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Quebec passes 'dying with dignity' bill

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Don't know much about how they have their law structured but i like the idea that people should have this rigjt.

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To get around the legality, I believe it's structured as a medical decision.


If the feds can get into our bedrooms, I think it's high time they dealt with it nationally. I believe there is broad support for legislation on the issue. There are a number of states that now have right to die legislation.

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I watched my dad in a coma for three days after he decided he didn't want anyomore treatment...yes they gave him pain killers but looking at him breathing difficulty when he was in a coma...we always wondered if he was suffering at some point...

We all agreed( brothers and sisters) that if we have had the power to end it faster we would have done it...

Thank you!

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From what I heard on the news, this will most likely be challenged all the way to supreme court. The federal government is waiting to see if it does get challenge before coming out with a national policy!

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I watched my dad in a coma for three days after he decided he didn't want anyomore treatment...yes they gave him pain killers but looking at him breathing difficulty when he was in a coma...we always wondered if he was suffering at some point...

We all agreed( brothers and sisters) that if we have had the power to end it faster we would have done it...

Thank you!


Your sharing of your father's story is a wonderful example of why this issue is so difficult. From my personal experience I think for many people they can't really appreciate this issue until they have been faced with the situation.... when you have you quickly understand the need.


It is so easy to talk about the the need to protect life and think there us always a chance until you watch someone you love suffer.....


I'm happy we are starting to move in this direction but understand how difficult the issue is.


Just my opinion

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It is so easy to talk about the the need to protect life and think there us always a chance until you watch someone you love suffer.....


Need I add more? Cheers.

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