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Aren't independent girls a better choice?

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I was wondering... do agencies guarantee the service the ladies provide will be truly GFE if they advertise that the ladies booked with them are GFE? aren't independent girls a better choice to contact? Do agency girls receive enough incentives to really provide superior erotic services?

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GFE is a "Style" of service (Not specific acts and definitely not meaning a "superior erotic service"). GFE (Girl Friend Experience) means that the meeting will not be cold and to the point (Mechanical) it is a more intimate experience and does not imply or include any specific services.


Questions like this are really answered with common sense. Chemistry plays a big roll in a successful intimate experience. If the guy is a dick or the lady does not enjoy her job intimacy will most likely not be on the menu with anyone (Indie or agency).


Many Agency booked ladies have been recommended over the years. The agencies job is marketing the ladies, booking the ladies, answering calls, emails, scheduling, etc... The ladies often choose to work with agencies when (1) they are new to the business and (2) when they do not wish to do all this work themselves.


Without the agency the lady has to pay for her own expenses like phone bills, advertising, etc.. and has to make additional time for scheduling, answering emails, placing ads, etc... etc... (This takes up a LOT of time)... Often well worth the cost of having the agency do this work for you.


Don't assume that because the lady works with an agency she is not going to give you the same service. A reputable agency will not continue to book ladies that they get negative feedback as it damages the agencies reputation and in turn other ladies will not wish to work with them as the guys will not want to call them to book the same (or other) ladies in the future. It would just be bad business to keep the ladies who the customers complain about.


Don't be lazy when choosing a lady (Like cutting out 1/2 the ladies by saying agencies are not as good as indies) do your homework. Find recommendations that sound interesting to you. Look for things that you value that someone else has experienced and don't be afraid to book a lady through a agency if she comes highly recommended!


Keep this in mind... Good agencies have happy ladies and lots of business - bad agencies have unhappy ladies and unhappy clients (as they do things like bait and switch and demand the ladies work ridiculous hours - and often take too much $$ and not enough calls)


A highly recommended lady is not going to work for a bad agency for long but many do not wish to work for themselves so they will seek out good agencies to work with.


With well run agencies... the agency works FOR the lady (Not the other way around)

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I've had some outstanding meetings with agency sp's: to mention just a few, Roksi from GoE, Blair and Scarlett from Cupid's (redheads, by the way).

In Ottawa, Phoebee (who runs T2T) is always a pleasure to deal with.

In Australia, Six Star Models and Bedroom Eyes offer really exceptional service.

So you can't generalize on this.

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I was wondering... do agencies guarantee the service the ladies provide will be truly GFE if they advertise that the ladies booked with them are GFE? aren't independent girls a better choice to contact? Do agency girls receive enough incentives to really provide superior erotic services?


I agree with you that independent girls are better choice (my personal view) and not only from service point of view but for more reasons than one. Quality of service I receive is a factor but there are other important factors playing a role in my decision to do for indies only.


With indies I have the chance to speak to the lady directly and assess her mood at the time and her personality for myself and ask her directly for her choices and restrictions and make an informed decision rather than a hearsay by someone else who promises on her behalf which may or may not be delivered. They want you to call them back and become your regular so they do their best to leave you happy and satisfied. Since six months ago that I adopted indie-only policy, I have seen over a dozen indies I have not had a single disappointment (100% hit ratio). Whereas my hit to miss ratio with agencies was around 65% and 35% approx..


On another point equally important to me (may be more important) I don't wish to see a large portion of my donation (given as a gift for the girl's time, to the lady I spend time with) going to the agency. The girl doing all the work and the agency gets a large portion of that. That bothered me a lot over the 12 to 15 months that I was having agency girls. They (some) were clearly complaining about this after knowing me well and almost all the ladies I used to see have gone indy already or retired (In all these two years there was only one single case that an indie changed to an agency!!!!).


A couple of ladies whom I get to know well, they told me (after they quit agency) that on some nights they used to lose money because they had to pay for the hotel and they did not have any customer for the whole night and in fact they stayed in the hotel room waiting and bored while nobody knocked on the door and these two ladies (one became independent and the other became a nude dancer) were both from the agency who claims to be very busy with many calls!!!!!. To my total surprise, the agency who took as much as $70 off their hourly donations (more so for outcalls to include driver's fee) did not even pay for their hotel cost!!!!!!.


Again equally important, in the case of indies, I believe it is more likely the ladies themselves would decide as what their own choices and restrictions are. Or what days or how many hours they would like to work and whom to see (or not to see) and all these are very important to me.


I believe that the lady herself can do the advertisement (on cerb, Escorts Canada, or cl....) and book her own hotel with putting a bit of (but not a lot of) extra time but I do agree from security point of view, if the lady is doing outcalls and no friend to watch over her while she is visiting clients, then an agency may be a safer option. Ultimately of course it is the lady's choice only as what option she is more comfortable with, and is best suitable for her personal situation.


PS - This post expresses my personal views, statistics and choices.

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I find independents are better, and you get to talk to the actual SP,

Where as in an agency you dealing with a middle person.

If you are looking to repeat with the same girl I believe independents work harder (no pun intended ) than Agency girls. But there are also amazing girls in the agencies too. My Luck is better with the independents.

But my best lay was from an agency girl, but she didn't stay around long, and I find the idependents stay an SP longer in most ocassions.

Here on cerb across Canada you'll find some of the most amazing women in all price ranges.

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I was wondering... do agencies guarantee the service the ladies provide will be truly GFE if they advertise that the ladies booked with them are GFE? aren't independent girls a better choice to contact? Do agency girls receive enough incentives to really provide superior erotic services?


Agencies, don't really guarantee anything. the agencies market thier brand not the girl. so the girl is under pressure to perform services she may not be willing to do.


I was with an agency for about a year maybe alittle longer, and if I didn't feel comfortable performing a particular service with a client I would get in trouble for it, as I became indie in June 2009 I am more comfortable with my self and what I am willing to do plus I do not have someone telling me what I can and can not do when I am with a client.

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There's bad indy girls and good agency girls. My preference is to cut out the middle man though and deal directly with whom I would like to do business with.


Keep in mind that some indy girls are not as 'indy' as they appear. Everything may look indy, but somebody somewhere may be pulling the strings...

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Excellent discussion (and insight for this less discussed part of the industry).


I hope everyone who visits cerb reads this thread.


I find a lot of people just assume how an agency is run without actually trying to find out more info. The truth is they are all run slightly different from each other (It's not like they went to school or bought a book on how to run an agency in Canada 101).


Cat said it so well with "Many men who use agencies do not treat the SP as a person". I often feel this must be the case too when I read some of the negative reviews people post (I sure delete enough negative posts off cerb to agree with her that many men must feel this way).


It's not like ordering a pizza, the lady does not get made from a specific mold or is somehow trained on how to be a specific way with customers.


I guess when it's less personal it's easy for some people to forget that the ladies are people with emotions, quarks, mannerisms and everything else that makes you and me all different and everyone so unique. It is also the reason why not everyone gets along but it's all personal taste and preferences.


Please guys don't forget that.


Plus some guys seam to think that if they have a good experience with an agency all the ladies who work with that agency must be good and praise the agency (and not the ladies)... why??


Same is true with the opposite as well... get a bad experience from a date booked by the agency and it must be a poor agency?!? (How does this make any sense?). I could see if the agency forgot your booking, bait and switched you, had a 10 complaints already about this girl and are still booking her... that would be a bad agency (and a bad business person running the agency) but think how many guys call the agency and say "Hey, I think you should know that ...... " (Probably not too many so it could be weeks or months before the agency realizes they have someone who is causing them to loose some reputation).


Maybe agencies should ask when making the appointment if they can do a follow up call for some feedback (Wow, that would make a great agency in my books! I get somewhere some agency does this)... Money is also an issue with any business. If you have anyone working for your business who brings a profit to your company it's hard to let that person go (Especially in a business where you can't exactly post a help wanted ad on the human resources canada website).


Despite what some guys think agencies don't have line ups of women wanting to work for them!!


Please don't forget that the agency is just the middleman in the transaction and really have very little control... a properly run agency is just a Secretary/marketer (and the really good ones are all the stuff in between that Cat mentioned "counselor, confessional priest, fashion adviser, bookkeeper, trouble spotter, etc...").


Plus lets not forget that they are a level of security for the lady as well... if she does not check in after the date at least someone knows where she was last and can send someone to check on her (Driver Usually).


Threads like this help everyone stop assuming things.


We are all very lucky to have ladies like Cat and Riley (and many more providers) who contribute to threads like this and give us all a ladies view on topics such as this. (A look on the other side of things) and we would welcome some posts here from some agency owners.


Remember the agencies do adapt like all business's adapt over time. The cell phone changed the industry a HUGE amount and than the internet came along and again all the "old ways" of doing things are very obsolete


Both the cell phone and internet make it much easier for ladies to branch out and work as indies so I would agree that most agency ladies are probably fairly new to the business (with the exception of a few who just don't want to bother doing all the paperwork).


P.S. Can someone please bring Cat a new keyboard with a working "s" ;)

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This is possibly the best thread I've read since discovering CERB last summer. I think everyone should thank Cat and the MOD for the light they've shed on the mechanics behind how an agency works. Everyone should consider themselves better for it. For my part, lacking the experience of many of the other members, I have had very excellent experiences with SPs who are agency and independant and some questionable ones on both sides as well. One thing I always try to determine is if the SP is treated well and protected by her agency, if there is one.


But Cat brings up a point that makes my blood hot. Whenever I hear about "men" who treat SPs poorly, without provacation or reason, my patience definitely expires. It boggles my imagination how useless these guys are. It makes you wonder how they may treat other people in their lives, particularly an SO. I have always strived to make sure that I treat the ladies with respect and dignity, and if I have not then it is my failure of character. NO matter how the SP is percieved, they deserve to be treated well. I hope the ladies who grace CERB know how well they're regarded and appreciated and can forget the losers who forget it. Or didn't know it to begin with.

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I'm independent in two businesses (I won't mention the other one here for privacy, but those who have met me know) so I'm familiar with the agency/studio vs. independent aspects in more than just the sex industry.


I know for myself that I'm a lot more happy working for MYSELF, keeping all my money, setting my own rules, and running my own business. I also like that I can focus on the client only and his happiness instead of focusing on pleasing the client and the middleman.


I also understand there are women who just don't have the time/energy/drive to run a business and doing a little part-time escorting for an agency is the best situation for them and I respect that.


Just my thoughts :)

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Thanks all for the great detailed responses, and for sharing your personal experiences with us. The same as many of you, I think that indies are a better choice only if they're truly independent and they feel comfortable and secure providing the erotic service requested. Also SPs need to have the right attitude expected by clients in the adult entertainment industry, such as SPs should cater to the needs of their clientele (male/female/couple).


There are some websites (which I won't mention by name), but they promote themselves as erotic social networks which bring clients closer to independent SPs in an environment where both parties can build meaningful long-term relationships with one another.


I think that SPs that provide local erotic services benefit the most from such relationships with their clients. That is, by knowing clients' sexual fantasies, SPs can provide a better erotic service. Additionally, when SPs focus on quality and not quantity they minimize the risk of sexual deceases as well as the risk of potentially client physically hurting/abusing SPs.

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Guest *vbu***68

Very insightful thread! Comments are well thought out and useful. :smile:

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