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Cerb Council of Members - Need Volenteers

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Hi Everyone. We are about to do another vote for council members and I just wanted to make sure everyone knows what the council here is all about.


Council is a group of members (both men and women) from cerb who help guide and govern the site. For example if someone with over 50 posts breaks the rules and requires some sort of suspension or removal from the site the council discusses this in private and votes on the members status.


Also the council discusses and votes on things such as new threads, new rules, changes to rules, issues and all sorts of things that help make cerb what it is.


If you have at least 50 posts, you log in to cerb at least once per week on average, enjoy the site and have been an active member for at least 6 months and would like to help with cerb in a positive way please submit your name for council. The more names we have to choose from the better. We need both men and women (and agencies/spa's are now allowed to put names in as well as of recent).


Help make cerb even better! It only takes about an hour of time a month at most for most people to read the few council threads and vote on topics.


More info here: Council member needed <- CLICK

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Guest **sh****he***ac***th

Thank-you as this is most enlightening. It's good to have a fresh set of eyes every once in a while as well. Is there a term limit for these volunteers?

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Good question. At this time no, we let the council members stay as long as they meet the login and participation requirements. A number of members have retired from council letting new council in so we have not really had a need to have a maximum time.

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