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Harper, dumb like a fox?

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Guest *Ste***cque**

I think this proposed bill on prostitution is a way for Harper to stick it to the SCC, continue his moralizing ways(for our greater good ;)) and play to his considerable base.


We may be kidding ourselves that most people want prostitution legalized or are concerned about this bill. We are well educated on this industry but to most people/voters it's, MEH. It is simply not on their radar as a burning issue. I'm not saying that they couldn't change their negative or neutral views but they need to be inclined to first have a thorough discussion on the matter. That is not taking place really, other than the "preaching to the choir" that's going on here and places like here. Let's be careful about assuming others, outside these boards, are feeling any sense of urgency on this issue. We voters tend to be quite complacent as long as our own needs are being met. Politicians have come to count on our complacency, trust me. This one is particularly wily in utilizing our apathy.


I do think this bill will pass more or less intact and we will have to wait out a constitutional challenge before the SCC to see this revoked. Until then should we take a wait and see attitude? Remember, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men(or women) to do nothing". Maybe one small step is to take our well crafted views to the masses whenever the opportunity presents itself? I'm sure many of you already do this.

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Yesterday, I had a call from 411 directory. They wanted to know if my ad needed updates. I asked he was aware of the new bill that may be our new laws. I continued to inform him, he was greatly concerned and irritated by the whole thing. Not for his job or anything, as 411 has many other business to advertise for. He said he would speak to his supervisor about this, and what they plan to do with the escort category. He also said that he will do his part in writing to different offices, voicing his concern too. Hope that he does! I was happy to see that someone outside of my business and this bored to be genuinely concerned. I know is just one person on a phone, but gives me a glimmer of hope that others will also become more and more aware of this disturbing bill.

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Remember, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men(or women) to do nothing"





First They Came .... poem by Martin Niemöller




"In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up."



-- by Martin Niemöller, prominent German anti-Nazi theologian and Lutheran pastor, best known as the author of the poem First they came....



Point being, regardless of whether the general public advocate for prostitution, perhaps they will become staunch advocates for our rights and freedoms governed and provided for by our Charter, which are slowly but surely being eroded by this government. Moreover, the push toward the loosening of privacy laws now underway will play right into the hands of the Conservatives, giving LE new and sweeping powers to spy on our activities online and elsewhere, which may ultimately be used against us.

Edited by drlove
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That is it exactly! I posted on Twitter last week that even if you want something done and do not want to see prostitution legalized (or even if you don't care) that you have to stand up against this bill because of the bigger picture. Today it's prostitution, tomorrow it might be guns, porn or basic privacy. It all starts somewhere and once started, it's a slippery slope and more difficult to stop.

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