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Alissa Heart.


Fails the google image test but it wouldn't be the first time I was proven wrong by finding an island sp on an amateurs website.


Anyone toftt yet?

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Guest R**do***in

Talked to her, everything seemed nice. Was getting ready to meet, and I kindyly asked to see a photo of her face to know who I would be meeting.


What followed next was a profanity filled text with the most obscene language and attitude change.


Apparently I did something wrong.

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Just wanted to let you know the reason the attitude change when asking for a face picture is because these pictures are stolen. They are my pictures from an amateur website I'm on (I'm new so I don't know if I'm allowed to post the link or not). I am not an escort and don't even live in Canada.

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Thanks for clearing it up Alysa. I've seen some of your pics, very sexy. It's unfortunate that someone has stolen them and is passing them off as her own.


Maybe the mods would prefer to move this to the bait and switch section seeing as how Miss Alissa Heart seems to be one.

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Guest R**do***in

I would of completely understood the situation if it had been explained to me. I didn't know who I was to meet, also it could of been explained in a professional manner. Instead of the nasty text


I respect all SPs and everything you do, but this type of response I got was uncalled for.


If this was such a no no then it should be clearly stated in all ads and should be something that is clearly stated at the beginning of the discussion.

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  Reddogtwin said:
I would of completely understood the situation if it had been explained to me. I didn't know who I was to meet, also it could of been explained in a professional manner. Instead of the nasty text


I respect all SPs and everything you do, but this type of response I got was uncalled for.


If this was such a no no then it should be clearly stated in all ads and should be something that is clearly stated at the beginning of the discussion.


If you received a text full of profanity as you said in previous post then yes it could have been dialed down and handled better, no doubt.


However in my opinion it should go without saying that NO ONE asks for a face pic. if it isn't offered or already posted on a profile, website, etc. I could see her being upset, maybe not to the point of using insults, but upset none the less. This business runs on discretion and if people (hobbyist or SP) don't want their face in the public domain well there is a good reason for that...it is their choice.

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Guest R**do***in

I fully understand that, if discretion is needed I completely understand.


Wouldn't it have been easy and professionally to simply decline the request, and give the reasons. Maybe explaining all her concerns.


I'm not trying to steal, I'm not trying to pry at someone's discretion

It's common customer interaction when in a business.


If that's the way you treat someone who asked the wrong question and you are that sensitive about talking or explaining it in a professional manner. Then be prepared to lose business


I asked one simple polite question, just like anyone of you might have done at a new business encounter, this one is specific to meeting a specific person that looks a specific way, they advertise their body and their look.


If I crossed the line, all I am saying is that it could of been dealt with differently

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Steve, I agree 100% with your take on this. Although, while it is not proper to ask for a face pic from an SP I do understand that curiosity sets in and we can't help but bring up the subject politely. Especially when starting to hobby, as I am, all of the subtle "unwritten" rules or mannerisms are not as obvious and unfortunately we have to find these out in a less than ideal manner. But just as in a typical business environment, there should be a mutual level of respect present between both parties. I understand what Red is saying in that it would have been more simple and likely better business practice for this SP to simply state that she is sorry and would like to maintain a level of discreetness and sending face pics is not something she takes part in. I see it as an honest mistake in this case to ask for face pics, but mistakes happen to all of us at some point in our travels. Look forward to seeing what others have to add on this subject.

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Alysa I am confused. You are not an sp and don't live in Canada. How is it that you were replying to a text if you are not an sp and I assume did not post the ad. Also two different spellings of the name.


Sorry to hear someone is doing this to you.

Edited by Me*********od (retired)

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The Alysa that came to cerb is not the sp, I believe she was making it known that this other person stole her pics. Alysa is the owner of the pics, Alyssa is the sp using this pics that Alysa owns.

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  taylorforfun said:
The Alysa that came to cerb is not the sp, I believe she was making it known that this other person stole her pics. Alysa is the owner of the pics, Alyssa is the sp using this pics that Alysa owns.


Yes, that's right. I'm just an amateur model and a webcam model. This "Alissa Heart" stole my pictures from my modeling page.

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