Highsexdrivebabe 11800 Report post Posted May 22, 2014 Hello gentlemen and ladies, I am just curious to find out what makes U decide to write a recommendation on a lady U spent a great time with? And if U R not and or never doing it would just like to find out, if U don't mind sharing, what is or R the reasons? And to gentlemen wanting to do it, do U ever suggest to the lady U will or want to post a reco on her services? I am, as some other ladies I am sure, never asking for a recommendation but it's always great to find one or be notified by a gentleman that U have another nice reco! And U lovely ladies here, why U don't U want the gentlemen to post a recommendation on U and your services for I know some ladies don't like or want that? Many thanks everyone! A curious to know Barbara! xxxxoooo 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
menuisier 450 Report post Posted May 22, 2014 I am fairly new, therefore haven't met many friends, but I did post a reco before and I always ask first if it's ok. I agree, it's always nice to read a beautiful review. On the other hand ppl should refrain from negative comments. If you have nothing nice to say, then dont say anything. Thanks 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Luckyme 41401 Report post Posted May 22, 2014 You may find the information and discussions in this thread entitled " The Truth about Recommendations" useful - http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=143695 As to your question of - what makes U decide to write a recommendation on a lady U spent a great time with? For me, the reasons are essentially - - to publicly thank and reward the lady for a great time - to help support the lady so she could do well and stay in the business ( as long as she likes, of course) When I feel like writing a reco. for a lady, I'll normally let her know my intention and ask her if she's fine with that. If she thinks she has enough recos. and do not need any more from me, I am fine with that too. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted May 22, 2014 To begin with, when I book an encounter, even with a lady I haven't met yet, in the back of my mind I'm thinking I'll be writing a recommendation of our encounter after the encounter...and why do I think that?.....who would book an encounter with someone he thought would not provide a recommendation worthy encounter. Guess I'm a glass is half full type of guy. Second, a recommendation doesn't provide intimate details, nor does it have to. But it means I had a good time in the lady's company and I believe another gentleman would too. But it is an opinion, and every encounter is both unique to that lady and gentleman and YMMV plays heavily into it. Even repeat encounters are unique, the third encounter with a lady isn't a clone of the first encounter. And each and every recommendation since the very first one I ever wrote was given to the lady to read, and give her yay or nay. Not that she writes it or tells me what to say but she may not want one posted. There have been times no recommendations have been written. With the exception of a lady not wanting a recommendation written, I am extremely disappointed when I can't (yes can't) write one...it means I had a terrible date. I'm not a hard client to please. Encounters are human interactions, not final exams, and involve give and take, not a rehearsed script, if that makes sense. And a lady who is a good companion, but we have no connection/chemistry, well that isn't anyone's fault. And if she does everything "right" if that's the way to put it, she gets a recommendation. When I am with a lady I just can't recommend, then the time together was for me just bad. And I think for other gentlemen they would have a bad encounter too. For me to look at an encounter that way actually takes a lot of work.But that said I'm glad for CERB, which allows us to focus on the good, recommendation worthy encounters, and not allow negative reviews. If negative reviews were allowed, there would be a few, well six I'd write...and I'd rather not. Finally a recommendation for me at least is first and foremost a public thank you to the lady for providing a wonderful encounter and escape. Then second, maybe, just maybe, it will help the lady get another gentleman which would help her business. And third, sort of the opposite side of the second reason, it will let gentlemen know of a great companion that they might want to see. But for those recommendations I have written, I enjoyed writing them, because it brings back an immediate flashback to a great encounter and the lady who made it possible. And a secret exposed, every now and then I look back at a recommendation I wrote, it brings back fond memories. But if after the encounter, I'm thinking my time with the lady had a intangible value far greater than the donation she asked, and I have a smile on my face over our time together, well that's why I write a recommendation. A rambling RG 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Highsexdrivebabe 11800 Report post Posted May 22, 2014 WOW Roaminguy I have been appreciating your two cents and rambling in lots of forums I visit but I surely LOVE this one! I am pretty sure lots of beautiful ladies who either have enjoyed your company and would love to will thank your post! Well I personally thank U for taking the time to do so!! And sorry if I haven't done the right thing here but I still don't know how to make it appear that I am responding and quoting U at the same time!!! Barbara xxxxooo To begin with, when I book an encounter, even with a lady I haven't met yet, in the back of my mind I'm thinking I'll be writing a recommendation of our encounter after the encounter...and why do I think that?.....who would book an encounter with someone he thought would not provide a recommendation worthy encounter. Guess I'm a glass is half full type of guy. Second, a recommendation doesn't provide intimate details, nor does it have to. But it means I had a good time in the lady's company and I believe another gentleman would too. But it is an opinion, and every encounter is both unique to that lady and gentleman and YMMV plays heavily into it. Even repeat encounters are unique, the third encounter with a lady isn't a clone of the first encounter. And each and every recommendation since the very first one I ever wrote was given to the lady to read, and give her yay or nay. Not that she writes it or tells me what to say but she may not want one posted. There have been times no recommendations have been written. With the exception of a lady not wanting a recommendation written, I am extremely disappointed when I can't (yes can't) write one...it means I had a terrible date. I'm not a hard client to please. Encounters are human interactions, not final exams, and involve give and take, not a rehearsed script, if that makes sense. And a lady who is a good companion, but we have no connection/chemistry, well that isn't anyone's fault. And if she does everything "right" if that's the way to put it, she gets a recommendation. When I am with a lady I just can't recommend, then the time together was for me just bad. And I think for other gentlemen they would have a bad encounter too. For me to look at an encounter that way actually takes a lot of work.But that said I'm glad for CERB, which allows us to focus on the good, recommendation worthy encounters, and not allow negative reviews. If negative reviews were allowed, there would be a few, well six I'd write...and I'd rather not. Finally a recommendation for me at least is first and foremost a public thank you to the lady for providing a wonderful encounter and escape. Then second, maybe, just maybe, it will help the lady get another gentleman which would help her business. And third, sort of the opposite side of the second reason, it will let gentlemen know of a great companion that they might want to see. But for those recommendations I have written, I enjoyed writing them, because it brings back an immediate flashback to a great encounter and the lady who made it possible. And a secret exposed, every now and then I look back at a recommendation I wrote, it brings back fond memories. But if after the encounter, I'm thinking my time with the lady had a intangible value far greater than the donation she asked, and I have a smile on my face over our time together, well that's why I write a recommendation. A rambling RG 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
emiafish 30979 Report post Posted May 22, 2014 I generally write recommendations for providers who have made a positive impression on me. This is my way of saying thank you and of letting others know when a great Service Provider is operating locally. I try to be selective on which enounters are recommendation worthy. If I haven't penned a recommendation it is either because the encounter was not that memorable or because life and other considerations have taken priority. I have written recommendations as late as 12 months after the encounter. In one case, I was seeing a special lady regularly for close to a year, frequently as often as weekly; when I realized that I had not offered up an endorcement of any kind! They say memory is one of the first things to go! My hope is that a well written recommendation will bring new business or renewed business to the lady in question. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
renegade 11027 Report post Posted May 22, 2014 I actually went back and re-read some of my reco,s before answering this and I was somewhat surprised at what I found. First I give them out rather sparingly less often then I thought, secondly they all had a couple of things in common, not in what I wrote but in the experience itself. Thirdly they were at very different times in my hobbying experiences and lastly for each that I,ve been with more than once, the experience has remained recommendable or was even better than when I first reco,d them. 1. the experience at the time I reco,d it was truly memorable ! 2. the ladies were all genuinely interested in getting to know me and were very intuitive in what I would enjoy and clear verbally in what they liked ! interestingly they all had exceptional senses of humor ! 3. As I Gained experience the truly exceptional encounters I have had became more memorable as I realized how rare they were. 4. Those that I have reco,d have all surprised me in one way or another and continue to do so to this day !! Lastly these are my experiences and mine alone, I share them regretfully at times because I,m selfish, but like a fine wine or great meal I owe it to them they deserve and have earned their accolades ! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrgreen760 37785 Report post Posted May 22, 2014 During my near 8 years here the number of recommendations I've written would be less than the fingers on one hand. Two maybe three. No real reason except I believe YMMV big time and because I'm not looking for services that others may be. So no real point from my perspective. Though I've chimed in with on some I've agreed with. Peace MG 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
loneskater 25635 Report post Posted May 22, 2014 Maybe the question should be reversed and say why u do not write a recco? Having been in this business for so many years I am now more incline to repeat often with a lady I like. If u write a recco every time, when you have seen a lady more than 10 times , exclusively, on a very regular basis it will appear as you are shilling since not many are that regular. At least not many talk about being that regular as they are usually not the type to brag. In addition a lady's reccos have significance if they are written by many, not just the same guy. Finally what is more important, having someone write a recco, move on to the next one on his to do list, and wirte a similar recco or having someone show his appreciation by being a regular? Its all about what u make of it! 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kmwq 5477 Report post Posted May 24, 2014 I write recons for several reasons. First is to contribute back to other users as I use other's recons to help me decide. Second, it's a nice way for me to re-live the session and third it's the only way I can share the experience because I can't share it in the 'normal' life. Sorry, it's not able helping the ladies for me. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cinelli 22184 Report post Posted May 25, 2014 I only write tecommendations for those who have genuinely impressed me. If I am recommending someone to the other potential clients here, I consider my own credibility on the hook. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest P**aq Report post Posted May 25, 2014 To me, a recommendation is a form of gratitude, a way to say thank you for not just the great time together, but also for the events leading up to it. Recently, I sent a private "recommendation" to her and her alone, it was just my way of thanking her for the intimacy, an intimacy that I felt did not belong in the public eye. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phaedrus 209522 Report post Posted May 26, 2014 FWIW, some related thoughts in this thread. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Highsexdrivebabe 11800 Report post Posted May 26, 2014 WOW Merci Phaedrus!!! I agree with some of what U say in that thread!! Have a great, sexy and very erotic night love!! Barbara xxxxooo FWIW, some related thoughts in this thread. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites