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Stop whining people....

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Guest R**3*9

For anyone who wants to send VIA mail, here is the link with the names,



also postage stamp free, address to:


Name of Member of Parliament

House of Commons

Ottawa, Ontario


K1A 0A6



I want to begin this letter with explaining why I have chosen old fashion regular mail rather then email. With the new Bill that has been presented, I do not feel safe or secure to give you my identity. I feel that is rather sad to be a Canadian and yet fear my government and law. Sadly, this Bill C-36 will produce many scared Canadians when needing help from local police and government offices.

Also, other than what I have written below, I also want to point out a fact that some MP's may miss. It is about advertising and the sites that we use for advertising. Without our sites, our Law Enforcement will have a very difficult time finding those people who are underage and forced into the trade. From most of the bust that I see, it all begins with an advertisement for such terrible scenarios. I would think it is wiser to keep advertising so that LE do have a way to reach and help these people to safety. However, us adults that choose to be there should have the rights and freedom of speech and expression.


I writing your office with great concern with the new C-36 bill that is being purposed. I am concerned for the safety of women/men in the industry, this bill is going to increase the risk level for women/men that are on the streets as well as anyone in the industry otherwise. With out the ability to communicate properly, we are putting ladies/men in the direct line of safety issues. Both Provider and client needs to know exactly what is being offered and what boundaries each provider has. With out communicating this, many may be raped, robbed, STD could rise and unwanted pregnancies may occur. At least with the old laws, women/men were not hidden so far into the shadows, and so when they required help, it was easy to find. But with this Bill, they will be so far removed that they will not be able to seek out help quickly.


For indoor workers, this means we can not clearly state what we offer. Like for myself, I only offer some services. How can I now make sure my client understands this? What if he wants more than I offer and gets agitated? Am I going to now be in a situation that I can not handle and too scared to call the cops? What about ladies and men that work in an agency? What if these providers do not know yet how to work safely? Perhaps they are trying to get their life together, or off the streets? What if agencies now close because we can not advertise? These providers will end up on the streets! Where otherwise those providers would have worked safely, discretely and with dignity but will be on the streets and be in the range of much more degrading situations, drug abuse to cope, and just become criminals.

I am not suggesting to allow great big " cat houses" to be opened up with flashing signs to welcome and entice you. I am talking about a couple of ladies or just one lady that is using her own space to work from. Indoors, where it is private, clean and not in the eye sight of those who do not agree with our choices. We need to be able to communicate and advertise properly to keep us safe in our homes.


Our clients are NOT PERVS, as Peter Mackay has suggested. They are family men, lonely men, disabled men, voting men, tax paying men, some are married couples wanting to have a bit more fun in their marriage. Some are soldiers needing relaxation after being in the field! Some are just not good with the ladies and need some love too!


Pervs are the ones who sell young girls, coheres and force them into this trade. We need to put our taxes towards these people who are breaking the laws that are already in place. Human trafficking, minors, pimping rings, exploitation is the where we need to enforce laws. Leave us ADULTS the right to decide what we feel is best for us. We are adults, consenting, clean and respectable members of our communities. Please stay out of my sex life and my bedroom.

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It's nice to see people standing up for what they belive in. That's what this country is all about. Having the right to voice our opionin and fight for what we belive in.

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