karina 2491 Report post Posted April 29, 2014 Hello everyone, up to this point I thought I had it all figured out. I never had a problem till recently. I had someone coming say' at 4pm for hh, he comes on time and we started chatting , kissing a bit then he decides to take a shower. Comes out and then we continue. Its exactly 4:15 between little action in the beginning and the shower. At 4:40 I started telling him that he had to finish cuz our time its done but he disagree and said we still have few minutes. To him, he explained that the clock should only start after the shower when we start in bed. I need everyone's opinion on this one specially from the ladies please. And what about if someone makes an appointment at 4 pm but comes at 4:15 and still takes a shower . when do you start the clock? At 4? Or as soon as you open the door at 4:15? or after his shower? Thanks everyone! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marriedbutnotdead 3844 Report post Posted April 29, 2014 for me the time should start when the client says hello to the provider. The provider is offering time. When you go to a lawyer or accountant, the clock starts as soon as you sit down 16 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest g*nch***2 Report post Posted April 29, 2014 Clock starts as soon as he opens the door. If the client needs to take a shower beforehand, he should book more time in the first place. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest S****r Report post Posted April 29, 2014 I try to be understanding and generous when unplanned things interrupt the start time, but it really depends on what the rest of my day looks like. Sometimes I have to get out the door myself and can't stay. When that is my postition, I usually say that right at the start when it is obvious we can't start on time. I just say something like, "I need to be leaving at X o'clock." They then usually apologize and begin to scurry. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bcguy42 38594 Report post Posted April 29, 2014 Well, while we wait for the ladies to chime in, there's this. To me, the clock starts when I walk in. The hugs, the kisses, the chit-chat are all part of the experience and the shower time is also counted. More importantly, were I enjoying the pleasure of your company, time is up when you say it is. Period. If it's at the 29 minute mark or 39, it is your time, your business, your decision. IMHO, sounds like you met a Class A twit. 16 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sensual Erin 33935 Report post Posted April 29, 2014 Hi Karina, Technically the clock does start on arrival and if the client would like to shower he should do so immediately before any type of intimacy takes place. It depends on the client. If you're talking, embracing, kissing and starting to connect, it should be a part of the time together. Another idea is to jump in the shower with him to make it a part of the encounter. Thirty minute appointments can be tricky and it sounds like this client would like a social connection as well. Perhaps you can suggest an extension in time together for your next encounter as that may be more suited to what he's seeking? 10 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
escortsxxx 150 Report post Posted April 29, 2014 Time various from girl to girl and I say no matter what meathod you use you should say your time starts now is that alright. Usualy i would say when the money is handed off at the begining but not till then. I have had girls start the clock when I texted them for the buzz code so 15 mintus can pas before I even see the girl. I forget to clairfy time issues on occasion and somtimes as in the above case it causes conflict. Here the clock, your time ends at X should be one of the begining convos and then if you wish to go slightly over its your choice. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jafo105 39057 Report post Posted April 29, 2014 For an in-call the time starts at the agreed upon start time. Which in this case was 4 PM. He should have had his clothes back on and walking out your door to leave your place at 4:30 PM sharp. If he shows up 15 minutes late. That means he has lost 15 minutes of playtime. Again -- He should have had his clothes back on and walking out your door to leave your place at 4:30 PM sharp. If he gave you a call to say he is running a little late. Then it is your discretion at when the adjusted start time and end time will be. In this case he was only booking 30 minutes. Again -- He should have his clothes back on and walking out your door 30 minute after he arrived. But that is just my opinion. 11 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CristyCurves 169033 Report post Posted April 29, 2014 Karina it is all up to you. You are your boss and you call the shots, never should a client be allowed to push you or anyone into a corner or tell you how a session is going to go. If a client books at 4 for a 1/2 hr appt then 4:30 his time is up-simple! If you want to give him a little extra that is up to you, but you ARE NOT obligated. Especially if he is ill mannered. 8 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted April 29, 2014 To me the clock starts when you walk in the door. You may (at your discretion) give him the time for a shower...a quick thorough shower, but that's up to you. A client is paying for your time, not for what happens during that time. If he choses to spend time in a thirty minute encounter engaged in conversation, guess what, the clock is ticking. Even social time still is time. If he wants an encounter to include social time (conversation etc) he should book longer encounters But I think BC Guy is right, you had a class A twit for a client My two cents RG 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
toklat77 4616 Report post Posted April 29, 2014 I think it is pretty clear to most people that if you book an appointment for a half hour and the time is from 4 pm to 4:30 pm then the clock starts at 4 pm, unless the SP is late (and she is coming to see you) then the clock starts when she arrives. If she lets you go beyond the agreed time then that is a bonus and one should just enjoy! I know I do! 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LeeRichards 177238 Report post Posted April 29, 2014 Hello everyone, up to this point I thought I had it all figured out. I never had a problem till recently. I had someone coming say' at 4pm for hh, he comes on time and we started chatting , kissing a bit then he decides to take a shower. Comes out and then we continue. Its exactly 4:15 between little action in the beginning and the shower. At 4:40 I started telling him that he had to finish cuz our time its done but he disagree and said we still have few minutes. To him, he explained that the clock should only start after the shower when we start in bed. I need everyone's opinion on this one specially from the ladies please. And what about if someone makes an appointment at 4 pm but comes at 4:15 and still takes a shower . when do you start the clock? At 4? Or as soon as you open the door at 4:15? or after his shower? Thanks everyone! 4 PM sweetie. Good thing he didn't book an hour. You might have had to stop for coffee break or tea time ;) 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fortunateone 156618 Report post Posted April 29, 2014 Some sps are very strict about that start and end time, as in if the appt is 4pm, for half hour, they must leave at 4:30 even if they arrive at 4:15. It depends on how accurate you are with your own timing, tho to pull that off. And that is for sps who have prebooked appts, and times, and they must stay on schedule without deviation. There really aren't too many sps who work on that firm schedule, but i think the majority of us will say arrival at the door time to end time has to be within that 30 minute range. Half hour guys are only taking showers if they already know they aren't using or needing 30 minute activity time. maybe a quick rinse, or cleanup the area, hands, mouthwash, bathroom break (not in that order) a couple of minutes, no sp minds that, but dilly dallying around first, then saying they are taking a shower, if we;ve spent 5 minutes on chit chat or canoodling and then he tells me now he wants a shower, I am not feeling quite so generous with my half hour of time. now everything is going to be cut shorter than i would like because instead of 2-3 minutes prior to starting, we are looking at a full 10 minutes into the half hour for 'everything'. Is that always possible? Not without rushing thru something, no. And if you don't this is a guy who will not be in and out within the time he paid for. Sure 5 minutes here or there, no one minds that, especially if that time is in the shower lol. But 4pm to 4:40, and he still isn't gone let alone done, or wants to argue about the amount of time left? No. And that is because i offer a 45 minutes option. This is a 45 minute guy. He wants to chat, take a shower, then get started and needs 30 minute activity time, tell him next time the best option for him is to take 45 minutes, which you do at XX $. His option for the half hour is to understand the half hour doesn't come with an unrushed session of going overtime. No half hour sessions are for guys who need or want more time than that. It is often for the guys who want to be in and out within 30 minutes because they need to be somewhere else, it isn't supposed to be for the guy who wants or needs 45 minutes but too cheap to pay the hour rate to get it. 10 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ou**or**n Report post Posted April 29, 2014 To me it starts when you walk in the door or the agreed upon start time if its the gent that is a couple of minutes late. I think it is common that if the lady asks him to wait or buzzes him up late then it should start when he arrives. If the gent is more than a few minutes late (bad traffic, difficulty parking) I think its perfectly acceptable for him to ask at the start what the end time will be. I think under such circumstances it is acceptable (schedule permitting) to give set the start ahead to when he arrives. I say this but as a gent I have been asked to wait sometimes 15 to 30 minutes due to a previous guy running late. This ticks me off. I often wish ladies would be firmer on start times. It is completely up to you and I suggest you communicate the end time at the start of each appointment to avoid future misunderstandings. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meg O'Ryan 266445 Report post Posted April 29, 2014 Traffic problems etc do happen which is why the majority of ladies won't book back to back appointments. So....IMHO the time starts once you pass the threshold (of course any late arrivals should be communicated to the lady...especially anything later than 10 to 15 minutes). Please don't view this as us being clock watchers. It's just a matter of respect for each other's time and possible other commitments either personal or professional. PS being early is sometimes worse than being late lol 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cute0aza0Button 21399 Report post Posted April 29, 2014 The time was up at 4:30, sorry. I hate to get all business but we are expected to be punctual and I feel a client should be as well. I often go over time but it is at my discretion. If you showed up 15 minutes late and he had things to so and people to see that would have messed up his day. Curtesy is a two way street. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phaedrus 209522 Report post Posted April 30, 2014 I would expect the clock to start ticking at either the agreed appointment time, or when I walk in the door... whichever's earlier. I wouldn't expect extra time at the end as a reward for being either five minutes late or five minutes early. Having said that, many ladies are generous enough to make allowances for latecomers, provided it's reasonable (10-15 minutes seems to be a usual number for those who have an explicit policy on this) - but it's the provider's privilege to allow this, not something to be expected by the client. As for showering and other stuff: that's right out. Once I'm through the door I'm taking up her time, whether that's with conversation or showering or making the beast with two backs. Expecting extra time because we didn't spend every minute fucking (or whatever) is entirely unreasonable. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The General 11309 Report post Posted April 30, 2014 Generally speaking, starts when you walk in. However, if it is the policy of the lady, that the guy must shower, now perhaps that is a little bit less clear. Guy needs shower, he problem, time is ticking. Guy needs no shower, but must have one anyway, grey area. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *l**e Report post Posted April 30, 2014 I'm usually fairly lenient about start time; traffic etc can be a problem. That said, a coutesy call if the client will be late would be nice. For me, as an MP, I start the time when my hands touch skin. just my opinion, but it seems to me this guy is taking advantage. He's trying to get a great deal by booking a 30 minute session, but then treating it like an hour session when he arrives. I think this might be why so many ladies don't even offer 30 minute sessions. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Katherine of Halifax 113933 Report post Posted April 30, 2014 Hopefully this does not sound rude . I only grant 30 minute appointments to gents that I am very familiar with and we both understand that there is a very good reason for this. That's all good and fair, we all have circumstances and its every lady's prerogative to meet this or not. I am very generous with my time especially at home when time permits but a big light goes off in my head when a 30 minute appointment is requested. As a new SP I accepted this but quickly realized this was just a way for some to pay for 30 minutes and try to stay for more. Sorry unless you are a very established and regular friend I bet a lot of lades feel the same. If you are granted a 30 minute visit I suggest you are ready to leave at the end of the agreed time. Just my opinion of course . 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Winnipegcub 21293 Report post Posted April 30, 2014 From my standpoint both parties even need to be more respectful when a 30 min appointment. For me clock always starts when I arrive. Your company is what is offered and paid for. If I wanted a quick 30 min encounter with discussion, intimacy, and sex...then I would likely be a little more 'rigid' (pardon) with the time. If I showed up late...that is on me. So on arrival I would clarify. "So sorry I'm late. I was hoping to spend 30 minutes together and it is now 4:10. Are you Ok until 4:40?" If no...you now have a 20 min date but should pay for 30 minutes and manage the time accordingly. If yes, it is dealt with respectfully, out of the way, and you can enjoy your 30 mins. Geez I love long dates! Cub 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mangotropicana 442 Report post Posted April 30, 2014 Hello everyone, up to this point I thought I had it all figured out. I never had a problem till recently. I had someone coming say' at 4pm for hh, he comes on time and we started chatting , kissing a bit then he decides to take a shower. Comes out and then we continue. Its exactly 4:15 between little action in the beginning and the shower. At 4:40 I started telling him that he had to finish cuz our time its done but he disagree and said we still have few minutes. To him, he explained that the clock should only start after the shower when we start in bed. I need everyone's opinion on this one specially from the ladies please. And what about if someone makes an appointment at 4 pm but comes at 4:15 and still takes a shower . when do you start the clock? At 4? Or as soon as you open the door at 4:15? or after his shower? Thanks everyone! so the guy thinks he is entitled to some free kisses and conversation before the shower? sounds like a douche (no pun intended). apt starts at 4 and ends at 4:30 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
2bigalow2 2938 Report post Posted April 30, 2014 The clock starts once he enters the door, but I have been told by some SP's the clock ends when u cum. If I book for 2 hours it should be 2 hours. But my recent experience was funny she actually fell a sleep on my bed for a few minutes and snored. And she didn't want to get out of my bed because it was so comfortable lol. She cuddled after our time was over at her choice . I wasn't going to kick her out I thought she was going to fall asleep again. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rocky racoon 2915 Report post Posted April 30, 2014 In cases like this, I think you should be assertive, honest, clear and reasonable: - Be assertive: Dates should start at the time agreed upon, not when the client actually arrives. If it's starting late and it's HIS fault, don't give him free time to compensate. It was his responsibility to be there at the appointed time. Don't be afraid to tell him that. Every minute he arrived late is a minute HE lost, not you. - Be honest: If the date is starting late but it's YOUR fault, don't charge the client for it. For instance, if YOU are running late, or if you have to make some phone calls before you start, get some clean towels, change the sheets, or if the shower takes more than 5 min to warm up, etc. Basically, every minute he had to wait for you in the corridor, sitting on your bed or in his car outside in your parking lot is a minute YOU lost, not him. - Be clear: In this line of work, communication is key. When the client gets in the room, tell him something like: "It's now x hours. You wanted to see me for 30 minutes, right? So are you OK with finishing at x hours and 30 min?" Might sound a little cold and business-like, but if you do it properly, right at the start, it's going to sound like you're professionnal and serious about your job. If he wants 45 minutes in order to include the shower, but only wants to pay for 30, you can tell him that it's doesn't work like that with you. He can then choose to leave if this doesn't suit him (and not make you waste your time/create a precedent). - Be reasonable: Use your judgment. If there's a lot of traffic or a snowstorm, or if the customer has the decency to call you before to tell you he's going to be late, or if you're just having so much fun yourself that you want to stay with him longer, you can always choose to give him a little more time. You should never feel obligated to, but if you can affort it and are OK with it, it's always a good business practice to be understanding and generous. Most clients, if they're respectful, will appreciate it, will understand that you're doing them a favour and won't expect it every time. This might be a way to make repeat customers out of the real gentlemen. Of course, you never have to do it if the guy is acting like a manipulative jerk. So if you're assertive, honest, clear and reasonable, you should do fine. BTW, I like the idea of jumping in the shower with the client to maximise his experience. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
05loner85 600 Report post Posted April 30, 2014 Being on the donation end I agree that time should whether upon passing the threshold or soon as the transaction is completed. I've been fortunate to have shower and not clocked for it, mind you I am a repeat client, but when she has to rush and cut our time short I don't mind. Al in all it is your call and decision, after all as stated earlier you're the boss. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites