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MP's Email Addresses Part 1

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In case you need them , here they are. I did have to copy and paste them all from their individual webpages, but its available to share now. It was too large for one thread post so its in two parts.


Please note that I corrected three errors today, June 12. If you copied the list before this evening there were three web addresses rather than email addresses. This is now up to date, I think.



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Edited by mrrnice2
Error Corrections
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I wrote my letter, now I am trying to figure out if should us an alternate email and name or not?? What should I do? What are others doing? And wow that is going to be time consuming to send, by the time I get these all sent the bill will pass hahhaha....I suppose I can send multi at a time?

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I would think you could copy and paste all the email addresses in as a BCC. Not sure if that will get the email trapped in a spam filter or some such thing.

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I wrote my letter, now I am trying to figure out if should us an alternate email and name or not?? What should I do? What are others doing? And wow that is going to be time consuming to send, by the time I get these all sent the bill will pass hahhaha....I suppose I can send multi at a time?


If you use Microsoft Office it is quick and easy to do a mail merge that will create and send 100's of individualized emails.... much better than bulk mailings that are often ignored.


Just my opinion

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I was just speaking to my Mother, she was a great activist in her day! President of a union, fought to keep her sector open, etc...


She suggested that I start stuffing envelops! She said that is how it was done in her day, and maybe best to do it now. No stamp needed, no return address needed. Just a bit time consuming, but I will get friends over to help me. This way, you KNOW it will be read, and not end in spam or any other mysterious cyber space anomalies. I am thinking this is how I will do it. No IP to trace, no fake email to appear shady, etc...


what do you think?

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I was just speaking to my Mother, she was a great activist in her day! President of a union, fought to keep her sector open, etc...


She suggested that I start stuffing envelops! She said that is how it was done in her day, and maybe best to do it now. No stamp needed, no return address needed. Just a bit time consuming, but I will get friends over to help me. This way, you KNOW it will be read, and not end in spam or any other mysterious cyber space anomalies. I am thinking this is how I will do it. No IP to trace, no fake email to appear shady, etc...


what do you think?


I think that might be a very good idea. It's far too easy to send a lot of emails to a lot of people, and to do so from a lot of email addresses multiple times if you want to look like more people than you are.


But sending a physical letter... that takes more effort, and will land in a much smaller pile, and is therefore more likely to get noticed.

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I wrote my letter, now I am trying to figure out if should us an alternate email and name or not?? What should I do? What are others doing? And wow that is going to be time consuming to send, by the time I get these all sent the bill will pass hahhaha....I suppose I can send multi at a time?


I used my real name and real physical and email address. I wanted my MP to know I was serious and I figured they would pay more attention than if it were from [email protected].

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My best friend's mom works in our local MP's office.


So I'm giving you folks a heads up.


First: Some of you are posting letters here that you plan to send...I will tell you right now that the MP is not going to read them. First, they will be screened by the MP's staff. An MP plain and simple DOES NOT HAVE THE TIME to read every letter even if they want to. You can't imagine the demands on their time.


Second: Your letters are TOO LONG. Make it short and to the point. A few paragraphs tops.


Third: Don't take it personally, but there are people in really desperate situations who need their MP's help. What is important to us may seem trivial or ridiculously self indulgent to others. Everyone has their own priorities. I don't like my MP or his politics personally but I have to say he works extremely hard for his constituents. We have a lot of people and ex military who he works very hard for.

If he has to choose between some disabled Vet who is homeless because of a pension screwup versus some guy complaining about not having access to hookers on his interent...that MP will look after the vet and I don't blame him.

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Thanks Conelli for that heads up and I fully expect that you are correct. However, we can only do what we can do.

If I am going to be facing a criminal record and up to five years in prison for being what I think a very respectful man who spends time with very respectful women then it is my personal obligation to write and speak out.

So, I will speak and when I speak it will be twofold.

1. Sacrificing women for the sake of political agenda.

2. The criminalization of clients.

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By all means write your MP!


I don't want to discourage anyone, just make your letter clear and concise.

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Well as much as I hate to admit that I am wrong and someone else is right, Cinelli probably has a good point above.


I wrote to all 300+ M.P.'s.


-I received a total of 7 automated acknowledgements of receipt of my letter.

- I received 1 form letter from Kelly Block thanking me for my input on Bill C-36


I wrote to ALL opposition party leaders under my own name. I received not a single response.


I wrote as well to Elizabeth May under my own name and received nothing back.


I wrote to my own MP under my own name and received nothing back.


Good call Cinelli. :(


Did anyone get any response to anything?

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