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BEST PUBLIC SEX (Restaurant/Bar)

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I have had the priveledge of having sex in a number of public places...hotel sauna, train, south pacific island beach and country road to name a few.

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  AngelaofOttawa said:
I would advise against that area. I don't know about these days, but when I used to live in that area few years back, it was a popular place for SW to take their Johns. Might prove embarassing if the LE spots you there.


What about the "O" train. I hear no one takes it outside regular Carleton U. school hours anyways?


I disagree I have had two good romps on the picnic table in the last 5 years, near the river. I went just before it was going dark. I have lived in this area on Selkirk for 10 years and have only beem approched by one worker there.

Most of the workers are at Lacasse at Montreal Rd.

I have taken many dates there to feed the ducks and have had several makeout session(kissing) there.

And they have cleaned up the working girls here too much and are hard to find even at the Macs on MacArthur.

When I use to come home from work there would Always be one at Blake and Lacasse and I have not seen one there in almost a year.

People are calling the police on them and even chasing them off the street themselves here.

And the ones I see few and far between in the area look too young or to used up so I'll stick with the cerb dates and my real dates.

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This thread has certainly brought back some wonderful memories for me.


Back in the day, before I was married, there was this one girl that I dated that liked the excitement of almost getting caught. It's thanks to her that I'm not as naive as I may look (if you ever met me you would understand). I may look straight laced on the exterior (I have to maintain apperances in my field of work), but on the inside I have quite an adventourous and very open minded side.


To get back on topic though I remember us being in the handicap washroom at the Gloucester Centre with someone knocking on the door, having a police officer knocking on the window of the car while we were busy behind the Lee Valley tools, same scenario with Mr. Officer at the Conroy pit, in a car on the side of a busy road in broad daylight, just to name a few. At several restaurants there would be some foot playing in crotches or hands undoing zippers to better reach below the waist...


Those were the days.

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  Cowboy kenny said:


Baby for our next date I'll take you there we can share an order of spaghetti and myballs :)



A great outdoor spot back in the day was the lifeguard stations at Mooney's bay.


:motion: Sounds like a plan CK ..hehe

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Best public place...hmmm...beside the police station....during day time and in the car....untainted windows....thats exciting!:sm185:

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The universities in town have great 'accessible' washrooms. Usually this means a full lockable door. (Shaved head punk girl with body to die for... if you are out there.... thanks for the memories!) Knew a girl once who had a thing for graveyards... but I won't go there... ;-)

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  Chanel Reign said:
I was almost tempted to suggest the same thing A.M. :rolleyes:




You always were a voyeur....or do I mean exhibitionist? Or both?


If only that footbridge at Mooney's Bay could talk, eh?

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I read that so many of you write about the good old days. If you are around my age it was at the drive in theaters were all the action was. Lets make a petition to bring them back. LOL

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Britannia Drive-In, Airport Drive-In, and the one that was off Prince of Wales and Baseline, name escapes me right now. After the movies at Britannia we use hang out at Britannia Park, have sex on the swings, it was hard on the ass, when your girlfriend was sitting on you (cowgirl or reverse cowgirl) but what a great push and ride :):bddog:



I read that so many of you write about the good old days. If you are around my age it was at the drive in theaters were all the action was. Lets make a petition to bring them back. LOL

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Pistol, the drive in on baseline i believe was called the skyline, yes the drive-in's were perfect place for a little fun

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  jgolfer said:
Pistol, the drive in on baseline i believe was called the skyline, yes the drive-in's were perfect place for a little fun


Nope....Skyline was in the east end....the Auto-Sky was at Baseline and Fisher...I remember taking the bus from work (Merivale Road area) down Meadowlands and up Fisher and getting a brief glimpse of the movies when the bus drove by. If my memory serves correctly, they ran soft porno movies at the drive in in their last stages of life....

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