Exotic Touch Danielle 31751 Report post Posted September 9, 2016 When a guy sends me a text asking when I am available and I send him the rates for my time he then says oh sorry I must have read your ad wrong I don't pay for play I was looking to meet up...okay pretty sure I don't have an ad on eharmony or any chat sites smh Fucktard 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted October 1, 2016 Clients that act like your lying about working full-time. Schedules at work change and employees have to adapt to the "work" schedule. I may have one day available one week and then the same day won't be available the next week. Yes, last minute shifts are given to me too sometimes. However, if I have to ever cancel an appointment, it's done in advance and I try to be accommodating to the client. This is a big reason why I don't have a set schedule on my website. I do provide a schedule on my auto-reply and my ads and it's always updated immediately if any changes in my life happen. Interrogating me isn't going to make me available for you and isn't going to change my schedule. If I'm already booked, I won't be available for a date, it's as simple as that. That concept is lost on some people as they act like it's an attack on them if you are already booked. They then are resentful, try to make you feel guilty and sometimes play games to try to make you pay for not being at their beck and call. Sorry that I can't divide myself in two. I'm only available two days a week now, being booked in advance is normal. I thought my regulars would be happy that I am at least available part-time, instead of flat out retiring. Some people are having a really hard time understanding the fact that I work and don't have the availability I used to. I thought clients would understand and be happy for me when I got a full-time job. Instead, sometimes, by some people (not everyone does this), I get questioned about why I want to work, get my job compared to other jobs and they actually have no clue what I do (it seems as though people are focusing on the massage part of my job-I'm not a rmt and I'll be the first to tell you that. I actually don't care about massage, never said I was the best at it, provide it as a pleasant ad on and don't want to compete with anyone, or want to be a ma. I also would NEVER say that I'm the best at anything or better than anyone...I just don't understand why people have been picking me apart about massage lately), and certain people try to make me feel guilty for working. I'm sorry but I'm so happy working and doing what I'm doing. Why in the world would I give up (quit a good job) something that makes me so happy because I'm not available when you want me to be? I'm just feeling bullied on and sad right now. Plus, If you have a low opinion of me, my services, or you just don't like me, I don't understand why you would want to see me? I like to be around people who actually see my value and like me for me. Why waste both of our time? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted October 9, 2016 People who are oblivious to the fact that they SHOULD take a shower instead of dousing themselves in exaggerated amounts of cologne and refusing a shower. Being fresh doesn't include the shower a person had that morning. I know I'm preaching to the choir for most men here but the smell of ass is like the smell of death, you never forget it! And the worst is having a provider canceling the session before even starting because she had to excuse herself to go vomit because the person visiting was so ignorant of their own stench. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Derp du Soleil 1320 Report post Posted October 16, 2016 Wow. 75 pages. Took me two days to read the whole way through...but to be honest, I stopped on a few occasions to check out some lovely photos and web sites. :redface: While educational, I found a lot of what I was reading to run the gamut from rude (oops...forgot the wallet), to embarrassing (pooping in the massage room), to absolutely horrifying (trying to remove protection). This goes beyond the basic stuff you'd think was common sense; like brushing your teeth or washing your butt crack. (Protip: brush your tongue as well - especially if you enjoy make out sessions like I do!) Personally, although new to this hobby, I want to try and make my host feel safe throughout the experience - everything else is secondary. If I can do that with a polite introduction via email, or placing the donation in a nice card - they're trying to make me feel special - why not reciprocate? If we both feel comfortable, then good times are ahead! As other have mentioned, I really appreciate detailed websites. Not only for the basic info, but also to get a feel if this woman is someone I can connect with. I know that a lot don't like providing face shots, but I read a lot into a person's smile. It also helps if the site is easy to locate through their online profile, although I seem to get the feeling that linking the two may have some issues I'm unaware of. Finally, a few questions that I hope some ladies can answer: 1. If a person has hours posted from say, 2PM to 10PM, does that mean they're willing to take a booking at 10PM? Or if you wanted to book a 1.5 hour session, you should look at reserving at 8:30 at the latest? 2. I hate being late. But in saying that, I always plan for dealing with horrible theoretical traffic that never materializes and I'm ahead of schedule. For most life events this isn't a big deal, but I don't want to look like the obvious secret agent casing the joint. Is it rude to knock a few minutes early? Like 5? In the end, I just hope this country comes to it senses and passes some laws that make this a safer experience for both parties. We're all adults, and we're all interested in doing the most natural thing in the world. I just hope I never screw up enough to wind up as a contributing factor to this thread! :icon_eek: 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OceanMassage 5357 Report post Posted October 16, 2016 1. If a person has hours posted from say, 2PM to 10PM, does that mean they're willing to take a booking at 10PM? Or if you wanted to book a 1.5 hour session, you should look at reserving at 8:30 at the latest? For me, when I put 18:00 to 22:00, I expect the last apt to finish at or about 22:00. So yest, 20:30 would be the latest I would start a session. However, in some circumstances, I may be able to accomodate: ask away is the best policy. Note: No phone calls or text messages past 21:00 or before 6:00 am! 2. I hate being late. But in saying that, I always plan for dealing with horrible theoretical traffic that never materializes and I'm ahead of schedule. For most life events this isn't a big deal, but I don't want to look like the obvious secret agent casing the joint. Is it rude to knock a few minutes early? Like 5? I am very low volume provider, by choice. So I can be a bit more flexible with people being a tad late. However, I dislike when people arrive 10 or more minutes before. I have my prep routine and I simply do not want to be rushed. For everyone's enjoyment must I say! In the end, I just hope this country comes to it senses and passes some laws that make this a safer experience for both parties. We're all adults, and we're all interested in doing the most natural thing in the world. I just hope I never screw up enough to wind up as a contributing factor to this thread! :icon_eek: The very fact that you read it through speaks millions :-) I still do not get that using soap, grooming and trimming are things we need to repeat. But we do. Some people don't care about milage I guess. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Exotic Touch Danielle 31751 Report post Posted October 17, 2016 Just READ the ad/website pleaseeeee lol If my ad says available 12noon-11pm...it literally means I am available between those hours..please do not text/call at 10:40pm asking am I available to a private home (ad says out to hotels only) and not from a text app (ad also says no text apps) Yawnssss 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Exotic Touch Danielle 31751 Report post Posted November 8, 2016 This is not regarding men but more so other sp's What really urks me and makes me mad is when other ladies copy and paste word for word of your ads and use in their ads Like seriously be original...not a good look ladies! Guys do pay attention to little details 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jackiegilcrest 5152 Report post Posted November 17, 2016 where to begin.... 1) hey/hi/hello without a follow up of requesting an appointment 2) declining a shower when a man clearly needs one... 3)one thing I see ALL THE TIME, I am massaging a man who is laying on his stomach and there is plenty of lint between his butt cheeks!!!! It also smells like he hasn't brought his soapy hands there for months.. Worse yet, I had a client who left a (very large and noticeable) skid mark on my towel recently... gentlemen: you DO need to touch and wash your butt crack in the shower. 4) When the end of a session is near, or already there, and I, diplomatically, mention that we need to wrap up, and he says, "Oh! Do you have another client?" - would you ask this to any other professional? Your lawyer? Your RMT? Your piano teacher etc? No, you wouldn't. So why is it ok to ask your ma/sp? Whether or not I have another client is completely irrelevant - you have paid for X amount of time and that time is up. If I get labelled as a "clock watcher", so be it. I am VERY generous with my time to my regular clients who have demonstrated that they respect the time I am sharing with them. For the few gentlemen whom I share a mutually genuine connection with, this my way of giving back. My best regulars are never the ones who take advantage of me, nor my time in any way. I am a professional and will be treated as such. 7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brody Boivin 8445 Report post Posted December 6, 2016 When a potential asks to book without screening even though I've always required screening. JUST FOR HIM. Bye Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meg O'Ryan 266445 Report post Posted December 7, 2016 If you are seeking a free hookup you are looking in the wrong places! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
janeway 1140 Report post Posted December 30, 2016 "hey bb u avail?" is the classic and all time least favorite of mine Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted December 31, 2016 "hey bb u avail?" is the classic and all time least favorite of mine Avail? Free? Yo escort lady Rates, service, location? Another one rhyming off menu acronyms And an all time classic.. what's up? None of these get a response from me. A lot of these type greetings are dependent on where I decide to advertise on a given day. I usually get that from BP. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mida 1070 Report post Posted December 31, 2016 ............ Mod please delete Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lexy Grace 103697 Report post Posted January 11, 2017 I have always allowed guests 19+ but I think I have to now change this. Anyone that I see 19+ I would obviously still see as I know them and I am comfortable seeing them with that age range and those with references but these new potential clients that I have encountered lately are timewasters, fake bookers and I just refuse to deal with the games. I understands nerves and immaturity but come on, WTF??? If you contact a companion to book and are to arrive and then play around, I have no time for that foolishness. Don't book and waste a ladies time when she could have booked a legit real client. I am low volume by choice and certainly not Walmart with a revolving door and only allow/invite a max of 2 guests per day to visit, if that. I will think for a few days and possibly up my visitor booking age restriction to possibly 24+ but anyone I currently see under that will not be under that restriction and are still welcomed to see me. I'm easy to talk and communicate with and I am open to hearing any potential clients concerns and work with them but gheeshhhh! I think a change is in the future with age restriction for new clients. I usually don't deal with this BS but I guess I was due! Sorry for the rant but I just had to let it out.... 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lexy Grace 103697 Report post Posted February 4, 2017 I guess I was wrong....I said I don't have many....but here I am posting after myself lol....I guess many is turning into more....I so hope not!!:icon_rolleyes: It is never appropriate or acceptable to just drop by a companions place uninvited EVER. Regardless if you have gifts. Send them by courier or bring them your next booking. That's if you get invited back after pulling a stunt like that. First time for everything at my new place I guess. Shaking my head hard, Shocked and quite Pissed all in one.... 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kilt Boy 29353 Report post Posted February 4, 2017 I'm a member at a woodworking shop, and before we're allowed to touch anything, we have to take an orientation session. Maybe you should do the same. Fire exits, safety protocols, how to properly use the equipment, gear that must be worn, watch out for moving or pinching parts ... etc. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Exotic Touch Danielle 31751 Report post Posted February 4, 2017 Lexy I have had someone do that to me yearss ago and I was so pissed off, my family was actually at my house luckily I answered the door but holy did I tell him about himself, I never heard from him again That is defiantly a big No No for me as well...omg! 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest st*****ens**ors Report post Posted February 4, 2017 It sounds like the line between a professional relationship and a personal romance blurred for the men in your stories, Danielle and Lexy. I doubt their intentions were malign but their actions were a deal breaker. Consent is always key in relationships but it seems to me that it has to be part of every facet of relationship with a provider. Visit? Sure, but ask, book and compensate for time. Gift? How sweet, but ask, book and compensate for time. There isn't room for spontaneous romantic gestures or surprises, the way there is in private life, because prior consent is always, always required. That doesn't mean that one cannot be thoughtful or generous, but gestures need to be planned and approved in advance. My nickle Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted February 4, 2017 I've had it happen and they were told off. Very rare situations indeed but it happens. Usually these type of people have no boundaries and think it's perfectly acceptable to do this for whatever reasons in their mind. Would it be perfectly acceptable for an SP to go to a client's house and randomly ring the doorbell? Or hang around their house outside wondering if they are home? No, of course not. I won't see these people again and they know why. The trust factor is long gone. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
50 Shades Raven 31381 Report post Posted February 15, 2017 A real turn-off for me is those that don't actually read an ad to find out any information whatsoever. I'm available Wednesday to Saturday, for a reason. I'm available from 7pm-2am, unless someone books overnight in advance on those days. Why is it that guys seems to just ignore those pieces of information and just call when they feel like it? One guy was pissed off at me last night when I said I wasn't available, it was Tuesday and I work out of town. His reaction to my not being available when he wanted it? You look over used anyway :-( If I look 'overused' in my pictures then why in hell are you messaging me wanting so desperately to book with me? Read the information, book in the manner requested, and don't ask for times when the person clearly is not available. Needless to say, people like this just get blocked on my phone. Your loss buddy, not mine. I don't need clients like this. I'm thankful for the clients from Lyla, they at least read the information and are courteous. :-) 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Exotic Touch Danielle 31751 Report post Posted February 28, 2017 I'm sure this has been mentioned enough times...but omg! When you ask me for my rates and I give you several different rates please then do not ask me will I see you for what you have in your pocket...turn off 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
50 Shades Raven 31381 Report post Posted March 3, 2017 'can I come see you in 10 minutes'? love this, especially when my ads state 1-2 hour notice required! What do guys think sometimes, that we are sitting around all day at our incall in lingerie, never going out anywhere ever, just in case they call? I'm 90 minutes away in another city 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaceyNextDoor 1284 Report post Posted March 4, 2017 I don't even like it when people in my personal life show up unannounced - but most of them know that about me, and at least call first :) I suppose there are advantages to not having a consistent incall spot :) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
50 Shades Raven 31381 Report post Posted March 4, 2017 (edited) 'whats your availability today for an hour?' 'I have 6pm and 11pm available' 'can I come between 12 and 1?' 'no, I'm sorry but I don't have availability then, 6pm is the earliest' 'I can't guarantee I'll be free then, so if you can't do noon then just forget it!' This guy texted me at 11:45am! and he's about a 20 minute drive from me when there is no traffic. Sorry, but a little bit of notice would be good, and I happen to not be at my location, there are sometimes when we girls go to the hair salon in order to keep looking good :-) **update** sheesh, its 12:10pm and he's now asking 'are you sure you're not available at noon?' I'm pretty sure I know when my availability is lol, right now in a salon waiting for my appointment at 12:15pm lol ** Please guys, give us a break when it comes to our availability, we do have other things that we do sometimes :-) Edited March 4, 2017 by 50 Shades Raven update Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted March 7, 2017 And it would be nice if you book after you know your schedule... Sunday last week, a semi regular wrote asking to see me Monday morning, I said yes and he said he would confirm the exact time Monday morning,fine. So I skip half of my exercises to make myself pretty (it does take time to manage my hair lol) ,at 8h he confirm for 10h,perfect as I need to leave at 9h15 to be there at 10 so plenty of time. At 8h45 he cancels as finally he has work,ok I stop the prettying process and start working real life work and...at 9h45 he writes asking if I can still make it for 10h (!) as his meeting was cancelled...sigh.I travel by bus so no 15 min notice is not an option. Sorry I am not a yo-yo and it is only because I know him and like him that I have said yes to start with as last week was supposed to be all work no play... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites