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If in fact we disagree with the proposed legislation Bill 36, then it is incumbent upon us to do what we can to prevent its passage or to have it significantly amended. As many have mentioned, quite correctly, there is a long way to go before it becomes the law of the land. In the meantime as Charlotte indicated in her response in this thread, "Women Will Die," there ARE actions that we all can take. We must follow process and procedure.


This afternoon I sent the following email to Mr. Mulcair, leader of the NDP, Mr. Trudeau, leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, Mr Jean-Francois Fortin, interiim leader of the Bloc Quebecois, and to Ms. Elizabeth May, leader of the Green Party of Canada.


Mr. Mulcair,


I am writing with regard to the recently introduced proposed legislation, Bill C36.


I am very distressed over this legislation on a multitude of different levels. I am hoping that you and your party will do everything in your power to either defeat this legislation or at a minimum try to have it referred to the Supreme Court prior to its debate in Parliament.


My concerns are in many areas, however there are two that I shall mention primarily.


1. The Bedford decision overturned laws as being unconstitutional on the grounds that they cause potential harm and increase the threat to the safety of women engaged as sex workers. I believe that the INTENT of the unanimous decision was to protect sex workers by providing for safer conditions under which they can work.


If passed, the newly introduced legislation will in reality drive the industry further underground and I believe that it will increase the danger and threat to many women who work in this industry. This applies in particular, but not solely, to street workers.


2. The Supreme Court of Canada should be inviolate. At times they may make decisions with which we do not agree, however, their status and their decisions should be regarded with the utmost respect. THAT is a cornerstone of our constitution and way of government. With this legislation, the present government is ignoring the Court and blatantly refusing to accept the sanctity of its decisions. This legislation is not about the safety of sex workers, but rather it is about the present government putting itself above the highest authority in the land.


I trust that you will consider this issue very carefully and work not only to help stop violence against women, but also support the decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada.


With Respect,

My Real Name


I have yet to decide whether to write a similar but adapted letter to Mr. Harper. Truthfully, I feel it would not help a bit.


Over the past few years I have invested a great deal of money into seeing SP's and if I can do that then I can help to support sex worker organizations. I shall be making a monthly donation, probably to P.O.W.E.R., to help support them as they work against this legislation.


I REALLY do not want to wait years for the whole thing to work its way through the Supreme Court once again. Once it is proclaimed as law, that will be what will happen.


Do what you can do comfortably, but do it now.


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You are my hero! I too will send a letter, I plan to work on it this weekend.

I will sign with my real name.

I will relay my concern for safety for women to be able to properly communicate and advertise as a step to further protect us as humans, as women. The safety of my girls, who without me may be pressed into dangerous corners.

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I would suggest copies actually go out to the Justice critics of those parties. In fact the Quebec one has already brought up a poll done in January, asking why it hasn't been released before the one just done by the govt in March. Why is the govt delaying the results right up until the mandatory release date (which is they can hold onto something for 6 months max).

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Why is the govt delaying the results right up until the mandatory release date (which is they can hold onto something for 6 months max).


Likely because the actual results contravene their spin on them.

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Likely because the actual results contravene their spin on them.



I don't think she has any doubts about that. lol


Which is why i think she is a good one to start with.


Also, mps, etc, can be asked why existing laws can't be used for cases involving sex workers. Why are sex workers singled out for 'special' short bus laws, that are not created for any other type of citizen or worker?


Is it not already a crime for anyone under 18 to be involved in sex work? is it not already a crime for people to be forced, or coerced, or have all their $$ taken from them? And if these things continue to be criminalized, and the reason for any laws are to protect victims, vulnerable, coerced, underagers, etc, then in what way do any of the new proposed laws do anything in regards to those issues?

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I don't think she has any doubts about that. lol


Which is why i think she is a good one to start with.


Also, mps, etc, can be asked why existing laws can't be used for cases involving sex workers. Why are sex workers singled out for 'special' short bus laws, that are not created for any other type of citizen or worker?


Is it not already a crime for anyone under 18 to be involved in sex work? is it not already a crime for people to be forced, or coerced, or have all their $$ taken from them? And if these things continue to be criminalized, and the reason for any laws are to protect victims, vulnerable, coerced, underagers, etc, then in what way do any of the new proposed laws do anything in regards to those issues?


Obviously the whole thing's a sham... at least when the real results are released it will give the opposition some ammo. Maybe the general public will start to clue in as to how underhanded this government is. Furthermore, I feel that Redheaded Raven got it right when she said it's simply a case of the government trying to tell people what they can and can't do. Now, perhaps we can use this... that is, while society at large may not buy into the plight of our industry per se, I do believe that they will rail against the idea, as a principle - that the government is trying to impose antiquated views on citizens in a democratic country, thereby limiting our freedom of expression.

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Further to what I wrote at the beginning of this thread,I have already written to the four opposition parties.


I am in the process of writing an open letter that I would like to send to all 300+ MP's Does anyone know if there is a simple way to send that en masse rather than 300+ individual emails. I am also sending a copy on to a number of newspapers.


There are a number of points in the letter but a new one for me is reminding them that when it comes time for a vote in the House, each member has accountability for their own vote and will hopefully choose to vote right over wrong, rather than follow the puppet line that no doubt will be expected of them.


If you know an easy way to do this mass email then please let me know.




PS. Again, I urge you to do what you can and what you are comfortable with.

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Further to what I wrote at the beginning of this thread,I have already written to the four opposition parties.



I am in the process of writing an open letter that I would like to send to all 300+ MP's Does anyone know if there is a simple way to send that en masse rather than 300+ individual emails. I am also sending a copy on to a number of newspapers.


If you know an easy way to do this mass email then please let me know.

Do not do large mass emails. Chances are your current communication will end up in the spam folder, as well as future ones.


Pretty much everywhere I've worked and currently work, the VPN allows us to send up to 50 emails at once (without being shut down for a few hours) and our clients receive the emails in their inbox, not their spam folders.


Perhaps you could try sending between 30 and 50 bcc emails at once??


Good luck!

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Thank you! I had no idea about that! I have now copied the email addresses of all of the A - H members. LOL





Do not do large mass emails. Chances are your current communication will end up in the spam folder, as well as future ones.


Pretty much everywhere I've worked and currently work, the VPN allows us to send up to 50 emails at once (without being shut down for a few hours) and our clients receive the emails in their inbox, not their spam folders.


Perhaps you could try sending between 30 and 50 bcc emails at once??


Good luck!

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Do not do large mass emails. Chances are your current communication will end up in the spam folder, as well as future ones.


Pretty much everywhere I've worked and currently work, the VPN allows us to send up to 50 emails at once (without being shut down for a few hours) and our clients receive the emails in their inbox, not their spam folders.


Perhaps you could try sending between 30 and 50 bcc emails at once??


Good luck!


You don't do one bulk email you do an mail merge in Word that allows you to quickly create individual specific emails for each person.


Really easy to do.


Just my opinion.

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