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Daisy Back from Vacation 2day + Incredible LineUp.. Next Week 21-27th - Insanely Hot!

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Friday July 25th, 26th & 27th from 6PM & Going until Satuday 12AM!


CMJ Sensual Slumberfest Mansion Party!

Gourmet Dinner, Midnight BBQ, Pool, Jacuzzi,PJ Fun!

Sauna & Hot Tub Fun!

All CMJ Hostesses in Sexy Bikini's

We will be offering Brand New Experiences

Shuttle Service from Club to Site

Club Party day of the Event!

10AM - 7PM



This is going to be one Unforgettable Event!

NEW HOSTESS KaraLynn Sexy Lil' Brunette Spinner in her Early 20's, All Natural 32DD. Brand New to Massage! NEW PICS http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=9391

NEW HOSTESS Rini Smokin' hot Asian Beauty in her Early 20's, Experience in Exotic dancing but Brand New to Massage, Gorgeous Model Looks, Natural 32D! NEW PICS http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=9390

NEW HOSTESS Sophia This Hot Brunette has a Bangin' Bod & All The right Moves.. may be familiar to some of you, former dancer in her Early 20's! NEW PICS! http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=9342

NEW HOSTESS Lynzee Early 20's Petite Strawberry Blonde! 5'0 , 119lbs, 34B Girl Next Door with perfect blend of Naughty & Sass! NEW PICS http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=9341


Sat July 19th

Lynzee 10-4

Daisy 10-4

Sophia 11-7 *NEW*

Jewel 4-10

Daisy 4-10

Sun July 20th

Cassie 10-4

Lexie 10-4

Melodie 11-7

Rini 4-10 *NEW*

Lexie 4-10


Mon July 21st

Kelly 10-4

Holly 10-4

Daisy 10-4

Jewel 11-7

Courtney 11-7

Daisy 4-10

Lexie 4-10

Lynzee 4-10

Tues July 22nd

Kelly 10-4

Chelsea 10-4

Daisy 10-4

Gwen 10-4

KaraLynn 11-7

Melodie 11-7

Rini 4-10

Daisy 4-10

Sophia 4-10


Wed July 23rd

Veronica 10-4

Cassie 10-4

Holly 10-4

Lauren 11-7

Jewel 11-7

Gwen 4-10

Sophia 4-10

Lexie 4-10

Melodie 4-10

Thurs July 24

Holly 10-4

Rini 10-4

Adrianna 10-4

Lauren 11-7

Courtney 11-7

Lexie 4-10

Jewel 4-10

Lynzee 4-10


Fri July 25th

Mansion Pre- Party 10-7

Line Up Coming Soon!


Sat July 26th


Sun July 27th

Cassie 10-4

Zara 10-4

Sophia 11-7

Daisy 4-10

Lexie 4-10




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