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Why I like it when he sends a private photo...

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Guest Be***iful****lah

He asks if I would like to see a photo of his naked body, his hard cock, his smile, his pecs, his abs...his feet, his new shirt....doesn't matter. The question has been brought up.


Many women have different opinions and reactions to this particular scenario, and I thought I would share my own.


First of all, if the person in question has never spoken to me, interacted with me, shown any kind of interest in booking me, or any kind of interest in ME(as a person not just my titties)...the answer is...no thank you.


However, if there is an obvious connection, chemistry, interest etc...my answer will stray in the opposite direction.


Here are my reasons why:


1.) I'm curious. The voyeur in me is not only flattered that they would want to share that personal image of himself (or herself), but also...I am curious about those body parts. What do they look like? What is their skin color? What are their proportions? Etc etc. Pure damn curiosity.


2.) I'm honored. Let's face it...there is often (not always) a huge leap of faith as far as trusting me with that image they are about to send me. They are communicating that they trust me, and I value that. A LOT.


3.) How it makes them feel. Seriously. This is the most important part. Why do I think they would ask me? Why do I think they want to send me that photo. When I think about it; They are inspired, excited, feeling confident, feeling courageous, feeling adventurous, feeling like they want to share something with ME. Something extremely personal and sensitive. When I react by saying ''yes!''...now how do I think they feel? Accepted, special, desired, challenged, alive, thrilled? That is worth it for me.


But then they SEND it...now how are they are feeling?

Nervous, liberated, on a high, invincible, proud, naughty, vulnerable, invigorated....etc etc?


After a few moments of thinking how just one small single gesture can evoke so many positive emotions and sensations, I have concluded that my answer is ' Hell Yes baby'. Bring it on.

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You have such a way of expressing yourself and I really admire that! Thank you Delilah for sharing :) " tu as une si belle plume" (meaning you can express yourself in writting in a beautiful way)


I have accepted pictures too exactly the way you described it. Not from stranger no but some dont ask and just send..no comment...eye Rolling!


Bianca xxx

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Guest Be***iful****lah
You have such a way of expressing yourself and I really admire that! Thank you Delilah for sharing :) " tu as une si belle plume" (meaning you can express yourself in writting in a beautiful way)


I have accepted pictures too exactly the way you described it. Not from stranger no but some dont ask and just send..no comment...eye Rolling!


Bianca xxx


awww, Merci tu est si gentille!!! (That is me practicing my written French...I will stick to English)


I had to chuckle when you said ''eye rolling''....I must say I do appreciate that they take the time and consideration to ask first.

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If I send a picture to a lady that I've met,or have had a mutual respect for, I will always ask firstly.


It seals a bond of huge trust between each other, and that, I respect the most in this business and friendships.


It is not about me showing off certain body parts of mine, as I'm not that buffed young looking lad, nope I'm just that mature early fifties gent, showing my face or my body to her is telling her "hey I value your trust,honesty and friendship" so here is a picture for you.


I'm not feeling nervous,or invincible perhaps a little naughty, and yes I actually feel desired, happy,accepted, yes thrilled too when when she says "yes"


It is about respect and a hint of naughtiness that sets a tone for a date. I had to send a photo to a companion down state side for her screening process, last fall, ever since then we still exchange emails once and a while to say hello, it built a very trusting SP and gent friendship and to me that is very important.


I also like to believe that my photos are her property now, and she wouldn't share them, and that is a bond and trust that she must keep, so it has it's benefits for both involved.

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Good thread Delilah.


I like getting sent pictures because it gives me some insight to a clients hobby or lifestyle. They say a picture says a hundred words. And I'm not talking about penis pictures but for some reason I don't mind those, hehe. When I get a penis picture, I'm always a bit surprised, it puts a smile on my face and I start laughing (more giggling like a school girl because it's unexpected). Is that the modern day equivalent to being flashed? It's so exciting! If it's a penis picture from someone I don't know: it gets ignored, if it's from someone I know: I have some fun with it. Hey, it's there, why not, hehe?


As long as clients don't have expectations for me to send a picture back, I'm more than happy to get pictures, greetings, or anything that can help build a stronger connecting between my clients and I.

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Good thread Delilah.



As long as clients don't have expectations for me to send a picture back, I'm more than happy to get pictures, greetings, or anything that can help build a stronger connecting between my clients and I.


Lol.... there may not be an expectation that you send a picture back but I am pretty certain there is a strong hope you will. :). After all as Mr. McKay Has said we are all perverts. lol

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Lol.... there may not be an expectation that you send a picture back but I am pretty certain there is a strong hope you will. :). After all as Mr. McKay Has said we are all perverts. lol


Mr. McKay doesn't know what he's missing. Go on with your nasty selves, all you perverts, big smile. Hope is different than expecting.

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Mr. McKay doesn't know what he's missing. Go on with your nasty selves, all you perverts, big smile. Hope is different than expecting.


I don't plan on changing my ways...lol... i have been a pervert for the first 54 years of my life why change... it's fun and I'm good at it. lololol.


As for hopes and expectations being different...you are right.... most of the things I have expectations about tend to happen.... however if all my "hopes" came true I would be dead in a year from pures sexual exhaustion... lol.

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I agree with you guys.

From my experience, some gents like to spend me a pic when they contact me for the first time, and although it is not necessary, I appreciate the thought. I like to have an idea of who I'm going to meet and it's a good way to make both parties more comfortable. And like PistolPete said, it shows trust, honesty and friendship.


This said,


It can also be a great way to build up physical tension and spice up things....

If there's chemistry and once trust is established, I like to find ways to build up sexual tension before our encounter... So, when done properly, I'm open to things like sexting & receiving pics. Sometimes it makes me smile, sometimes it can be a turn on, especially if we are exchanging about our fantasies/turn ons at the same time. I guess I like to be adventurous and I'm always looking for ways to be naughty lol ;-).



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I'd often sent facial photo's prior to meeting so the women could practice not being disappointed when they opened the door and saw my mug for the first time :)




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Well I know I would have had a lot less encounters over the past four years if I scared...er shared my photo with a lady I wanted to see LOL

And thank you to all those ladies who after first glance of me, still came into my hotel room



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Guest R**3*9

This has never occurred to me.


I've grown to like the reaction I get the first time I come to someones door.


It seems the written image I project is quite different from the one that rings the bell. LOL. The last time I met someone for the first time I was quite excited to see the reaction on her face. I always seem to get a reaction of some sort. :icon_eek:


I try to be quite communicative before I meet someone for the first time. So I think, I paint a picture in the beautiful ladies minds of who I am. Not quite sure if I live up to it or disappoint, or perhaps it's a thank god you're not as bad as I thought? LOL


If it wasn't for the Cons and the damn hate on they have for us 'perverts' I think I might consider a photo, if it was welcome. Sounds kind of fun.

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