all for customer service, helping, answering questions, but please read your lady of choices website. If we have a lot to read, it's because we have a lot to explain. Some things we explain may sound like common sense, or redundant, but trust us, it's there for a reason and we do things for a reason. Our website is there to help you and us out. It's much easier to to guide clients back to a website for questions that commonly get asked, or have an auto-reply, rather than re answer them in each individual email. Please remember that we all have our own way of running our business. One way isn't right and one way wrong. It's the way it works for the individual lady. There are people out there that ignore protocols purposely for whatever reason. With that being said, I understand that not all people are trying to do that and hopefully this turn-off can be helpful. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Exotic Touch Danielle 31751 Report post Posted June 1, 2015 Please take the time to read m entire ad....i dont write a novel but i do provide my hours of availability, the age i prefer and that i provide safe dates only But yet i still get called after hours guys younger than the age i prefer and asking for services i do not offer smh Also, please do not ask for pictures when i always have at least 4 posted....i am not sending any pics(happens alot with CL and BP) Annoying! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted June 2, 2015 "Are you available mow?" Okay, first of all, auto text is supposed to be a person's friend. Secondly, let me just teleport myself as I snap my fingers in two shakes of a lamb's tail. A silly question from a person who has no idea where they are going or how to get there. Technically it is impossible to "be available NOW" especially when the escort has never met the person before. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChloeSummers 8409 Report post Posted June 2, 2015 Floss. If your breath smells very bad, but brushing your teeth and using mouth wash doesn't fix it... it's because you need to floss. Please do it. Additional Comments: Oh, one more thing! Mentioning the size of your penis, especially during the first few texts. Please, do us all a favour, if you have a big one keep it a surprise! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Exotic Touch Danielle 31751 Report post Posted June 2, 2015 Why text/call ask for details and book a time to only call back 5-10 minutes later and tell me you were called into work(famous line) I smell crap! Dont waste my time if you are not serious about seeing me....its annoying 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
waterat 20911 Report post Posted June 2, 2015 Floss. If your breath smells very bad, but brushing your teeth and using mouth wash doesn't fix it... it's because you need to floss.Please do it. If you've got bad breath due to not flossing it is also likely from not flossing regularly. Flossing, especially if not done correctly nor regularly, can cause the gums to bleed..... not the healthiest situation to have when sharing an intimate time. Practice regular and appropriate dental hygiene. It's also good sexual hygiene! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andee 220524 Report post Posted June 2, 2015 If you decline to take my offer to wash your hands before starting the session, don't be surprised when digits are off the table. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest **cely***r***ne Report post Posted June 2, 2015 When you give my number to someone you know and haven't even met me.. This makes me uneasy for many reasons... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted June 5, 2015 <p>When a person is leaving, please dont yell out from afar from the hallway or out the door the escort's name when she is inside and left the front entrance. Not all walls are soundproof and sound will always travel in a hallway. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest **cely***r***ne Report post Posted June 5, 2015 This happened to me last week. Met my neighbor in the hall yesterday and she asked "I thought your last name was blah blah"? Good thing I also have another at home business I could just play it off as a mistake on his part. But it was very embarrassing.. <p>When a person is leaving, please dont yell out from afar from the hallway or out the door the escort's name when she is inside and left the front entrance. Not all walls are soundproof and sound will always travel in a hallway. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted June 5, 2015 This happened to me last week. Met my neighbor in the hall yesterday and she asked "I thought your last name was blah blah"? Good thing I also have another at home business I could just play it off as a mistake on his part. But it was very embarrassing.. Yes exactly! I say my goodbyes from the bedroom and follow them out to see that they're leaving but I don't have idle chit chat with a client in front of the door. I expect them to enter and leave with discretion. With regular, I have them knock and walk in as I unlock the door beforehand for them so there is no conversation at the door. For me, once goodbyes are said from the room, no one needs to yell it out again as they're walking out the front door. I am discreet to a fault! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MickeyG 502 Report post Posted June 7, 2015 If you play the guitar and use your right hand instead of a pick, please be conscious of that when you decide to go exploring... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andee 220524 Report post Posted June 7, 2015 I am flattered when I get requests to see me. But please do not book an appointment until you are sure you are able to keep it. Booking and changing or cancelling 5 times in a row, even if the notice is reasonable, is not only annoying, but eventually will land you on my DNS list. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bewlayb 7480 Report post Posted June 8, 2015 If you play the guitar and use your right hand instead of a pick, please be conscious of that when you decide to go exploring... Huh? Guitar players are personae non gratae? Enlighten me, please. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kellyxo 11682 Report post Posted June 8, 2015 ^^^^ Obviously, a lady doesn't want a callous ridden gnarly hand on her 'exploring' 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bewlayb 7480 Report post Posted June 8, 2015 ^^^^Obviously, a lady doesn't want a callous ridden gnarly hand on her 'exploring' Oh, I thought it might have had something to do with blisters or open sores, which I could understand is a big turnoff, but I still don't see why these are specifically attributed to fingerpicking guitarists. There are lots of ways to get cuts and blisters on your hands; if you have them you shouldn't be exploring, regardless of the cause. Now if as suggested, calloused hands are also a turnoff, then I think just about every blue collar worker (and weekend do-it-yourselfer) will feel snubbed. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amber Rose 19012 Report post Posted June 8, 2015 Now if as suggested, calloused hands are also a turnoff, then I think just about every blue collar worker (and weekend do-it-yourselfer) will feel snubbed. Now it's true that a very, very large number of men have calloused hands, but there's a feeling difference between calloused but at least moisturized hands, versus super rough sandpaper hands touching your sensitive bits. Would you guys find it a turn on to have us run sand paper over your genitals? It's not a nice feeling :P If you know you're going to be touching someone in those areas, then just try using some moisturizer before, or be VERY gentle. Posted via Mobile Device Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites