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The Road to Hell.....

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The road to hell as they say is, "Paved with good intentions."


I have written a rather lengthy essay/letter with the intention of sending it to each of the 308 Members of Parliament. It contains some thoughts and suggestions about the recent newly introduced legislation.


So let's see. First of all I cannot find a spot where I can send in one click that same email to all of the members. Therefore I can foresee having to go to 308 separate MP webpages and then copy and paste each address into my email. As I wrote earlier today on another thread, I am looking for a compiled list where one copy and paste will do. If you have one, then please let me know!


Secondly, I thought that for this email it might be wise to send it under an anonymous email address. Unfortunately I really do believe in Tory vindictiveness. Off to gmail I go and figured, hey, John Smith would be a great name. :) Guess what? It is taken. So is John Smith 1 and 2 and 3 and all the way up to johnsmith 207010. Wow, there's a LOT of Johns out there!


Third my intention was to send it as well to the Globe and Mail and several other newspapers as an opinion/editorial/letter to the editor. None of them will accept a document anywhere close to my 1200 words. And I thought that I was being succinct and concise!


Fourth, I am a Luddite when it comes to social media - Facebook and Twitter. I haven't a clue! I may have to get with the times!


Finally, in all of the approach to this legislation after the Supreme Court ruling I was not really too concerned, thinking that reason and logic would prevail. I did send off a couple of letters and dutifully filled out the public survey. I was certainly not the voice of doom and gloom. Now however, I am certainly more gloomy, as I appear to see so many here that are resigned to let them do it and then the SC will overrule it. Ten years it took for Bedford.


I'm afraid that I'll be dead by then!


I read today that the bill has second reading on Wednesday which tells me that they have it on the fast track. In the for what its worth department, I guess I better figure out a new gmail name and start 308 copy and pastes.


Sure would like some wisdom on a better or easier way to do this. :) All suggestions welcome!

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The road to hell as they say is, "Paved with good intentions."


I have written a rather lengthy essay/letter with the intention of sending it to each of the 308 Members of Parliament. It contains some thoughts and suggestions about the recent newly introduced legislation.


So let's see. First of all I cannot find a spot where I can send in one click that same email to all of the members. Therefore I can foresee having to go to 308 separate MP webpages and then copy and paste each address into my email. As I wrote earlier today on another thread, I am looking for a compiled list where one copy and paste will do. If you have one, then please let me know!


Secondly, I thought that for this email it might be wise to send it under an anonymous email address. Unfortunately I really do believe in Tory vindictiveness. Off to gmail I go and figured, hey, John Smith would be a great name. :) Guess what? It is taken. So is John Smith 1 and 2 and 3 and all the way up to johnsmith 207010. Wow, there's a LOT of Johns out there!


Third my intention was to send it as well to the Globe and Mail and several other newspapers as an opinion/editorial/letter to the editor. None of them will accept a document anywhere close to my 1200 words. And I thought that I was being succinct and concise!


Fourth, I am a Luddite when it comes to social media - Facebook and Twitter. I haven't a clue! I may have to get with the times!


Finally, in all of the approach to this legislation after the Supreme Court ruling I was not really too concerned, thinking that reason and logic would prevail. I did send off a couple of letters and dutifully filled out the public survey. I was certainly not the voice of doom and gloom. Now however, I am certainly more gloomy, as I appear to see so many here that are resigned to let them do it and then the SC will overrule it. Ten years it took for Bedford.


I'm afraid that I'll be dead by then!


I read today that the bill has second reading on Wednesday which tells me that they have it on the fast track. In the for what its worth department, I guess I better figure out a new gmail name and start 308 copy and pastes.


Sure would like some wisdom on a better or easier way to do this. :) All suggestions welcome!


Try this link... bulk list is at bottom



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I'm writing a letter also, I better cut it back if 1200 words is considered 'long'! Thanks for the link, I had planned to send it to my MP but sending it to them all is better... here's a small sample:



... I like working out, spend hours at the gym, got interested in anatomy and the science behind fitness, so I studied it and left my admin position for a job in fitness and nutrition ... and that's very similar to my start in sex work ... I was involved in the swinging community, enjoyed it, had encounters with people, attended parties, and like it so much I did some investigating and educated myself ... realized I could very possibly make this hobby into a career too ... and started garnering an income from it. How, pray tell, is that a description of someone being forced into the sex trade?


I get that not everyone has a 'happy hooker' story. I get that not everyone in the biz wants to or should remain in it. I spoke at length with someone yesterday who's a great example of that. Those are where the focus should be, those who are feeling trapped by poverty, addiction and mental health issues. Let's get them help to get out.


I get that not everyone is as sexually liberated as some of us, nor do they want to be. I get there are people out there who turn off the lights before getting undressed, that close the bathroom door so their spouse doesn't hear or see them pee, that don't share bedrooms. I don't have a problem with that at all, that's their comfort level and nothing should be done to take someone out of their comfort level unwillingly. I would never suggest they change a thing. The problem is that they don't get me. They want to change me, they don't feel it's "right" or "morally just" .. so they think I should just be different.


What hurts the most is that people like that refuse to see my point of view, and when they do listen they pat my arm and "there, there, dear" me because they think there's something fundamentally wrong with me. There must be, because how would someone in their "right mind" possibly enjoy sex work. They refuse to acknowledge that I might be ok, even loving life. When someone tell you that you're just not possibly able to make good decisions for yourself because you're a sex worker, and, well.... sex workers just don't know any better, that's what really stings.

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