brando72 100 Report post Posted August 9, 2007 Saw Taylor with Pk this afternoon. I wanted to see Kaitlyn again but she only works evenings so PK promised me a good time with Taylor. Wow were they ever right. Taylor, who is very exotic looking, gave me a great hour of gfe, starting with a big hug at the door when i walked in. She provided dfk, bbbj,daty,69. She has a great ass so doggystyle was amazing!!! She is fun to be with, great attitude, very friendly. Pics are exactly the way she looks. I would definitely see her again although i really like to sample PK's full menu of ladies, they are all so fantastic. I will book with taylor again!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Pete_M Report post Posted August 9, 2007 I tried one of their girl before and i was not disappointed, she was a very nice girl. Her name was Alicia. Fantastic breast! I find young women so fun and energic. Any pictures of Taylor?? Please!! Thanks PK| Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Duke77 100 Report post Posted August 22, 2007 Met with Taylor this week...was told by Jason that she was a knockout.LOL Looks 6/10, breasts A-cup, stretch marks galore. GFE a la carte in other words extra extra...BBBJ and cim $50, dfk $50. By the time I was done it was $190 for 20 minutes and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Very pleasant girl however but will not repeat. Obviously Jason your taste in woman is to be desired. I smell some shilling in the previous post. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
loneskater 25635 Report post Posted August 22, 2007 Maybe MOD is also starting to have some suspicious feelings with this thread along with some of us. As a matter of fact, MOD had to end a thread, yesterday, on another PK girl initiated, by the same member, that turned into a pissing contest. This one is headed in the same direction. Although in the previous thread one member sounded cheap still he contradicted the initial review with regards to rates charged for services, just like DUKE 77 is doing here. Seems strange that one member seems to get more then others for the basic SP price when Jessica admitted herself that tips may have a lot to do with the quality of the GFE services. I agree with MOD in the fact that this board is to provide positive reviews and recommendations for SPs and not to attack each other. However lets hope that all reviews are honest ones. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrniceguy 110 Report post Posted August 22, 2007 I don't remember Jessica admitting that tips have anything to do with the quality of GFE services... What I do believe is that everyone's experience with a lady will be different, and a big part of that will be the immediate chemistry between SP and "hobbiest". These ladies are not robots, they are human and form impressions of people, just like we all do when meeting someone. It's not surprising that some people may have a fantastic experience and others will have a so-so time. It's just human nature. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
loneskater 25635 Report post Posted August 23, 2007 mrniceguy just to refresh your memory go read the thread titled New Girl with PK Brandy. In it Brando 72 mentions he did not pay extra for full GFE service, however Jessica mentions that Brando 72 is a great tipper. I did based my comment on facts that were written in previous threads and raise concerns when facts seems to contradict each other. This doen't mean I have anything against PK. I have used their service before and was quite pleased and will not hesitate to call them again. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted August 23, 2007 See this is why the escort boards the allow negative reviews are really pointless, hell many of the positive reviews are just as pointless but at least no one is getting the slandered publicly. We all know that if a guy who is computer savvy has a bad date with an escort the first thing he will do is go on a discussion board and slam the girl. She could have been having a off day (and I agree it's no excuse, she should have just not taken any calls if that were the case) but let's face it... it happens. That is why the saying "YMMV - Your Millage may vary" is so common. So many factors make up the experience it's unfair to let one persons good or bad post be your deciding factor. Let's see... 1) Hygiene (We all know that plays a big roll) 2) Attitude 3) Chemistry 4) Level of comfort 5) Personality 6) Your needs 7) Her limitations 8) Price 9) Expectations and so on... so you are a fool to think your experience will be the same as the other guy's! You would think by now everyone online would come to this realization but that is not the case! What are the really important things? Some of you seam to be obsessed with getting the most you possibly can for the cheapest price, I have news for you... that will not get you the best service (I am not saying that occasionally this will not work - what I am saying is your going to be more disappointed then happy so you have no right to slam each girl you had a bad time with). Many of the things you guys ask the ladies to do are potential heath risks - some a much lower risk then others but still not 100% safe... but then you do not want to pay a premium price for a premium service? (BBBJ, DATY, DFK, DATO, Etc.. - that is not all the list is much longer and you would be a absolute fool if you did not know this). If the girl catches any std she not only has to deal with treating it but and decent girl would need to stop working until the problem is fixed (So they loose income) could be for a few days, a few weeks and in the worst case forever. Your not ordering a pizza people! Your ordering a human being! I would guess that many of the jaded girls that some of you slander are jaded because of all the assholes they deal with on a regular basis. Thankfully more of the nice guys exist (The who appreciate the women providing these services) then the assholes or we would have a lot less women providing these services to everyone but let's face it are you really going to listed to someone with just a hand full of reviews on a board like this???? If you see that the person making the post has less then 50 posts credited to them... chances are it could be a fake person (Could be a guy who is trying to slander a girl, could be a agency shilling, it could be an ex-boyfriend... all sorts) take the time to review the other posts this person has made and be sure to read the comments posted in response (See if the guy or girl is credible). If someone has 50 or most quality posts on here with positive replies... they are usually credible (Sure some slip buy and again YMMV with each person). Anyone who posts negative, posts that always seam to be contradicted, slander, etc... I just end up removing so they would never have more then 50 posts credited to them unless they have been sitting low making idle comments just to raise the post count to gain credibility. (Easy to verify this, just click on the persons name and choose "Find all posts by this user" and so your homework). BIG TIP: People with less then 50 posts with giving INCREDIBLE HARD TO BELIEVE TYPES OF REVIEWS are probably shilling (but if you agree with the person be sure to comment as it could be the real thing just proceed with caution). Same goes with the negative comments... less then 50 posts and take the comment as a "grain of salt" and if you agree or disagree it would be nice to have your comment here as well to either back up the person or point out the fowl play. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dreamer8 510 Report post Posted August 23, 2007 Mod you have a lot of great points you should make your tips/warning a sticky post. I personally assume the worst when it comes to users with Low/no previous posts, If they have registered in the last month etc. I also take everything here with a grain of salt and will not just assume if one person likes or dislikes an SP I will be the same. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Duke77 100 Report post Posted August 23, 2007 Hi Mod, thanks for the tip on how to detect shilling and how to take them with a grain of salt. Obviously Brando 72 is a big PK fan and not a fan of any other girls. Using your method I would of seen through the smoke screen on this one. I prefer EC girls, I know what I am getting before hand and my expectations then are met. I think that when we are told that the girl is HOT (knockout) and GFE, NOT, we will all tend to walk away desapointed. It is unfortunate that some members are using this forum in order to get a lot of FREE advertising...I guess I took one for the team on this one, but it is hard when you don't know whom is on your team and not. That beeing said thanks again for the tip. I am much wiser now. BTW I met Brandi several weeks ago when she worked for another agency (all of them 3rd year med students lol) my experience was the same as Qhebecer, nice boobs but don't touch...So I know the true story on this one also. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
brando72 100 Report post Posted August 24, 2007 Hi Mod,thanks for the tip on how to detect shilling and how to take them with a grain of salt. Obviously Brando 72 is a big PK fan and not a fan of any other girls. Using your method I would of seen through the smoke screen on this one. I prefer EC girls, I know what I am getting before hand and my expectations then are met. I think that when we are told that the girl is HOT (knockout) and GFE, NOT, we will all tend to walk away desapointed. It is unfortunate that some members are using this forum in order to get a lot of FREE advertising...I guess I took one for the team on this one, but it is hard when you don't know whom is on your team and not. That beeing said thanks again for the tip. I am much wiser now. BTW I met Brandi several weeks ago when she worked for another agency (all of them 3rd year med students lol) my experience was the same as Qhebecer, nice boobs but don't touch...So I know the true story on this one also. for your info i am a big pk fan...i like the way they work with the clients and i really like the service i get from most girls. This forum is about saying positive things not negatve things right?? Well to whom it may concern, i have seen some ladies with other agencies i was not too fond of...such as Mary from aphrodite in the ottawa sun. Nice girl, kissing...nothing. totally not what i was looking for....but instead i decide to write posts about experiences i have enjoyed. So if u think i am shilling....then that's fine but i will continue to write good things and use this forum for what it's for. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted August 24, 2007 I personally appreciate ALL comments and hate when the Admin/Mod removes posts. I'm a big boy and I can decide for myself who's telling the truth and who's full of crap, thank you very much. I can decide where to spend my money too, thank you very much. I just remove the slanderous comments, the flame wars and the childish crap that wastes all our time. We do not allow Negative reviews here so you can not compare us to other "Escort discussion boards" as nothing else to my knowledge has the same format and rules. We do not appeal to everyone (nor are we trying to) this site is geared towards a SP FRIENDLY discussion and not a place for people to rant about how they were mistreated, ripped off or done wrong (Many boards exist for this and we do not care to have any part of that here). If you still ran the forums I would not go tell you how to run them... it would be your website and your rules. I expect the same consideration here. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
capitalman 3861 Report post Posted August 25, 2007 Thanks Mod. You're right, it's your site not ours. Even I'm guilty of forgetting that. We are but guests here. :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
loneskater 25635 Report post Posted August 25, 2007 Hi MOD Outstanding I agree. I hope everyone, SP's or client, would be honest here. For SP's your personal health is obviously a big concern but you need to be honest with clients that is don't advertise as GFE and then not provide expected services. For clients well don't assume what services you will get, make sure you know exactly what you are paying for. By the way, it is obvious from all the threads that GFE has different meanings. So don't get stuck on "GFE" and find out more specific details. Some SP's have personal website and they are quite explicit in exactly what services they proivide. In the end what most of us would like to know from reviews is how friendly the SP was and what did she provide for what price. Let us make our mind if we feel it is too expensive or not. The TRUTH that is all. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
d*mm*y 887 Report post Posted August 25, 2007 I am an avid hobiest (at least once a week) and found out about this board from an SP, if the experience was not good I would have discarded her recommendation however I believed there was value here because after her service she had credibility with me. If you want to have the maximum input from the most people then you need to stop crying Shil every time someone new posts a posting. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CapitalGuy 94 Report post Posted August 26, 2007 I just remove the slanderous comments, the flame wars and the childish crap that wastes all our time. We do not allow Negative reviews here so you can not compare us to other "Escort discussion boards" as nothing else to my knowledge has the same format and rules. We do not appeal to everyone (nor are we trying to) this site is geared towards a SP FRIENDLY discussion and not a place for people to rant about how they were mistreated, ripped off or done wrong (Many boards exist for this and we do not care to have any part of that here). If you still ran the forums I would not go tell you how to run them... it would be your website and your rules. I expect the same consideration here. Mod, I fully accept your right to run this board as you please. No problems at all with that. But, I hope you realize that a policy of not allowing negative reviews results CERB.CA having a lack of credibility. It is perceived by many to be nothing more than an advertising forum, and more often than not an advertising forum with heavy ties to Pink Kitty. This may or may not be true, but the biased and one-sided policy of being "SP friendly" is by default a policy of being "customer unfriendly". The result, in my particular case, is that I won't spend money on PK, because I don't believe what I read about them here. But as I say, this is your board to do with as you please, and I am not trying to be obtruse or rude or troublesome. I'm simply saying that cerb would be a more useful tool to help us make our spending decisions, if we could read about the bad experiences guys have as well. Thanks. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
brando72 100 Report post Posted August 26, 2007 Mod, I fully accept your right to run this board as you please. No problems at all with that. But, I hope you realize that a policy of not allowing negative reviews results CERB.CA having a lack of credibility. It is perceived by many to be nothing more than an advertising forum, and more often than not an advertising forum with heavy ties to Pink Kitty. This may or may not be true, but the biased and one-sided policy of being "SP friendly" is by default a policy of being "customer unfriendly". The result, in my particular case, is that I won't spend money on PK, because I don't believe what I read about them here. But as I say, this is your board to do with as you please, and I am not trying to be obtruse or rude or troublesome. I'm simply saying that cerb would be a more useful tool to help us make our spending decisions, if we could read about the bad experiences guys have as well. Thanks. Well i will definitely spend money on PK and i think this forum is doing exactly what it's supposed to be doing....providing people with subjective and objective feedback about ottawa's agencies and sp's. On another note...has anyone seen ambermoon from EC. I would like to try her out but i can't find any reviews about her. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leyley 108 Report post Posted August 26, 2007 There are plenty of reviews on Ambermoon and most of them are favorable. Keep looking. I saw her a few months back and enjoyed every minute of my time with her. She's sweet and sexy. leyley Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted August 27, 2007 I hope you realize that a policy of not allowing negative reviews results CERB.CA having a lack of credibility. It is perceived by many to be nothing more than an advertising forum, and more often than not an advertising forum with heavy ties to Pink Kitty. First off, we don't want negative reviews (This is not going to change) so if you can't see the value of a board like this then you may want to cancel your membership here... if you continue to try to cause shit I will do it for you. We want a SP friendly board and certain things that you appear to not agree with must be done to build the board up to that standard. We encourage the ladies to post "ad like" threads in the schedules and announcements areas and move anything that appears to be an ad off the recommendations section (and ask them not to do it again). I will ask nice one more time... please stop complaining (It wastes everyone's time when you complain in public like this - especially mine as I need to take time to reply). If you contribute value to the board then your reputation will grow and others will see you becoming a valuable member to the site. Complaining and bashing escorts and agencies do not carry any credibility here and chances are your wasting your own time as I will most likely delete the posts. Finally ... PK doesn't even advertise with us. They have not spent a dime on this site or any other related site that we own. They like everyone else (Paid advertiser or not) are welcome to contribute here (and not worry about some idiot starting a flame war with them, slandering them or pushing them around (Like many of the other forums for escorts allow). We would love to have PK advertise on escorts-canada but at this time they have chosen not to. Now, please stop wasting my time and others with these comments, the board will continue to run this way with or without your approval so either enjoy what we are offering and contribute some value to the board or find another board that is more to your taste. This site will not appeal to everyone so we have no intention of trying to make everyone happy. We just want a community of people who share common interests (and who are sick of reading 50 negative comments for every 1 good one!). Give credit where credit is due and if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest stickyone Report post Posted August 28, 2007 I am an ex-hobbyist because i seriously got nothing exciting ever from an agency (especially PK since they had someone working for them on Bronson and Somerset) or a service provider. I just read posts on here now because its so dramatic when people write a bad recommendation and PK (or another service provider) fires back at them. Its like reading a fiction-novel without the tougher and more difficult english words. Look the way i look at it is that we are all nice people and looking for an adventure away from our daily boring grind. But there are lots of other good things we can do rather than giving our time and hard-earned money to someone that has complete disregard for us. The most important thing ,i guess, we are looking for when we see an escort if ofcourse sex but also we want to be in company of someone that will appreciate that we chose to see them when we could have been watching movies, working at our skills(I play piano, and do some acting), or just invite friends over. The bottom line is that if you have been had, then pick yourself up, keep some dignity that you have, and dont go back to the same place where they forced you out or have anything remind you of the same activity (I mean paying someone for an outlandish sexual experience instead of having regular sex with your gfe or wife). Its a fantasy and its better kept one and not played out in the real world. These twenty-year olds are fooling you and taking your money to buy their Louis Vuitton hand-bags. Just imagine when you get older, you are not going to say "I wish I had more sex with that girl from that agency" or i wish i had more sex with a service provider. No!. You would ask "I wish i had seen my kids grow up longer" or i wish i had travelled more and seen Eiffel tower or I had spent more time getting to know my friends. Its time for the service providers and the agency to get a lesson in good business practices. Take care all and in the name of freedom of speech, i wish the mod will allow me to keep my post and let me say what i needed to an audience who might be tired of throwing away money and most preciously, our time, and feeling like crap after. I have since turned to more recreational activities, (even video games help and they are much cheaper) with friends and just being in good company with others. It might help those of you who want to get out of this practice. there are also a number of therapists that can help you leave this activity. I dont know of any because i never needed one. Sticky Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
loneskater 25635 Report post Posted August 28, 2007 Of course you do not need a therapist because you sound liike you have appointed yourself as a therapist. Now what ever you want to do with your life is your own business and if you do not want to see SPs that is your choice. However you have quite some nerve to ask MOD not to remove your post claiming freedom of speech but on the other hand you decide that you know why we all see SPs and recommend we do other things. We all have our reasons for seeing SPs, maybe a majority of people is for the same reason but I am sure that for some the reason (s) might be different. I have nothing againts hearing other point of views but like all other members of this board, I am at least 18 years old and can decide what I want to do and do not need anyone speaking on my behalf. I also do hope MOD will leave your post on for a little while so others have a chance to read it and figure out therapist requirements. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PKjessica (PK is now PKJas 103 Report post Posted August 28, 2007's everyone doing today?!!! It's so nice out eh!!! On another note...I just wanted to thank those of you who use us on a regular basis for your business. I'd also like to thank cerb for allowing us the opportunity to review and discuss experiences, good and bad, here on the forum. Have a great day! jess Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest stickyone Report post Posted August 29, 2007 Hey lonskater i sent you a pm. PK and Jessica, I am not hating on the playa, just hating the game and people who play unfairly. And btw it was a nice day for me. Just came back from having coffee. And you? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
loneskater 25635 Report post Posted August 29, 2007 There are obviously lots of mixed revious about some of the SPs working for PK. Some good some bad depending on the girl and the day and maybe some members take offence when Jessica tries to give her point of view. But there has also been mixed reviews on some of the independant SPs, that advertise on EC or other sites, and some of them had to bring up their point of view to try and clarify things. In the end you can say that everyone is entitled to their opinions. What I am curious about, except for a warning for a Bait and Switch about an Asian agency, there seems to be almost no reviews about other Ottawa agencies and the SPs that work for them. There are 4 other agencies that advertise on the same site has PK does but no reviews. Does this mean there is absolutly nothing positive to say about those agencies and their SPs or noone on this board has taken a chance on any of them. If that is the case, PK should be quite happy as this would mean good or bad they are the only agency getting business in Ottawa from the members of this board. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sweetjohn 134 Report post Posted August 29, 2007 I saw Taylor tonight. She is everything i hoped she would be....very good looking, great body, and a personality to match. For me she was a GFE all the way! When i get back to Ottawa in a couple of weeks she's the girl i'll be seeing. Thanks Taylor, you are a real sweetheart, already looking forward to next time. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PKjessica (PK is now PKJas 103 Report post Posted August 29, 2007 I think what everyone has to understand about us is that we are, one of the busiest if not THE busiest agency in the Ottawa Area, because of the selection and the hours that we work. So of course with such high volume you will get the ODD bad review. If you could see it from our end we get feedback constantly, and the majority of the clientel are either not CERB members or don;t have time to post good or bad reviews. But I can assure you that the VAST majority of our clientel is very satisfied with our service. You know Megaman, I know that you have some kind of Gripe with us so really there isn't much I can really say. You have the right to your opinion but don't feel like you have to impose it on others. And I am sure the Mod doesn;t appreciate you telling Cerb members to post on 'other" boards. We have done alot in the last while to do some recruiting. We do our best to keep fresh faces coming in, and with that there is a "learning curve" with alot of newbies. The idea is to have new ladies in that are not Jaded by doing this for years and have good attitudes. Sometimes we get stars like Veronica, or Alicia, or Katlyn that come through our doors.. Sometimes we get people that are not really into it for the long haul. But you will notice we dont work with these people very long. All in all I think we are doing a pretty good job, and I think we work harder and longer than anyone else in the Ottawa area. We can always improve, and we do WELCOME positive critique. As for why you don't hear about other agencies often on this board, the only reason I can think of is that they don't take CERB as seriously as we do. I understand the importance of forums, and I do take the time to respond and keep open dialogue. It is the only way to keep your fingers on the pulse of the industry. Cheers!!! Jessica Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites