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Petition: Produce New Legislation legalizing prostitution

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Justice Minister Peter MacKay: Produce new legislation legalizing prostitution and related activities.




Sex work is and always will be a part of life. Follow the Supreme Court's ruling, and recognize that our current laws regarding prostitution and related offences violatiolates the constitutional guarantee to life, liberty and security of the person.


There is a big difference between protecting children against trafficking and child pornography, and protecting adults from being forced into sex work, and the very real industry of voluntary sex workers. The majority of members of the sex industry are there of their own free will, and by legalizing the industry, we make it safer for all. It also encourages workers to report abuse (including physical and sexual assault) which they may be hesitant to do while it is illegal. Legalizing the industry also permits people to work in safe environments, such as well-run brothels, where their safety is more assured than when working in more anonymous situations.


There will always be prostitution, the question is whether we would rather shame and marginalize, or respect, protect, and tax it.


For more information on sex work, check out http://www.spoc.ca/


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An excellent movement tho I personally would change the wording to encourage decriminalization as opposed to legalizing...



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