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FBI Seizes RedBook

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It seems many indie providers in the US will be scrambling - the FBI has seized MyRedbook.com and arrested the operators.


The timing of the seizure seems too coincidental, especially with the provisions written into C36.... which begs the question: Were the two Departments of Justice in the US and in Canada in collusion regarding the framing of the current bill?

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Guest S*rca****sid

If there was any collusion between the two governments, wouldn't we have the same laws as the U.S.? I think it's a bit far reaching.

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The Fat Bastard Lodge's .... FBI in uniform .....




Also attempted to seize Redbook.com..... AND ended up with this and the Kardashians' baby plans ???



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It's unlikely there is any connection (I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories mostly because i i beieve govts are too inept).


In fact, if you remember the Cdn LE operation in January, this month in the US the FBI did nationwide stings against sps (it is uncertain if any clients or as they like to say pimps and/or underagers were actually being sought, although that was the premise they tried to present.)


Something like this would take a lot of investigation, and it seemed more linked to drug income, altho they seem to be trying to connect the fact it had sp ads to illicit income in the news, the charges listed didn't seem to reflect that. from comments, i get the idea that the advertising was free, so i don't see how the article can suggest they profited off the ads (banners i suppose would be paid) or the fact that they provided the advertising for the benefit of sps and clients?


redbook really affects California, they'll have to move over to the equally free posting on naughty reviews site.



It's like this story says 'local prostitution ring', but the article itself doesn't make any connection at all regarding the sps arrested, in other words where is the 'ring'.? http://www.post-gazette.com/breaking/2014/06/22/Local-prostitution-ring-busted-in-national-FBI-crackdown-on-human-trafficking-Operation-Cross-Country/stories/201406220177


add the complaint that there are 'countless young girls' and the FBI didn't manage to find any girl at all, with the youngest at 23.


Now this story talks about how many rescued kids they were,http://time.com/2915635/fbi-child-sex-trafficking/ and the title suggests they are only looking for children. And also the number of convictions. But when you put together the first story with this story, which are part of the same operation, you have to ask why they are trying to imply that all the arrests are pimps, when in Pittsburgh 8 of the 9 arrested were sps. Doesn't that lead to the conclusion that of the 281 socalled arrests, the vast majority of the 281 will be sps not pimps? Since they seem so incapable of finding anyone underage are we now to believe they could find someone's pimp too?


This one has a list of where they went, and the number of 'saveds' and arrests




What's interesting on the FBI site? It doesn't mention how many sps they arrested in Pittsburgh, plus the story in the Pittsburgh paper doesn't mention one thing about pimps being arrested. Unless they consider the driver who was picked up as a pimp, and even if that is the case, that was only one. FBI article says 3. So where'd they get that number from?


Here's a story for Atlanta. With the pics. As you can see, only the sps are in handcuffs.




(i like how the FBI's 168 becomes 'almost' 200 in this story) They arrested 80, and offered 1/3 of those 'help'. i don't know about you, but if accepting help gets you out of charges, you will accept. another story that doesn't mention that anyone young was found, but the FBI list shows 11.

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As a point of law a group of three people conspiring together qualifies as organised crime. These investigations would fall under the RICO statutes, which are FBI jurisdiction.

For example of the girl and her driver, if there is a third person answering their phone, that is technically organised crime. Subject to very severe prison terms.

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